Arachne is a lightweight, minimalistic, zero dependencies networking layer for apps using Swift Concurrency (async/await) or Combine (support to Combine will be discontinued) developed in Swift, that provides an opinionated abstraction layer to remove boilerplate code.
Arachne aims to backport async/await URLSession tasks to macOS 10.15, iOS 13, iPadOS 13, tvOS 13 and watchOS 7, while the availability of their native counterpart in the Foundation framework is iOS 15.0+, iPadOS 15.0+, macOS 12.0+, Mac Catalyst 15.0+, tvOS 15.0+, watchOS 8.0+.
This library’s design was inspired by Moya, but differently from Moya, Arachne uses only the standard Foundation framework (e.g. URLSession).
This makes Arachne suitable for recently created or migrated apps that make use of Apple’s frameworks, instead of third party ones, like Alamofire or RxSwift.
You start by defining your APIs like this
import Foundation
import Arachne
enum MyAPIService {
case info
case userProfile(username: String)
case postEndpoint(body: MyCodableObject, limit: Int)
extension MyAPIService: ArachneService {
var baseUrl: String {
switch self {
return ""
var path: String {
switch self {
case .info:
return "/info"
case .userProfile(let username):
return "/users/\(username)"
case .postEndpoint:
return "/postendpoint"
var queryStringItems: [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case .postEndpoint(_, let limit):
return [
URLQueryItem(name: "limit", value: "\(limit)")
return nil
var method: HttpMethod {
switch self {
case .postEndpoint:
return .post
return .get
var body: Data? {
switch self{
case .postEndpoint(let myCodableObject, _):
return try? JSONEncoder().encode(myCodableObject)
return nil
var headers: [String: String]? {
switch self {
case .postEndpoint:
return nil
return ["Accept": "application/json"]
Then you can use them like this
Declare your provider
let provider = ArachneProvider<MyAPIService>()
Get data from your endpoint
let (data, _) = try await
Let’s see it assembled in an extract of a SwiftUI app
import SwiftUI
import Arachne
import os
struct Info: Codable {
let name: String
class MyApiClient {
private let provider = ArachneProvider<MyAPIService>()
func loadInfo() async throws -> Info {
let (data, _) = try await
return try JSONDecoder().decode(Info.self, from: data)
class MyInteractor: ObservableObject {
private let apiClient = MyApiClient()
private let logger = Logger(subsystem: "Arachne", category: "MyInteractor")
@Published var info: Info?
func getInfo() async {
do { = try await apiClient.loadInfo()
} catch {
logger.error("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
struct MyView: View {
@ObservedObject var interactor: MyInteractor
var body: some View {
Text( ?? "")
.onAppear {
Task {
await interactor.getInfo()
Migrate from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0
A function using a Combine publisher, for example:
func getInfo() {
.sink { completion in
switch completion {
case .finished:
case .failure(let error):
// Handle error
} receiveValue: { info in = info
.store(in: &cancellables)
and then specify “Arachne” as a dependency of the Target in which you wish to use it.
Note: If you can choose, please use Swift Package Manager, support for Cocoapods may be discontinued in future versions of this library
Add the following entry to your Podfile:
pod 'Arachne'
Currently supported tasks are
Next step will be to add the remaining tasks 🚧
Contributions are welcome!
No special steps are required to get up and running developing this project, just clone and open in Xcode, the only requirement is for each PR to have proper unit tests and that all tests pass.
This project recently experienced a shift of goal, while the initial goal of this library was to provide Combine publishers for tasks that didn’t have one, the introduction of async/await in Swift suddenly made using Combine for network requests look cumbersome and this is why no new Combine tasks will be added.
Instead the new goal of this library is to backport async/await URLSession tasks to macOS 10.15, iOS 13, iPadOS 13, tvOS 13 and watchOS 7, while the availability of their native counterpart in the Foundation framework is iOS 15.0+, iPadOS 15.0+, macOS 12.0+, Mac Catalyst 15.0+, tvOS 15.0+, watchOS 8.0+.
Why Arachne
Thinking about networking my mind immediately went to the best “networkers” in nature: spiders.
Since I come from classical studies background I liked to use the Greek word for spider: Arachne (ᾰ̓ρᾰ́χνη). Arachne is also the name of the protagonist, a very talented weaver, of a tale in Greek mythology and I felt it was really appropriate.
Arachne is a lightweight, minimalistic, zero dependencies networking layer for apps using Swift Concurrency (async/await) or Combine (support to Combine will be discontinued) developed in Swift, that provides an opinionated abstraction layer to remove boilerplate code.
Arachne aims to backport async/await
tasks to macOS 10.15, iOS 13, iPadOS 13, tvOS 13 and watchOS 7, while the availability of their native counterpart in the Foundation framework is iOS 15.0+, iPadOS 15.0+, macOS 12.0+, Mac Catalyst 15.0+, tvOS 15.0+, watchOS 8.0+.This library’s design was inspired by Moya, but differently from Moya, Arachne uses only the standard Foundation framework (e.g.
).This makes Arachne suitable for recently created or migrated apps that make use of Apple’s frameworks, instead of third party ones, like Alamofire or RxSwift.
You start by defining your APIs like this
Then you can use them like this
Declare your provider
Get data from your endpoint
Let’s see it assembled in an extract of a SwiftUI app
Migrate from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0
A function using a Combine publisher, for example:
can be easily migrated like this
or if you cannot make your function async
Swift Package Manager
Using Xcode UI
Go to your Project Settings -> Swift Packages and add Arachne from there.
Not using Xcode UI
Add the following as a dependency to your
:and then specify “Arachne” as a dependency of the Target in which you wish to use it.
Note: If you can choose, please use Swift Package Manager, support for Cocoapods may be discontinued in future versions of this library
Add the following entry to your
Currently supported tasks are
Next step will be to add the remaining tasks 🚧
Contributions are welcome! No special steps are required to get up and running developing this project, just clone and open in Xcode, the only requirement is for each PR to have proper unit tests and that all tests pass.
This project is released under the MIT License.
Project status
This project recently experienced a shift of goal, while the initial goal of this library was to provide Combine publishers for tasks that didn’t have one, the introduction of async/await in Swift suddenly made using Combine for network requests look cumbersome and this is why no new Combine tasks will be added. Instead the new goal of this library is to backport async/await
tasks to macOS 10.15, iOS 13, iPadOS 13, tvOS 13 and watchOS 7, while the availability of their native counterpart in the Foundation framework is iOS 15.0+, iPadOS 15.0+, macOS 12.0+, Mac Catalyst 15.0+, tvOS 15.0+, watchOS 8.0+.Why Arachne
Thinking about networking my mind immediately went to the best “networkers” in nature: spiders.
Since I come from classical studies background I liked to use the Greek word for spider: Arachne (ᾰ̓ρᾰ́χνη). Arachne is also the name of the protagonist, a very talented weaver, of a tale in Greek mythology and I felt it was really appropriate.