The AutoAPI Swift SDK purpose is to help developers serialise AutoAPI data in Swift, so they wouldn’t have to worry about parsing and generating the bytes themselves.
The SDK is generated based on the AutoAPI spec.
Serialising: The library is designed to serialise AutoAPI data to and from Swift types.
Support for Updates: Updates to the AutoAPI spec (non-binary) will work with older versions of the library and the new types of data are accessible.
The library is distributed as a Swift Package, allowing it to be used with Xcode’s built-in SPM or directly in a Package.swift.
For using the package through Xcode, it can be added in File > Swift Packages > ... or going to project settings and selecting Swift Packages in the top-center. When targeting a Swift package, the Package.swift file must include .package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "[__version__]")), under dependencies.
AutoAPI Swift SDK requires Xcode 11.0 or later and is compatible with apps targeting iOS 10.0 or above.
Incorporates all the “abilities” of the previous sample apps along with more commands to send to the vehicle and takes a shot at a nice(r) UI.
We would love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. Before getting to work, please first discuss the changes that you wish to make with us via GitHub Issues, Spectrum or Slack.
The generator used to create this lib, based on the AutoAPI spec, will be open-sourced in the near future. Until then, changes to the Swift interface need to go through our private generator. If you’d like to make changes to the AutoAPI, please see here.
Releases are done by tagged commits (as required by SPM, please read more about it here and here).
AutoAPI Swift SDK
Table of contents
Serialising: The library is designed to serialise AutoAPI data to and from Swift types.
Support for Updates: Updates to the AutoAPI spec (non-binary) will work with older versions of the library and the new types of data are accessible.
The library is distributed as a Swift Package, allowing it to be used with Xcode’s built-in SPM or directly in a
.For using the package through Xcode, it can be added in
File > Swift Packages > ...
or going to project settings and selectingSwift Packages
in the top-center.When targeting a Swift package, the
file must include.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "[__version__]")),
under dependencies.Requirements
AutoAPI Swift SDK requires Xcode 11.0 or later and is compatible with apps targeting iOS 10.0 or above.
Getting started
Get started by reading the iOS AutoAPI guide in
Check out the spec for more details on the structure and logic, or some other libs generatated on that spec: Android, Elixir.
There are 3 sample apps available on to showcase usage of AutoAPI (and HMKit):
We would love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. Before getting to work, please first discuss the changes that you wish to make with us via GitHub Issues, Spectrum or Slack.
The generator used to create this lib, based on the AutoAPI spec, will be open-sourced in the near future. Until then, changes to the Swift interface need to go through our private generator. If you’d like to make changes to the AutoAPI, please see here.
Releases are done by tagged commits (as required by SPM, please read more about it here and here).
See more in
This repository is using MIT license. See more in LICENSE