If you are working in Swift then you should have a look at Eureka, a complete re-design of XLForm in Swift and with more features.
We are not implementing any new features for XLForm anymore. However, if a critical issue arises we will fix it.
XLForm is the most flexible and powerful iOS library to create dynamic table-view forms. The goal of the library is to get the same power of hand-made forms but spending 1/10 of the time.
XLForm provides a very powerful DSL (Domain Specific Language) used to create a form. It keeps track of this specification on runtime, updating the UI on the fly.
Let’s see the iOS Calendar Event Form created using XLForm
To create a form we should declare it through a XLFormDescriptor instance and assign it to a XLFormViewController instance. As we said XLForm works based on a DSL that hides complex and boilerplate stuff without losing the power and flexibility of hand-made forms.
To define a form we use 3 classes:
A form definition is a XLFormDescriptor instance that contains one or more sections (XLFormSectionDescriptor instances) and each section contains several rows (XLFormRowDescriptor instance). As you may have noticed the DSL structure is analog to the structure of a UITableView (Table –>> Sections – >> Rows). The resulting table-view form’s structure (sections and rows order) mirrors the definition’s structure.
Let’s see an example implementation of initializeForm to define the iOS Calendar Event Form
XLForm will load the table-view form from the previously explained definition. The most interesting part is that it will update the table-view form based on the form definition modifications.
That means that we are able to make changes on the table-view form adding or removing section definitions or row definitions to the form definition on runtime and you will never need to care again about NSIndexPath, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource or other complexities.
To see more complex form definitions take a look at the example application in the Examples folder of this repository. You can also run the examples on your own device if you wish. XLForm has no dependencies over other pods, anyway the examples project makes use of some cocoapods to show advanced XLForm features.
Using XLForm with Storyboards
Perform the steps from How to create a form
In Interface Builder (IB), drag-and-drop a UIViewController onto the Storyboard
Associate your custom form class to the UIViewController using the Identity Inspector
How to run XLForm examples
Clone the repository git@github.com:xmartlabs/XLForm.git. Optionally you can fork the repository and clone it from your own github account, this approach would be better in case you want to contribute.
Install example project cocoapod dependencies. From inside Objective-c or Swift example folder run pod install.
Open XLForm or SwiftExample workspace using XCode and run the project. Enjoy!
Input Rows
Input rows allows the user to enter text values. Basically they use UITextField or UITextView controls. The main differences among the input row types is the keyboardType, autocorrectionType and autocapitalizationType configuration.
Will be represented by a UITextField with UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo, UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone and UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapable.
This row type also set the secureTextEntry to YES in order to hide what the user types.
Normally we will have a collection of object to select (these objects should have a string to display them and a value in order to serialize them), XLForm has to be able to display these objects.
XLForm follows the following rules to display an object:
If the value of the XLFormRowDescriptor object is nil, XLForm uses the noValueDisplayText row property as display text.
If the XLFormRowDescriptor instance has a valueTransformer property value. XLForm uses the NSValueTransformer to convert the selected object to a NSString.
If the object is a NSString or NSNumber it uses the object description property.
If the object conforms to protocol XLFormOptionObject, XLForm gets the display value from formDisplayText method.
Otherwise it return nil. That means you should conforms the protocol :).
You may be interested in change the display text either by setting up noValueDisplayText or valueTransformer property or making the selector options objects to conform to XLFormOptionObject protocol.
XLForms supports 3 types of dates: Date, DateTime , Time and Countdown Timer and it’s able to present the UIDatePicker control in 2 different ways, inline and non-inline.
Set steps to @(0) to disable the steps functionality.
Sometimes our apps needs to show data that are not editable. XLForm provides us with XLFormRowDescriptorTypeInfo row type to display not editable info. An example of usage would be showing the app version in the settings part of an app.
Apart from data entry rows, not editable rows and selectors, XLForm has a button row XLFormRowDescriptorTypeButton that allows us to do any action when selected. It can be configured using a block (clousure), a selector, a segue identifier, segue class or specifing a view controller to be presented. ViewController specification could be done by setting up the view controller class, the view controller storyboard Id or a nib name. Nib name must match view controller class name.
Any XLFormSectionDescriptor object can be set up to support row insertion, deletion or reodering. It is possible to enable only one of these modes, a combination or all together.
A multivalued section is just a section that support either of these modes.
The most interesting part of multivalued XLFormSectionDescriptor is that it supports all the types of rows that were shown on the Rows section as well as custom rows.
How to set up a multivalued section
Creating a multivalued section is as simple as use one of the following convenience XLFormSectionDescriptor initializer:
sectionOptions is a bitwise enum parameter that should be used to choose the multivalued section type/s (insert, delete, reorder). Available options are XLFormSectionOptionCanInsert, XLFormSectionOptionCanDelete, XLFormSectionOptionCanReorder. XLFormSectionOptionNone is the value used by default.
sectionInsertMode can be used to select how the insertion mode will look like. XLform has 2 different insertion modes out of the box: XLFormSectionInsertModeLastRow and XLFormSectionInsertModeButton. XLFormSectionInsertModeLastRow is the default value.
