import Foundation
import BrilliantHTML5Parser
var data: [String: Any] = [
"title": "This is the title",
"welcome": "this is your first example!!",
"more": "and you can do a lot of stuff",
"buttonColor": "btn-blue btn-sm btn"
let URLINDEX = ""
if let url = URL(string: URLINDEX) {
var html = try String(contentsOf: url)
print("Input HTML:")
let parser = ParserHTML5(html: html)
while let item = parser.root.getNextTid() {
if let val = data[item["tid"]!] {
item.addNode(node: TextHTML(text: val as! String))
item["tid"] = nil
while let item = parser.root.getNextAid() {
if let val = data[item["aid"]!] {
item["class"] = val as! String
item["aid"] = nil
Second step: build the project
swift package generate-xcodeproj
Open the Xcode project, select the correct scheme and run!
Create an HTML5 from scratch
let parser = ParserHTML5()
let html = TagHTML(tagName: "html")
let head = TagHTML(tagName: "head")
let body = TagHTML(tagName: "body")
let div = TagHTML(tagName: "div")
div["dupl"] = "3"
html["lang"] = "en"
head.addNode(node: TagHTML(tagName: "title", content: "Welcome title!!"))
body.addNode(node: TagHTML(tagName: "h1", content: "Welcome!"))
body.addNode(node: div)
// Add nodes
html.addNode(node: head)
html.addNode(node: body)
parser.root.addNode(node: html)
// Now print result.
If you’d like to have a tabbed result, please feel free to request this feature in ISSUES.
Parsing an HTML5 and commenting a div
let parser = ParserHTML5(html: "somehtmlhere with a div with attribute dupl")
if let div = parser.root.getNextNodeWithAtt(att: "dupl") {
// first comment the div with att dupl=3
div.parentNode?.addNode(node: CommentHTML(comment: div.toHTML))
// Delete the node.
div.parentNode = nil
} else {
print("The HTML doesnt contains a div with an attribute named *dupl*")
What is this?
This package was designed to parse HTML 5 files for Brilliant Template. However, it can also be used independently.
Attention, this package uses IBM HTML Entities: This package will be replaced by the OWASP XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet.
First step: create a new directory with this files:
Second step: build the project
Open the Xcode project, select the correct scheme and run!
Create an HTML5 from scratch
You will get this (but you won’t see it tabbed)
If you’d like to have a tabbed result, please feel free to request this feature in ISSUES.
Parsing an HTML5 and commenting a div
More examples in testing unit: