Awesome Smithy is a curated list of awesome build-tools, code-generators, examples, and other resources related to
the Smithy IDL.
If you want your component to appear here, send a pull request to this repository to add it (see the contribution
guidelines for more information).
The Smithy team cannot vouch for the stability or production-worthiness an item on this list unless it has the icon
next to it. This icon means the
component is an official project supported by the Smithy team.
Official Smithy team projects with the 🚧 icon next to them are still a work-in-progress and are not production-ready.
Simplify building applications with AWS SDKs - Discusses how Smithy and model-first API design are used at AWS, how the AWS SDKs model client-side primitives such as paginators in Smithy, and how the AWS SDKs are evolving to use a standardized architecture.
Generating Kotlin SDKs with Smithy - KotlinConf talk that provides an overview of Smithy and discusses how smithy-kotlin can be used to generate Kotlin SDKs
Awesome Smithy
Awesome Smithy is a curated list of awesome build-tools, code-generators, examples, and other resources related to the Smithy IDL.
If you want your component to appear here, send a pull request to this repository to add it (see the contribution guidelines for more information).
The Smithy team cannot vouch for the stability or production-worthiness an item on this list unless it has the icon
next to it. This icon means the
component is an official project supported by the Smithy team.
Official Smithy team projects with the 🚧 icon next to them are still a work-in-progress and are not production-ready.
Build tools
Code Generators
Client Code Generators
Server Code Generators
Learning resources
IDE Support
Model Converters
CICD Support
GitHub Actions
can be used to generate Kotlin SDKsBlog Posts
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.