inotify module for swift
Allows using the GNU inotify library in swift.
Add the following dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "3.0.0"))
Just like in C, only swifty
import Cinotify
import CSelect
import Glibc
// Create a file descriptor for inotify to use
var inotifyFileDescriptor = inotify_init()
// Set up inotify to use the file descriptor and watch for whatever inotify events you want
let watchedDescriptor = inotify_add_watch(inotifyFileDescriptor, "~/", UInt32(IN_ALL_EVENTS))
while true {
// Get the set of file descriptors
var fileDescriptorSet: fd_set = fd_set()
fd_setter(inotifyFileDescriptor, &fileDescriptorSet)
// We wait here until an inotify event is triggered
let fileDescriptor = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fileDescriptorSet, nil, nil, nil)
if fileDescriptor > 0 {
let bufferSize = 1024
guard let buffer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(malloc(bufferSize)) else {
print("Unable to allocate memory for the buffer to read inotify events")
// If we don't read inotify's buffer, then it doesn't get
// cleared and this triggers the print infinitely
let _ = read(self.inotifyFileDescriptor, buffer, bufferSize)
// Trigger the event on the delegate
print("An event was triggered!")
// Free the buffer when we're done to prevent memory leaks
// Close the inotify file descriptor so that it stops watching for events
// Set the inotify file descriptor to -1 to prevent accidental reuse
inotifyFileDescriptor = -1
use man inotify
or google to learn how to use inotify
inotify module for swift
Allows using the GNU inotify library in swift.
Add the following dependency to your Package.swift
Just like in C, only swifty
man inotify
or google to learn how to use inotify