
Checkpoint verifies incoming Alexa requests as requested by Amazon - Amazon doc


  1. In Package.swift add
    .package(url: "https://github.com/vapor-community/checkpoint.git", from: "0.1.0")
    and add to dependencies
    dependencies: ["Vapor", ..., "Checkpoint"]
  2. You should only use this middleware on the route Amazon will be calling for your skill. To do this you can do something like this: ```swift import Checkpoint … let alexa = router.grouped(Checkpoint.self)

//Alexa.self would be your struct you use to decode the request send by Amazon to your service //You would need to most likely return a json following the specifications Amazon set alexa.post(Alexa.self, at: “alexa”) { req, alexa -> String in //do stuff with alexa and return the proper response return “Hi Alexa!” }

## Authors

* **Austin Astorga** - *Main developer* - [My Github](https://github.com/aaastorga)

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](//dnrops/checkpoint/tree/master/LICENSE.md) file for details

## Acknowledgments

* Vapor Discord (for helping me with all my issues <3)
* Shoutout to @vzsg for helping me with all the certificate stuff! Appreciate it.
142.0 KB