Let’s see how to create a multivalued section
XLFormDescriptor * form;
XLFormSectionDescriptor * section;
XLFormRowDescriptor * row;
NSArray * nameList = @[@"family", @"male", @"female", @"client"];
form = [XLFormDescriptor formDescriptorWithTitle:@"Multivalued examples"];
// Enable Insertion, Deletion, Reordering
section = [XLFormSectionDescriptor formSectionWithTitle:@"MultiValued TextField"
sectionOptions:XLFormSectionOptionCanReorder | XLFormSectionOptionCanInsert | XLFormSectionOptionCanDelete];
section.multivaluedTag = @"textFieldRow";
[form addFormSection:section];
for (NSString * tag in nameList) {
// add a row to the section, each row will represent a name of the name list array.
row = [XLFormRowDescriptor formRowDescriptorWithTag:nil rowType:XLFormRowDescriptorTypeText title:nil];
[[row cellConfig] setObject:@"Add a new tag" forKey:@"textField.placeholder"];
row.value = [tag copy];
[section addFormRow:row];
// add an empty row to the section.
row = [XLFormRowDescriptor formRowDescriptorWithTag:nil rowType:XLFormRowDescriptorTypeText title:nil];
[[row cellConfig] setObject:@"Add a new tag" forKey:@"textField.placeholder"];
[section addFormRow:row];
Form Values
You can get all form values invoking -(NSDictionary *)formValues; either XLFormViewController instance or XLFormDescriptor instance.
The returned NSDictionary is created following this rules:
XLForm adds a value for each XLFormRowDescriptor that belongs to a XLFormSectionDescriptor doesn’t have a multivaluedTag value set up. The dictionary key is the value of XLFormRowDescriptortag property.
For each section that has a multivaluedTag value, XLForm adds a dictionary item with a NSArray as a value, each value of the array is the value of each row contained in the section, and the key is the multivaluedTag.
For instance, if we have a section with the multivaluedTag property equal to tags and the following values on the contained rows: ‘family’, ‘male’, ‘female’, ‘client’, the generated value will be tags: ['family', 'male', 'female', 'client']
In same cases the form value we need may differ from the value of XLFormRowDescriptor instance. This is usually the case of selectors row and when we need to send the form values to some endpoint, the selected value could be a core data object or any other object. In this cases XLForm need to know how to get the value and the description of the selected object.
When using -(NSDictionary *)httpParameters method, XLForm follows the following rules to get XLFormRowDescriptor value:
If the object is a NSString, NSNumber or NSDate, the value is the object itself.
If the object conforms to protocol XLFormOptionObject, XLForm gets the value from formValue method.
Otherwise it return nil.
multivaluedTag works in the same way as in formValues method.
How to create a Custom Row
To create a custom cell you need to create a UITableViewCell extending from XLFormBaseCell. XLFormBaseCell conforms to XLFormDescriptorCell protocol.
You may be interested in implement XLFormDescriptorCell methods to change the cell behaviour.
@protocol XLFormDescriptorCell <NSObject>
@property (nonatomic, weak) XLFormRowDescriptor * rowDescriptor;
// initialise all objects such as Arrays, UIControls etc...
// update cell when it about to be presented
// height of the cell
+(CGFloat)formDescriptorCellHeightForRowDescriptor:(XLFormRowDescriptor *)rowDescriptor;
// called to check if cell can became first responder
// called to ask cell to assign first responder to relevant UIView.
// called when cell is selected
-(void)formDescriptorCellDidSelectedWithFormController:(XLFormViewController *)controller;
// http parameter name used for network request
-(NSString *)formDescriptorHttpParameterName;
// is invoked when cell becomes firstResponder, could be used for change how the cell looks like when it's the forst responder.
// is invoked when cell resign firstResponder
Once a custom cell has been created you need to let XLForm know about this cell by adding the row definition to cellClassesForRowDescriptorTypes dictionary.
Doing that, XLForm will instantiate the proper cell class when kMyAppCustomCellType row type is used.
Custom Selectors - Selector Row with a custom selector view controller
Almost always the basic selector which allows the user to select one or multiple items from a pushed view controller is enough for our needs, but sometimes we need more flexibility to bring a better user experience to the user or do something not supported by default.
Let’s say your app user needs to select a map coordinate or it needs to select a value fetched from a server endpoint. How do we do that easily?
Define the previous selector row is as simple as …
row = [XLFormRowDescriptor formRowDescriptorWithTag:kSelectorMap rowType:XLFormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorPush title:@"Coordinate"];
// set up the selector controller class
row.action.viewControllerClass = [MapViewController class];
// or
//row.action.viewControllerStoryboardId = @"MapViewControllerStoryboardId";
// or
//row.action.viewControllerNibName = @"MapViewControllerNibName";
// Set up a NSValueTransformer to convert CLLocation to NSString, it's used to show the select value description (text).
row.valueTransformer = [CLLocationValueTrasformer class];
// Set up the default value
row.value = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:-33 longitude:-56];
action.viewControllerClass controller class should conform to XLFormRowDescriptorViewController protocol.
In the example above, MapViewController conforms to XLFormRowDescriptorViewController.
XLForm sets up rowDescriptor property using the XLFormRowDescriptor instance that belongs to the selector row.
The developer is responsible for update its views with the rowDescriptor value as well as set the selected value to rowDescriptor from within the custom selector view controller.
