Command-line tool for macOS for managing CometBlue, EUROprog, Cygonix and other compatible BLE thermostats. Implemented in Swift using CoreBluetooth framework. Code is compatible with iOS
git clone
cd cometblue
swift build -c release
cp .build/release/cometblue /usr/local/bin
for iOS (JB, ssh, ldid)
cd Sources/cometblue
scp cometblue root@your-jailbroken-iphone:/usr/bin/cometblue
cometblue discover <options>
cometblue [ get | set | backup | restore] <device_id> <options>
* discover Scan for compatible BLE devices to find out device_ids
* get Read value(s) from device
* set Write value(s) to device
* backup Backups device settings to specified file
* restore Restores device settings from specified file
* -t [timeout] Timeout for 'discover' command, default is 60s
* -s [threshold] Signal level threshold for 'discover', default = -80dB
* -p [pin] Pin to access the device, default = 0
* -k [key.path] Keypath of the value for reading or writing, default is root "."
* -f [human | json] Specifies human readable or json as output format for 'get' command, default is 'human'
* -o [path] Output file path for 'backup' command, default is ./backup.json
* -i [path] Input file path for 'restore' command, default is ./backup.json
$ cometblue discover -s -75
AABBCC-5555-AAAA-DDEECC signal:-60
CCBBAA-2222-AAAA-FFFFFFF signal:-65
$ cometblue get AABBCC-5555-AAAA-DDEECC -k temperatures.targetHi
$ cometblue get AABBCC-5555-AAAA-DDEECC -k temperatures -f json
{"offset" : 1, "manual" : 15, "targetLow" : 18, "targetHi" : 22.5, "current" : 18}
$ cometblue set AABBCC-5555-AAAA-DDEECC -k status.flags.childlock true
Set OK
Use ‘auto’ as device id to attemt connecting the nearest (highest signal) device Use ‘cometblue [device_id] get -f json’ to discover keypath structure Set for ‘deviceDate’ with zero arg sets the current date time Pin change is not supported Tool is able to backup/restore day/holiday whole schedules, but editing isn’t (yet?) supported
Command-line tool for macOS for managing CometBlue, EUROprog, Cygonix and other compatible BLE thermostats. Implemented in Swift using CoreBluetooth framework. Code is compatible with iOS
for iOS (JB, ssh, ldid)
Use ‘auto’ as device id to attemt connecting the nearest (highest signal) device
Use ‘cometblue [device_id] get -f json’ to discover keypath structure
Set for ‘deviceDate’ with zero arg sets the current date time
Pin change is not supported
Tool is able to backup/restore day/holiday whole schedules, but editing isn’t (yet?) supported
Credits used a reference to discover device APIs