This is a Swift implementation of the cassowary1
simplex solver inspired by the C++ implementation, Kiwi2.
Cassowary supports linear equations and non-strict inequalities. Additionally,
a strength may be associated with each constraint in the system, constrolling
its importance to the overall solution to the system.
Defining Variables and Constraints
Variables are the values which the solver is trying to resolve. These
correspond to the Variable type in the implementation. The variables can be
used to create the expressions which form constraints of the system. These must
be added to an instance of the solver.
This creates a system with three variables (xl, xr,
xm) representings points on a line segment. xm is
constrained to the midpoint between xl and xr,
xl is constrained to be at least 10 to the left of xr, and
all variables must lie in the range [-10, 100]. All constraints must be
satisfied and are considered as required by the cassowary algorithm.
NOTE The same constraint in the same form cannot be added to the solver
multiply. Redundant constraints, as per cassowary, are supported. That is, the
following set of constraints can be added to the solver:
x == 10
x + y == 30
y == 20
Managing Constraint Strength
Cassowary supports constraints which are not required but are handled as
best-effort. Such a constraint is modelled as having a strength other than
required. The constraints are considered in order of the value of their
strengths. Three standard strengths are defined by default:
We can add a constraint to our previous example to place xm at 50 by
adding a new weak constraint:
The system described thus far has been static. In order to find solutions for
particular value of xm, Cassowary provides the concept of edit
variables which allows you to suggest values for the variable before evaluating
the system. These variables can have any strength other than required.
Continuing our example, we could make xm editable and suggest a value
of 60 for it.
This implementation solves the system each time a constraint is added or
removed, or when a new value is suggested for an edit variable. However, the
variable values are not updated automatically and you must request the solver to
update the values.
This is a Swift implementation of the cassowary1 simplex solver inspired by the C++ implementation, Kiwi2.
Cassowary supports linear equations and non-strict inequalities. Additionally, a strength may be associated with each constraint in the system, constrolling its importance to the overall solution to the system.
Defining Variables and Constraints
Variables are the values which the solver is trying to resolve. These correspond to the
type in the implementation. The variables can be used to create the expressions which form constraints of the system. These must be added to an instance of the solver.This creates a system with three variables (xl, xr, xm) representings points on a line segment. xm is constrained to the midpoint between xl and xr, xl is constrained to be at least 10 to the left of xr, and all variables must lie in the range [-10, 100]. All constraints must be satisfied and are considered as
by the cassowary algorithm.NOTE The same constraint in the same form cannot be added to the solver multiply. Redundant constraints, as per cassowary, are supported. That is, the following set of constraints can be added to the solver:
Managing Constraint Strength
Cassowary supports constraints which are not required but are handled as best-effort. Such a constraint is modelled as having a strength other than
. The constraints are considered in order of the value of their strengths. Three standard strengths are defined by default:strong
We can add a constraint to our previous example to place xm at 50 by adding a new
constraint:Edit Variables
The system described thus far has been static. In order to find solutions for particular value of xm, Cassowary provides the concept of edit variables which allows you to suggest values for the variable before evaluating the system. These variables can have any strength other than
.Continuing our example, we could make xm editable and suggest a value of
for it.Solving and Updating Variables
This implementation solves the system each time a constraint is added or removed, or when a new value is suggested for an edit variable. However, the variable values are not updated automatically and you must request the solver to update the values.
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