Note: the properties viewControllerClass, viewControllerNibName or viewControllerStoryboardId are mutually exclusive and are used by XLFormButtonCell and XLFormSelectorCell. If you create a custom cell then you are responsible for using them.
Dynamic Forms - How to change the form dynamically at runtime
Any change made on the XLFormDescriptor will be reflected on the XLFormViewController tableView. That means that when a section or a row is added or removed XLForm will animate the section or row accordingly.
We shouldn’t have to deal with NSIndexPaths or add, remove UITableViewCell anymore. NSIndexPath of a specific TableViewCell changes along the time and this makes very hard to keep track of the NSIndexPath of each UITableViewCell.
Each XLForm XLFormRowDescriptor row has a tag property that is set up in its constructor. XLFormDescriptor has, among other helpers, an specific one to get a XLFormRowDescriptor from a tag.
It’s much easier to manage XLFormRowDescriptors using tags, the tag should be unique and it doesn’t change on tableview additions modifications or deletions.
It’s important to keep in mind that all the UITableView form modifications have to be made using the descriptors and not making modifications directly on the UITableView.
Usually you may want to change the form when some value change or some row or section is added or removed. For this you can set the disabled and hidden properties of the rows or sections. For more details see Make a row or section invisible depending on other rows values.
In order to stay in sync with the form descriptor modifications your XLFormViewController subclass should override the XLFormDescriptorDelegate methods of ‘XLFormViewController’.
Note: It is important to always call the [super ...] method when overriding this delegate’s methods.
For instance if we want to show or hide a row depending on the value of another row:
-(void)formRowDescriptorValueHasChanged:(XLFormRowDescriptor *)rowDescriptor oldValue:(id)oldValue newValue:(id)newValue
// super implmentation MUST be called
[super formRowDescriptorValueHasChanged:rowDescriptor oldValue:oldValue newValue:newValue];
if ([rowDescriptor.tag isEqualToString:@"alert"]){
if ([[rowDescriptor.value valueData] isEqualToNumber:@(0)] == NO && [[oldValue valueData] isEqualToNumber:@(0)]){
XLFormRowDescriptor * newRow = [rowDescriptor copy];
[newRow setTag:@"secondAlert"];
newRow.title = @"Second Alert";
[self.form addFormRow:newRow afterRow:rowDescriptor];
else if ([[oldValue valueData] isEqualToNumber:@(0)] == NO && [[newValue valueData] isEqualToNumber:@(0)]){
[self.form removeFormRowWithTag:@"secondAlert"];
Make a row or section invisible depending on other rows values
XLForm allows you to define dependencies between rows so that if the value of one row is changed, the behaviour of another one changes automatically. For example, you might have a form where you question the user if he/she has pets. If the answer is ‘yes’ you might want to ask how their names are.
So you can make a row invisible and visible again based on the values of other rows. The same happens with sections.
Take a look at the following example:
Of course, you could also do this manually by observing the value of some rows and deleting and adding rows accordingly, but that would be a lot of work which is already done.
How it works
To make the appearance and disappearance of rows and sections automatic, there is a property in each descriptor:
@property id hidden;
This id object will normally be a NSPredicate or a NSNumber containing a BOOL. It can be set using any of them or eventually a NSString from which a NSPredicate will be created. In order for this to work the string has to be syntactically correct.
For example, you could set the following string to a row (second) to make it disappear when a previous row (first) contains the value “hide”.
This will insert the tag of the first after the ‘$’, you can do that manually as well, of course. When the predicate is evaluated every tag variable gets substituted by the corresponding row descriptor.
When the argument is a NSString, a ‘.value’ will be appended to every tag unless the tag is followed by ‘.isHidden’ or ‘.isDisabled’. This means that a row (or section) might depend on the value or the hidden or disabled properties of another row. When the property is set with a NSPredicate directly, its formatString will not be altered (so you have to append a ‘.value’ after each variable if you want to refer to its value). Setting a NSString is the simplest way but some complex predicates might not work so for those you should directly set a NSPredicate.
You can also set this properties with a bool object which means the value of the property will not change unless manually set.
To get the evaluated boolean value the isHidden method should be called. It will not re-evaluate the predicate each time it gets called but just when the value (or hidden/disabled status) of the rows it depends on changes. When this happens and the return value changes, it will automagically reflect that change on the form so that no other method must be called.
Here is another example, this time a bit more complex:
Disabling rows (set to read-only mode)
Rows can be disabled so that the user can not change them. By default disabled rows have a gray text color. To disable a row the only thing that has to be done is setting its disabled property:
@property id disabled;
This property expects a NSNumber containing a BOOL, a NSString or a NSPredicate. A bool will statically disable (or enable the row). The other two work just like the hidden property explained in the section above. This means a row can be disabled and enabled depending on the values of other rows. When a NSString is set, a NSPredicate will be generated taking the string as format string so that it has to be consistent for that purpose.
A difference to the hidden property is that checking the disabled status of a row does not automatically reflect that value on the form. Tharefore, the XLFormViewController’s updateFormRow method should be called.
We can validate the form data using XLForm validation support.
Each XLFormRowDescriptor instance contains a list of validators. We can add validators, remove validators and validate a particular row using these methods:
A very common validation is ensuring that a value is not empty or nil. XLFom exposes required XLFormRowDescriptor property to specify required rows.
