Next you can import ChessKitEngine to use it in your Swift code:
``` swift
import ChessKitEngine
// …
## Features
* Initialize an engine and set response handler
``` swift
// create Stockfish engine
let engine = Engine(type: .stockfish)
// set response handler
engine.receiveResponse = { response in
// start listening for engine responses
Send UCI protocol commands
``` swift
// check that engine is running before sending commands
guard engine.isRunning else { return }
// stop any current engine processing
engine.send(command: .stop)
// set engine position to standard starting chess position
engine.send(command: .position(.startpos))
// start engine analysis with maximum depth of 15
engine.send(command: .go(depth: 15))
* Update engine position after a move is made
``` swift
// FEN after 1. e4
let newPosition = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3 0 1"
engine.send(command: .stop)
engine.send(command: .position(.fen(newPosition)))
engine.send(command: .go(depth: 15))
Receive engine’s analysis of current position
// receiveResponse is called whenever the engine publishes a response
engine.receiveResponse = { response in
switch response {
case let .info(info):
print(info.score) // engine evaluation score in centipawns
print(info.pv) // array of move strings representing best line
Terminate engine communication
// stop listening for engine responses
Enable engine response logging
``` swift
// log engine commands and responses to the console
engine.loggingEnabled = true
// Logging is off by default since engines can be very
// verbose while analyzing positions and returning evaluations.
## Supported Engines
The following engines are currently supported:
| | Engine | Version | License | Options Reference |
| :---: | --- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| <img src="" width="25" /> | [Stockfish]( | [15.1]( | [GPL v3]( | [🔗](
| <img src="" width="25" /> | [lc0]( | [0.29]( | [GPL v3]( | [🔗](
## Author
## License
`ChessKitEngine` is distributed under the [MIT License](
♟️🤖 ChessKitEngine
A Swift package for the following chess engines:
implements the Universal Chess Interface protocol for communication between chess engines and user interfaces built with Swift.For a related Swift package that manages chess logic, see chesskit-swift.
Add a package dependency to your Xcode project or Swift Package:
Next you can import
to use it in your Swift code: ``` swift import ChessKitEngine// …
// stop any current engine processing engine.send(command: .stop)
// set engine position to standard starting chess position engine.send(command: .position(.startpos))
// start engine analysis with maximum depth of 15 engine.send(command: .go(depth: 15))
Receive engine’s analysis of current position
Terminate engine communication
Enable engine response logging ``` swift // log engine commands and responses to the console engine.loggingEnabled = true
// Logging is off by default since engines can be very // verbose while analyzing positions and returning evaluations.