This software is currently in Beta testing. Therefore, it should only be used for testing purposes, like for the Sandbox environment. API signatures may change between releases and signature verification may receive security updates.
Swift Package Manager
Add the following dependency
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.1.0")),
import AppStoreServerLibrary
let issuerId = "99b16628-15e4-4668-972b-eeff55eeff55"
let keyId = "ABCDEFGHIJ"
let bundleId = "com.example"
let encodedKey = try! String(contentsOfFile: "/path/to/key/SubscriptionKey_ABCDEFGHIJ.p8")
let environment = Environment.sandbox
// try! used for example purposes only
let client = try! AppStoreServerAPIClient(signingKey: encodedKey, keyId: keyId, issuerId: issuerId, bundleId: bundleId, environment: environment)
let response = await client.requestTestNotification()
switch response {
case .success(let response):
case .failure(let errorCode, let apiError, let causedBy):
Verification Usage
import AppStoreServerLibrary
let bundleId = "com.example"
let appleRootCAs = loadRootCAs() // Specific implementation may vary
let enableOnlineChecks = true
let environment = Environment.sandbox
// try! used for example purposes only
let verifier = try! SignedDataVerifier(rootCertificates: appleRootCAs, bundleId: bundleId, appAppleId: nil, environment: environment, enableOnlineChecks: enableOnlineChecks)
let notificationPayload = "ey..."
let notificationResult = await verifier.verifyAndDecodeNotification(signedPayload: notificationPayload)
switch notificationResult {
case .valid(let decodedNotificaiton):
case .invalid(let error):
Receipt Usage
import AppStoreServerLibrary
let issuerId = "99b16628-15e4-4668-972b-eeff55eeff55"
let keyId = "ABCDEFGHIJ"
let bundleId = "com.example"
let encodedKey = try! String(contentsOfFile: "/path/to/key/SubscriptionKey_ABCDEFGHIJ.p8")
let environment = Environment.SANDBOX
// try! used for example purposes only
let client = try! AppStoreServerAPIClient(signingKey: encodedKey, keyId: keyId, issuerId: issuerId, bundleId: bundleId, environment: environment)
let appReceipt = "MI..."
let receiptUtil = ReceiptUtility()
let transactionIdOptional = receiptUtil.extractTransactionId(appReceipt: appReceipt)
if let transactionId = transactionIdOptional {
var transactionHistoryRequest = TransactionHistoryRequest()
transactionHistoryRequest.sort = TransactionHistoryRequest.Order.ascending
transactionHistoryRequest.revoked = false
transactionHistoryRequest.productTypes = [TransactionHistoryRequest.ProductType.autoRenewable]
var response: HistoryResponse?
var transactions: [String] = []
repeat {
let revisionToken = response?.revision
let apiResponse = await client.getTransactionHistory(originalTransactionId: transactionId, revision: revisionToken, transactionHistoryRequest: transactionHistoryRequest)
switch apiResponse {
case .success(let successfulResponse):
response = successfulResponse
case .failure:
// Handle Failure
if let signedTransactions = response?.signedTransactions {
transactions.append(contentsOf: signedTransactions)
} while (response?.hasMore ?? false)
Promotional Offer Signature Creation
import AppStoreServerLibrary
let keyId = "ABCDEFGHIJ"
let bundleId = "com.example"
let encodedKey = try! String(contentsOfFile: "/path/to/key/SubscriptionKey_ABCDEFGHIJ.p8")
let productId = "<product_id>"
let subscriptionOfferId = "<subscription_offer_id>"
let applicationUsername = "<application_username>"
// try! used for example purposes only
let signatureCreator = try! PromotionalOfferSignatureCreator(privateKey: encodedKey, keyId: keyId, bundleId: bundleId)
let nonce = UUID()
let timestamp = Int64(Date().timeIntervalSince1970) * 1000
let signature = signatureCreator.createSignature(productIdentifier: productIdentifier, subscriptionOfferID: subscriptionOfferID, applicationUsername: applicationUsername, nonce: nonce, timestamp: timestamp)
Only the latest major version of the library will receive updates, including security updates. Therefore, it is recommended to update to new major versions.
Apple App Store Server Swift Library
The Swift server library for the App Store Server API and App Store Server Notifications
Table of Contents
⚠️ Beta ⚠️
This software is currently in Beta testing. Therefore, it should only be used for testing purposes, like for the Sandbox environment. API signatures may change between releases and signature verification may receive security updates.
Swift Package Manager
WWDC Video
API Usage
Verification Usage
Receipt Usage
Promotional Offer Signature Creation
Only the latest major version of the library will receive updates, including security updates. Therefore, it is recommended to update to new major versions.