To get all rows validation errors we can invoke the following XLFormViewController method:
-(NSArray *)formValidationErrors;
Additional configuration of Rows
XLFormRowDescriptor allow us to configure generic aspects of a UITableViewCell, for example: the rowType, the label, the value (default value), if the cell is required, hidden or disabled, and so on.
You may want to set up another properties of the UITableViewCell. To set up another properties XLForm makes use of Key-Value Coding allowing the developer to set the cell properties by keyPath.
You just have to add the properties to cellConfig or cellConfigAtConfigure dictionary property of XLFormRowDescriptor.
The main difference between cellConfig and cellConfigAtConfigure is the time when the property is set up. cellConfig properties are set up each time a cell is about to be displayed. cellConfigAtConfigure, on the other hand, set up the property just after the init method of the cell is called and only one time.
Since version 3.3.0 you can also use cellConfigForSelector to configure how the cells of the XLFormOptionsViewController look like when it is shown for a selector row.
For instance if you want to set up the placeholder you can do the following:
How to assign the first responder on form appearance
Assign the first responder when the form is shown is as simple as setting the property assignFirstResponderOnShow to YES. By default the value of the property is NO.
You should set the value property of XLFormRowDescriptor relevant instance.
@property (nonatomic) id value;
You may notice that the value property type is id and you are the responsable to set a value with the proper type. For instance, you should set a NSString value to a XLFormRowDescriptor instance of XLFormRowDescriptorTypeText.
You may have to update the cell to see the UI changes if the row is already presented.
-(void)reloadFormRow:(XLFormRowDescriptor *)formRow method is provided by XLFormViewController to do so.
XLForm has several types of selectors rows. Almost all of them need to know which are the values to be selected. For a particular XLFormRowDescriptor instance you specify these values setting a NSArray instance to selectorOptions property.
@property NSArray * selectorOptions;
How to get form values
If you want to get the raw form values you should call formValues method of XLFormDescriptor. Doing that you will get a dictionary containing all the form values.
tag property value of each row is used as dictionary key. Only XLFormROwDescriptor values for non nil tag values are added to the dictionary.
You may be interested in the form values to use it as enpoint parameter. In this case httpParameters would be useful.
If you need something different, you can iterate over each row…
Objective C
NSMutableDictionary * result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (XLFormSectionDescriptor * section in self.form.formSections) {
if (!section.isMultivaluedSection){
for (XLFormRowDescriptor * row in section.formRows) {
if (row.tag && ![row.tag isEqualToString:@""]){
[result setObject:(row.value ?: [NSNull null]) forKey:row.tag];
NSMutableArray * multiValuedValuesArray = [NSMutableArray new];
for (XLFormRowDescriptor * row in section.formRows) {
if (row.value){
[multiValuedValuesArray addObject:row.value];
[result setObject:multiValuedValuesArray forKey:section.multivaluedTag];
return result;
var results = [String:String]()
if let fullName = form.formRowWithTag(tag.fullName).value as? String {
results[tag.fullName] = fullName
How to change UITextField length
You can change the length of a UITextField using the cellConfigAtConfigure dictionary property. This value refers to the percentage in relation to the table view cell.
**Note:**The same can be achieved for the UITextView when using XLFormRowDescriptorTypeTextView; just set your percentage for the key XLFormTextViewLengthPercentage.
How to change a UITableViewCell font
You can change the font or any other table view cell property using the cellConfig dictionary property. XLForm will set up cellConfig dictionary values when the table view cell is about to be displayed.
disable XLFormDescriptor property can be used to disable the entire form. In order to make the displayed cell to take effect we should reload the visible cells ( [self.tableView reloadData] ).
Any other row added after form disable property is set to YES will reflect the disable mode automatically (no need to reload table view).
How to hide a row or section when another rows value changes.
To hide a row or section you should set its hidden property. The easiest way of doing this is by setting a NSString to it. Let’s say you want a section to hide if a previous row, which is a boolean switch, is set to 1 (or YES). Then you would do something like this:
What do I have to do to migrate from version 2.2.0 to 3.0.0?
The only thing that is not compatible with older versions is that the disabled property of the XLFormRowDescriptor is an id now. So you just have to add @ before the values you set to it like this:
How to change input accessory view (navigation view)
Overriding inputAccessoryViewForRowDescriptor:XLFormViewController method.
If you want to disable it completely you can return nil. But you can also customize its whole appearance here.
- (UIView *)inputAccessoryViewForRowDescriptor:(XLFormRowDescriptor *)rowDescriptor
return nil; //will hide it completely
// You can use the rowDescriptor parameter to hide/customize the accessory view for a particular rowDescriptor type.
How to set up a pushed view controller?
The view controller that will be pushed must conform to the XLFormRowDescriptorViewController protocol which consists of the following property:
This rowDescriptor refers to the selected row of the previous view controller and will be set before the transition to the new controller so that it will be accessible for example in its viewDidLoad method. That is where that view controller should be set up.
How to change the default appearance of a certain cell
The best way to do this is to extend the class of that cell and override its update and/or configure methods. To make this work you should also update the cellClassesForRowDescriptorTypes dictionary in your subclass of XLFormViewController by setting your custom class instead of the class of the cell you wanted to change.
