
Amatino Swift

Amatino is an accounting engine. It provides double entry accounting as a service. Amatino is served via a web API. Amatino Swift is a library for interacting with the Amatino API from within a Swift application, on macOS or iOS.

Under construction

The Amatino API pffers a full range of accounting services via HTTP requests. Amatino Swift is in an Alpha state, offering expressive, object-oriented Swift interfaces for almost all Amatino API services.

A few API features, such as Custom Units and Entity Permissions Graphs, are not yet available in Amatino Swift. While Amatino’s HTTP documentation is full and comprehensive, Amatino Swift documentation is still under construction.

To be notified when Amatino Swift enters a Beta state, with all capabilities and documentation available, sign up to the Amatino Development Newsletter.


You may install Amatino Swift in a variety of ways:


Add Amatino to your Cartfile:

github "amatino-code/amatino-swift"

For help, see the Carthage quick start guide.


Add Amatino to your Podfile:

pod 'Amatino', '>= 0.0.8'

For help, see the CocoaPods user guide.


You can clone this repository, compile Amatino, and drag the compiled .framework into your Xcode project. Or, pre-compiled .framework binaries are available on Amatino Swift’s Releases page.

Example Usage

To get started, you will need a Session. Creating a Session is analogous to ‘logging in’ to Amatino.

try Session.create(
  email: "clever@cookie.com",
  secret: "high entropy passphrase",
  callback: { (error, session) in
    // Session instances are the keys to unlocking
    // Amatino services throughout your application

All financial data are stored in Entities, ultra-generic objects that may represent a person, company, project, or any other being which you wish to describe with financial information.

try Entity.create(
  session: session,
  name: "Mega Corporation",
  callback: { (error, entity) in
    // We can now store information describing Mega
    // Corporation

Entities are structured with Accounts. For example, a bank account, a pile of physical cash, income from sale of accounting software, or travel expenses.

try Account.create(
  session: session,
  entity: entity,
  name: "Widget Sales",
  type: .revenue,
  description: "Revenue from sale of excellent widgets",
  globalUnit: usd,
  callback( { error, account} in 
      // Accounts can be nested, their denominations
      // mixed and matched

Once we have some Accounts, we can store records of economic activity! To do so, we use the Transaction class.

try Transaction.create(
  session: session,
  entity: entity,
  transactionTime: Date(),
  description: "Record some widget sales",
  globalUnit: usd,
  entries: [
      side: .debit,
      account: cash,
      amount: Decimal(7)
      side: .debit,
      account: customerDeposits,
      amount: Decimal(3)
      side: .credit,
      account: widgetSales,
      amount: Decimal(10)
  callback: { (error, transaction) in
    // Transactions can contain up to 100 constituent
    // entries, and be denominated in an arbitrary unit

Storing information is nice, but the real power comes from Amatino’s ability to organise and retrieve it. For example, we could retrieve a Ledger that lists all Transactions party to an Account.

try Ledger.retrieve(
  session: session,
  entity: entity,
  account: widgetSales,
  callback: { (error, ledger) in
    // You can also retrieve RecursiveLedgers, which
    // list all transactions in the target and all the
    // target's children 

Many more classes and methods are available. However, in this early Alpha state, they are not comprehensively documented. Follow @AmatinoAPI on Twitter or sign up to the Development Newsletter to be notified when full documentation is available.

Development Updates

To receive occasional updates on Amatino Swift development progress, including notification when the library enters a full-featured beta state, sign up to the Amatino Development Newsletter.

Get notified about new library versions by following @AmatinoAPI on Twitter.

Other languages

Amatino libraries are also available in Python and Javascript.

Get in contact

To quickly speak to a human about Amatino, email hugh@amatino.io or yell at him on Twitter (@hugh_jeremy).

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