AppIconSetGen is a command line tool that makes it easy to generate an App Icon set from a provided image asset (e.g. appIcon.pdf) for iOS, macOS, and watchOS platforms
Only a single vector source image is needed for the app icon
App Icon set generation can be added to project build phase.
All required app icon sizes are generated for a given platform
Using Make:
$ git clone
$ cd AppIconSetGen
$ make
Using the Swift Package Manager:
$ git clone
$ cd AppIconSetGen
$ swift build -c release
$ cp -f .build/release/AppIconSetGen /usr/local/bin/appiconsetgen
AppIconSetGen requires the following to be installed on your system:
Xcode 10.2 or later to provide Swift 5.0 tool chain
Swift 5.0 runtime (bundled with macOS 10.14.4 or if you use earlier version of macOS install Swift 5 runtime
AppIconSetGen is a command line tool appiconsetgen, you can either run it manually or in a custom build phase using following command:
What is AppIconSetGen?
AppIconSetGen is a command line tool that makes it easy to generate an App Icon set from a provided image asset (e.g. appIcon.pdf) for iOS, macOS, and watchOS platforms
Using Make:
Using the Swift Package Manager:
AppIconSetGen requires the following to be installed on your system:
AppIconSetGen is a command line tool
, you can either run it manually or in a custom build phase using following command:Command line options
input file
- Path to an image file (.pdf, .png, etc).--iOS
- Generates app icons for iOS--watchOS
- Generates app icons for watchOS--macOS
- Generates app icons for macOS--output
- Output folder for the generated App Icon set--appIconSetName
- App icon set nameLicense
AppIconSetGen is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
This tool is powered by