How to change the returnKeyType of a cell
To change the returnKeyType of a cell you can set the returnKeyType and nextReturnKeyType properties. The former will be used if there is no navigation enabled or if there is no row after this row. In the other case the latter will be used.
If you create a custom cell and want to use these you should conform to the XLFormReturnKeyProtocol protocol.
This is how you can set them:
If you want to change the height for all cells of one class you should subclass that cell and override the class method formDescriptorCellHeightForRowDescriptor.
If you want to change the height of one individual cell then you can set that height to the height property of XLFormRowDescripto like this:
XLFormRowDescriptor* row = ...
row.height = 55;
How to change the appearance of the cells of a selector view controller (XLFormOptionsViewController)
To change the appearance of the cells of a XLFormOptionsViewController you can use the cellConfigForSelector property on the row descriptor.
Starting with Xcode 11, Swift Package Manager is the recommended and preferred way for installing dependencies in Xcode projects. Installing dependencies via SwiftPM does not require the application nor dependencies to be written in Swift.
To add XLForm to your project using SwiftPM follow these steps:
Open your project in Xcode
In the main menu, select File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency…
To use XLForm in your code, import the module or header files as needed:
#import "XLForm.h" // Obj-c
import XLForm // Swift
Add the following line in the project’s Podfile file:
pod 'XLForm', '~> 4.3'.
Run the command pod install from the Podfile folder directory.
XLForm has no dependencies over other pods.
How to use master branch
Often master branch contains most recent features and latest fixes. On the other hand this features was not fully tested and changes on master may occur at any time. For the previous reasons I stongly recommend to fork the repository and manage the updates from master on your own making the proper pull on demand.
To use xmartlabs master branch…..
pod 'XLForm', :git => 'https://github.com/xmartlabs/XLForm.git'
You can replace the repository URL for your forked version url if you wish.
How to use XLForm in Swift files
If you have installed XLForm with cocoapods and have set use_frameworks! in your Podfile, you can add import XLForm to any Swift file.
If you are using cocoapods but have not set use_frameworks! in your Podfile, add #import <XLForm/XLForm.h> to your bridging header file.
Open XLForm folder that was created by the previous git submodule command and drag the XLForm.xcodeproj into the Project Navigator of your application’s Xcode project.
Select the XLForm.xcodeproj in the Project Navigator and verify the deployment target matches with your application deployment target.
Select your project in the Xcode Navigation and then select your application target from the sidebar. Next select the “General” tab and click on the + button under the “Embedded Binaries” section.
Select XLForm.framework and we are done!
iOS 9.0 and above
Xcode 9.0+ (11.0+ for installation via Swift Package Manager)
If you are working in Swift then you should have a look at Eureka, a complete re-design of XLForm in Swift and with more features.
We are not implementing any new features for XLForm anymore. However, if a critical issue arises we will fix it.
XLForm is the most flexible and powerful iOS library to create dynamic table-view forms. The goal of the library is to get the same power of hand-made forms but spending 1/10 of the time.
XLForm provides a very powerful DSL (Domain Specific Language) used to create a form. It keeps track of this specification on runtime, updating the UI on the fly.
Let’s see the iOS Calendar Event Form created using XLForm
What XLForm does
. (see Make a row or section invisible depending on other rows values)How to create a form
Create an instance of XLFormViewController
Implementing the initializeForm method
To create a form we should declare it through a
instance and assign it to aXLFormViewController
instance. As we said XLForm works based on a DSL that hides complex and boilerplate stuff without losing the power and flexibility of hand-made forms.To define a form we use 3 classes:
A form definition is a
instance that contains one or more sections (XLFormSectionDescriptor
instances) and each section contains several rows (XLFormRowDescriptor
instance). As you may have noticed the DSL structure is analog to the structure of aUITableView
(Table –>> Sections – >> Rows). The resulting table-view form’s structure (sections and rows order) mirrors the definition’s structure.Let’s see an example implementation of initializeForm to define the iOS Calendar Event Form
XLForm will load the table-view form from the previously explained definition. The most interesting part is that it will update the table-view form based on the form definition modifications. That means that we are able to make changes on the table-view form adding or removing section definitions or row definitions to the form definition on runtime and you will never need to care again about
or other complexities.To see more complex form definitions take a look at the example application in the Examples folder of this repository. You can also run the examples on your own device if you wish. XLForm has no dependencies over other pods, anyway the examples project makes use of some cocoapods to show advanced XLForm features.
Using XLForm with Storyboards
How to run XLForm examples
. Optionally you can fork the repository and clone it from your own github account, this approach would be better in case you want to contribute.pod install
Input Rows
Input rows allows the user to enter text values. Basically they use
controls. The main differences among the input row types is thekeyboardType
configuration.Will be represented by a
.Will be represented by a
.Will be represented by a
.Will be represented by a
.Will be represented by a
. This row type also set thesecureTextEntry
in order to hide what the user types.Will be represented by a
.Will be represented by a
.Will be represented by a
.Will be represented by a
.Will be represented by a
.Will be represented by a
.Will be represented by a
.Selector Rows
Selector rows allow us to select a value or values from a list. XLForm supports 8 types of selectors out of the box:
Normally we will have a collection of object to select (these objects should have a string to display them and a value in order to serialize them), XLForm has to be able to display these objects.
