Autofixtures is a utility library that helps to create models for your test suite.
With Autofixtures you dont need to write boilerplate code to create your models.
Why should I use it?
Spend less time writing boring code and more time writing code that matters.
How does it work?
Autofixtures is based on Decodable protocol, and the fact that Swift compiler automatically synthesizes initialisers. If your model conforms to Decodable it already supports Autofixtures.
During testing or development, we usually need to create mock models (fixtures) to pass them as arguments. The models tend to become very complex and cumbersome to create every time, so you may come up with a static method to create models. For example:
struct User {
let id: Int
let name: String
let email: String
struct Address {
let road: String
let building: String
let address: Address
This is much better than creating models inline every time, but it’s a lot of boilerplate code, that needs to be compiled and maintained every time we change our models.
With Autofixtures, all you need to do is conform your model to Decodable (if it doesn’t yet), and import Autofixtures
extension User: Decodable {}
let fixture = User.fix
To set a value
extension User: Decodable {}
let fixture = User.fix.set(\.address.road, "Abbey Road")
Customize fixtures
Conform your model to Autofixtures. Override protocol and provide a new default. Use .fixDecoded static var to avoid infinite recursion.
extension User: Override {
static var fixOverride = User.fixDecoded.set(\.address.road, "Abbey Road")
let fixture = User.fix
CaseIterable enums return the first case from .fix, but they need to conform to Override
enum Enum: String, Decodable, CaseIterable {
case one
case two
extension Enum: Override {}
Enums with associated values
Enums with associated values require to provide the override.
enum EnumWithValue: Decodable, Equatable, Override {
case value(Simple)
static let fixOverride: EnumWithValue = .value(.fix)
Optionals return nil by default.
/// Closure wrapper for decodable support
struct Closure<A,B>: Decodable {
var closure: (A) -> B
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
self.closure = { a in fatalError() }
/// Example of setting up default for closure
extension Closure: Override where A == Void, B == Int {
static var fixOverride: Closure<(), Int> = .fixDecoded
.set(\.closure, { return 9 })
You can add Autofixtures to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.
What is Autofixtures?
Autofixtures is a utility library that helps to create models for your test suite. With Autofixtures you dont need to write boilerplate code to create your models.
Why should I use it?
Spend less time writing boring code and more time writing code that matters.
How does it work?
Autofixtures is based on Decodable protocol, and the fact that Swift compiler automatically synthesizes initialisers. If your model conforms to Decodable it already supports Autofixtures.
During testing or development, we usually need to create mock models (fixtures) to pass them as arguments.
The models tend to become very complex and cumbersome to create every time, so you may come up with a static method to create models.
For example:
You can come up with something like this.
This is much better than creating models inline every time, but it’s a lot of boilerplate code, that needs to be compiled and maintained every time we change our models.
With Autofixtures, all you need to do is conform your model to Decodable (if it doesn’t yet), and import Autofixtures
To set a value
Customize fixtures
Conform your model to Autofixtures. Override protocol and provide a new default.
Use .fixDecoded static var to avoid infinite recursion.
CaseIterable enums return the first case from .fix, but they need to conform to Override
Enums with associated values
Enums with associated values require to provide the override.
Optionals return nil by default.
You can add Autofixtures to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.
If you want to use Autofixtures in a SwiftPM project, it’s as simple as adding it to a
clause in yourPackage.swift