You will need your Betfair cert in PEM format to run on linux. For mac you will need both pem and p12.
First you will need to get a session token:
let sessionParams = SessionFetchParams(username: "username",
password: "password",
appKey: "appkey",
certPath: "path/to/cert_file.pem",
certPassword: "cert_password")
SessionToken.fetch(params: sessionParams) {
sessionToken in
if let sessionToken = sessionToken {
connect(sessionToken: sessionToken)
} else {
print("no session token")
Once you have a token you can connect the stream. You will need to create a handler which sends the authentication Op. Once connected you can send a subscription.
Once the stream has connected you can send the subscription:
let marketFilter = MarketFilter(marketIds: nil,
bspMarket: nil,
bettingTypes: nil,
eventTypeIds: ["7", "1"],
turnInPlayEnabled: nil,
marketTypes: ["WIN"],
venues: nil,
countryCodes: ["GB"])
let marketDataFilter = MarketDataFilter(fields: ["EX_BEST_OFFERS",
ladderLevels: 3)
let marketSubscription = MarketSubscription(id: 1,
marketFilter: marketFilter,
marketDataFilter: marketDataFilter)
let op = Op.marketSubscription(marketSubscription)
ctx.writeAndFlush(wrapOutboundOut(op), promise: nil)
Create your own ChannelInboundHandler with InboundIn type as Op to receive Op‘s from stream
public class OpHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
public typealias InboundIn = Op
public typealias OutboundOut = Op
public func channelRead(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
let op = unwrapInboundIn(data)
let outOp = ....
ctx.writeAndFlush(wrapOutboundOut(op), promise: nil)
Swift wrapper for Betfair API-NG. Currently only market streaming is supported.
It is built on top of Swift NIO
This is untested in production. Using this as-is would be a bad idea. Memory consumption especially needs to be tested.
Only Swift 4 is supported.
Due to a change needed upstream in Kitura-Net you can only reference
in a Swift package manifest:Usage
You will need your Betfair cert in PEM format to run on linux. For mac you will need both pem and p12.
First you will need to get a session token:
Once you have a token you can connect the stream. You will need to create a handler which sends the authentication
. Once connected you can send a subscription.Once the stream has connected you can send the subscription:
Create your own
type asOp
to receiveOp
‘s from streamTodo