XLForm follows the following rules to display an object:
object is nil, XLForm uses thenoValueDisplayText
row property as display text.valueTransformer
property value. XLForm uses theNSValueTransformer
to convert the selected object to a NSString.NSString
it uses the objectdescription
, XLForm gets the display value fromformDisplayText
.You may be interested in change the display text either by setting up
property or making the selector options objects to conform toXLFormOptionObject
protocol.This is the protocol declaration:
Date & Time Rows
XLForms supports 3 types of dates:
andCountdown Timer
and it’s able to present theUIDatePicker
control in 2 different ways, inline and non-inline.Here is an example of how to define these row types:
Objective C
Boolean Rows
XLForms supports 2 types of boolean controls:
We can also simulate other types of Boolean rows using any of the Selector Row Types introduced in the Selector Rows section.
Other Rows
XLForms supports counting using UIStepper control:
You can set the stepper paramaters easily:
XLForms supports counting using UISlider control:
You can adjust the slider for your own interests very easily:
to disable the steps functionality.Info
Sometimes our apps needs to show data that are not editable. XLForm provides us with
row type to display not editable info. An example of usage would be showing the app version in the settings part of an app.Button
Apart from data entry rows, not editable rows and selectors, XLForm has a button row
that allows us to do any action when selected. It can be configured using a block (clousure), a selector, a segue identifier, segue class or specifing a view controller to be presented. ViewController specification could be done by setting up the view controller class, the view controller storyboard Id or a nib name. Nib name must match view controller class name.Multivalued Sections (Insert, Delete, Reorder rows)
object can be set up to support row insertion, deletion or reodering. It is possible to enable only one of these modes, a combination or all together. A multivalued section is just a section that support either of these modes.The most interesting part of multivalued
is that it supports all the types of rows that were shown on the Rows section as well as custom rows.How to set up a multivalued section
Creating a multivalued section is as simple as use one of the following convenience
is a bitwise enum parameter that should be used to choose the multivalued section type/s (insert, delete, reorder). Available options areXLFormSectionOptionCanInsert
is the value used by default.sectionInsertMode
can be used to select how the insertion mode will look like.XLform
has 2 different insertion modes out of the box:XLFormSectionInsertModeLastRow
is the default value.Let’s see how to create a multivalued section
Form Values
You can get all form values invoking
-(NSDictionary *)formValues;
instance orXLFormDescriptor
instance.The returned
is created following this rules:XLForm
adds a value for eachXLFormRowDescriptor
that belongs to aXLFormSectionDescriptor
doesn’t have amultivaluedTag
value set up. The dictionary key is the value ofXLFormRowDescriptor
property.For each section that has a
value, XLForm adds a dictionary item with aNSArray
as a value, each value of the array is the value of each row contained in the section, and the key is themultivaluedTag
.For instance, if we have a section with the
property equal totags
and the following values on the contained rows: ‘family’, ‘male’, ‘female’, ‘client’, the generated value will betags: ['family', 'male', 'female', 'client']
In same cases the form value we need may differ from the value of
instance. This is usually the case of selectors row and when we need to send the form values to some endpoint, the selected value could be a core data object or any other object. In this casesXLForm
need to know how to get the value and the description of the selected object.When using
-(NSDictionary *)httpParameters
method, XLForm follows the following rules to getXLFormRowDescriptor
, the value is the object itself.XLFormOptionObject
, XLForm gets the value fromformValue
works in the same way as informValues
method.How to create a Custom Row
To create a custom cell you need to create a UITableViewCell extending from
conforms toXLFormDescriptorCell
protocol.You may be interested in implement
methods to change the cell behaviour.Once a custom cell has been created you need to let
know about this cell by adding the row definition tocellClassesForRowDescriptorTypes
dictionary.or, in case we have used nib file to define the
:Doing that, XLForm will instantiate the proper cell class when kMyAppCustomCellType row type is used.
Custom Selectors - Selector Row with a custom selector view controller
Almost always the basic selector which allows the user to select one or multiple items from a pushed view controller is enough for our needs, but sometimes we need more flexibility to bring a better user experience to the user or do something not supported by default.
Let’s say your app user needs to select a map coordinate or it needs to select a value fetched from a server endpoint. How do we do that easily?
Define the previous selector row is as simple as …
controller class should conform toXLFormRowDescriptorViewController
protocol.In the example above,
conforms toXLFormRowDescriptorViewController
.XLForm sets up
property using theXLFormRowDescriptor
instance that belongs to the selector row.The developer is responsible for update its views with the
value as well as set the selected value torowDescriptor
from within the custom selector view controller.Another example
You can find the details of these examples within the example repository folder, Examples/Objective-C/Examples/Selectors/CustomSelectors/ and Examples/Objective-C/Examples/Selectors/DynamicSelector.
Dynamic Forms - How to change the form dynamically at runtime
Any change made on the
will be reflected on theXLFormViewController
tableView. That means that when a section or a row is added or removed XLForm will animate the section or row accordingly.We shouldn’t have to deal with
or add, removeUITableViewCell
of a specificTableViewCell
changes along the time and this makes very hard to keep track of theNSIndexPath
of eachUITableViewCell
.Each XLForm
row has atag
property that is set up in its constructor.XLFormDescriptor
has, among other helpers, an specific one to get aXLFormRowDescriptor
from atag
. It’s much easier to manageXLFormRowDescriptor
s using tags, the tag should be unique and it doesn’t change on tableview additions modifications or deletions.It’s important to keep in mind that all the
form modifications have to be made using the descriptors and not making modifications directly on theUITableView
.Usually you may want to change the form when some value change or some row or section is added or removed. For this you can set the
properties of the rows or sections. For more details see Make a row or section invisible depending on other rows values.In order to stay in sync with the form descriptor modifications your
subclass should override theXLFormDescriptorDelegate
methods of ‘XLFormViewController’.For instance if we want to show or hide a row depending on the value of another row:
Make a row or section invisible depending on other rows values
XLForm allows you to define dependencies between rows so that if the value of one row is changed, the behaviour of another one changes automatically. For example, you might have a form where you question the user if he/she has pets. If the answer is ‘yes’ you might want to ask how their names are. So you can make a row invisible and visible again based on the values of other rows. The same happens with sections. Take a look at the following example:
Of course, you could also do this manually by observing the value of some rows and deleting and adding rows accordingly, but that would be a lot of work which is already done.
How it works
To make the appearance and disappearance of rows and sections automatic, there is a property in each descriptor:
This id object will normally be a NSPredicate or a NSNumber containing a BOOL. It can be set using any of them or eventually a NSString from which a NSPredicate will be created. In order for this to work the string has to be syntactically correct.
For example, you could set the following string to a row (
) to make it disappear when a previous row (first
) contains the value “hide”.This will insert the tag of the
after the ‘$’, you can do that manually as well, of course. When the predicate is evaluated every tag variable gets substituted by the corresponding row descriptor.When the argument is a NSString, a ‘.value’ will be appended to every tag unless the tag is followed by ‘.isHidden’ or ‘.isDisabled’. This means that a row (or section) might depend on the
or thehidden
properties of another row. When the property is set with a NSPredicate directly, its formatString will not be altered (so you have to append a ‘.value’ after each variable if you want to refer to its value). Setting a NSString is the simplest way but some complex predicates might not work so for those you should directly set a NSPredicate.You can also set this properties with a bool object which means the value of the property will not change unless manually set.
To get the evaluated boolean value the
method should be called. It will not re-evaluate the predicate each time it gets called but just when the value (or hidden/disabled status) of the rows it depends on changes. When this happens and the return value changes, it will automagically reflect that change on the form so that no other method must be called.Here is another example, this time a bit more complex:
Disabling rows (set to read-only mode)
Rows can be disabled so that the user can not change them. By default disabled rows have a gray text color. To disable a row the only thing that has to be done is setting its disabled property:
This property expects a NSNumber containing a BOOL, a NSString or a NSPredicate. A bool will statically disable (or enable the row). The other two work just like the hidden property explained in the section above. This means a row can be disabled and enabled depending on the values of other rows. When a NSString is set, a NSPredicate will be generated taking the string as format string so that it has to be consistent for that purpose.
A difference to the hidden property is that checking the disabled status of a row does not automatically reflect that value on the form. Tharefore, the XLFormViewController’s updateFormRow method should be called.
We can validate the form data using XLForm validation support.
instance contains a list of validators. We can add validators, remove validators and validate a particular row using these methods:We can define our own custom validators just defining a object that conforms to
.XLFormRegexValidator is an example of a validator we can create.
A very common validation is ensuring that a value is not empty or nil. XLFom exposes
XLFormRowDescriptor property to specify required rows.To get all rows validation errors we can invoke the following
method:Additional configuration of Rows
allow us to configure generic aspects of aUITableViewCell
, for example: therowType
, thelabel
, thevalue
(default value), if the cell isrequired
, and so on.You may want to set up another properties of the
. To set up another propertiesXLForm
makes use of Key-Value Coding allowing the developer to set the cell properties by keyPath.You just have to add the properties to
dictionary property ofXLFormRowDescriptor
. The main difference betweencellConfig
is the time when the property is set up.cellConfig
properties are set up each time a cell is about to be displayed.cellConfigAtConfigure
, on the other hand, set up the property just after the init method of the cell is called and only one time.Since version 3.3.0 you can also use
to configure how the cells of theXLFormOptionsViewController
look like when it is shown for a selector row.For instance if you want to set up the placeholder you can do the following:
Let’s see how to change the color of the cell label:
Objective C
How to customize the header and/or footer of a section
For this you should use the UITableViewDelegate methods in your XLFormViewController. This means you should implement one or both of these:
Also you might want to implement the following methods to specify the height for these views:
How to assign the first responder on form appearance
Assign the first responder when the form is shown is as simple as setting the property
. By default the value of the property isNO
.How to set a value to a row.
You should set the
property ofXLFormRowDescriptor
relevant instance.You may notice that the
property type isid
and you are the responsable to set a value with the proper type. For instance, you should set aNSString
value to aXLFormRowDescriptor
instance ofXLFormRowDescriptorTypeText
.You may have to update the cell to see the UI changes if the row is already presented.
-(void)reloadFormRow:(XLFormRowDescriptor *)formRow
method is provided byXLFormViewController
to do so.How to set the default value to a row.
You should do the same as How to set a value to a row.
How to set up the options to a selector row.
XLForm has several types of selectors rows. Almost all of them need to know which are the values to be selected. For a particular
instance you specify these values setting aNSArray
instance toselectorOptions
property.How to get form values
If you want to get the raw form values you should call
method ofXLFormDescriptor
. Doing that you will get a dictionary containing all the form values.tag
property value of each row is used as dictionary key. OnlyXLFormROwDescriptor
values for non niltag
values are added to the dictionary.You may be interested in the form values to use it as enpoint parameter. In this case
would be useful.If you need something different, you can iterate over each row…
Objective C
How to change UITextField length
You can change the length of a UITextField using the
dictionary property. This value refers to the percentage in relation to the table view cell.Objective C
**Note:**The same can be achieved for the UITextView when using
; just set your percentage for the keyXLFormTextViewLengthPercentage
.How to change a UITableViewCell font
You can change the font or any other table view cell property using the
dictionary property. XLForm will set upcellConfig
dictionary values when the table view cell is about to be displayed.Objective C
For further details, please take a look at UICustomizationFormViewController.m example.
How to set min/max for date cells?
Each XLFormDateCell has a
and amaximumDate
property. To set a datetime row to be a value in the next three days you would do as follows:Objective C
How to disable the entire form (read only mode).
XLFormDescriptor property can be used to disable the entire form. In order to make the displayed cell to take effect we should reload the visible cells ( [self.tableView reloadData] ). Any other row added after formdisable
property is set toYES
will reflect the disable mode automatically (no need to reload table view).How to hide a row or section when another rows value changes.
To hide a row or section you should set its hidden property. The easiest way of doing this is by setting a NSString to it. Let’s say you want a section to hide if a previous row, which is a boolean switch, is set to 1 (or YES). Then you would do something like this:
That is all!
What do I have to do to migrate from version 2.2.0 to 3.0.0?
The only thing that is not compatible with older versions is that the
property of theXLFormRowDescriptor
is anid
now. So you just have to add@
before the values you set to it like this:How to change input accessory view (navigation view)
method. If you want to disable it completely you can return nil. But you can also customize its whole appearance here.How to set up a pushed view controller?
The view controller that will be pushed must conform to the
protocol which consists of the following property:This rowDescriptor refers to the selected row of the previous view controller and will be set before the transition to the new controller so that it will be accessible for example in its
method. That is where that view controller should be set up.How to change the default appearance of a certain cell
The best way to do this is to extend the class of that cell and override its update and/or configure methods. To make this work you should also update the
dictionary in your subclass of XLFormViewController by setting your custom class instead of the class of the cell you wanted to change.How to change the returnKeyType of a cell
To change the returnKeyType of a cell you can set the
properties. The former will be used if there is no navigation enabled or if there is no row after this row. In the other case the latter will be used. If you create a custom cell and want to use these you should conform to theXLFormReturnKeyProtocol
protocol. This is how you can set them:How to change the height of one cell
If you want to change the height for all cells of one class you should subclass that cell and override the class method
. If you want to change the height of one individual cell then you can set that height to theheight
property of XLFormRowDescripto like this:How to change the appearance of the cells of a selector view controller (XLFormOptionsViewController)
To change the appearance of the cells of a XLFormOptionsViewController you can use the
property on the row descriptor. Example:How to limit the characters of a XLFormTextFieldCell or a XLFormTextViewCell
You can make this happen using the
and thetextViewMaxNumberOfCharacters
Swift Package Manager
Starting with Xcode 11, Swift Package Manager is the recommended and preferred way for installing dependencies in Xcode projects. Installing dependencies via SwiftPM does not require the application nor dependencies to be written in Swift.
To add XLForm to your project using SwiftPM follow these steps:
To use XLForm in your code, import the module or header files as needed:
pod 'XLForm', '~> 4.3'
.pod install
from the Podfile folder directory.XLForm has no dependencies over other pods.
How to use master branch
Often master branch contains most recent features and latest fixes. On the other hand this features was not fully tested and changes on master may occur at any time. For the previous reasons I stongly recommend to fork the repository and manage the updates from master on your own making the proper pull on demand.
To use xmartlabs master branch…..
pod 'XLForm', :git => 'https://github.com/xmartlabs/XLForm.git'
You can replace the repository URL for your forked version url if you wish.
How to use XLForm in Swift files
If you have installed XLForm with cocoapods and have set
in your Podfile, you can addimport XLForm
to any Swift file.If you are using cocoapods but have not set
in your Podfile, add#import <XLForm/XLForm.h>
to your bridging header file.For further details on how to create and configure the bridging header file visit Importing Objective-C into Swift.
In your
add:Using git submodules
Open XLForm folder that was created by the previous git submodule command and drag the XLForm.xcodeproj into the Project Navigator of your application’s Xcode project.
Select the XLForm.xcodeproj in the Project Navigator and verify the deployment target matches with your application deployment target.
Select your project in the Xcode Navigation and then select your application target from the sidebar. Next select the “General” tab and click on the + button under the “Embedded Binaries” section.
and we are done!Requirements
Release Notes
Have a look at the CHANGELOG
Martin Barreto (@mtnBarreto)
Any suggestion or question? Please create a Github issue or reach us out.
xmartlabs.com (@xmartlabs)