The framework provides additional assertion methods like:
throwing Error type check
throwing specific Error check when it conforms to Equatable
timeouting async operations
values difference
and helpers for Combine‘s Publishers testing.
Example usage
Work with structured concurrency
It may happen that async operations don’t return a value or don’t throw any error (e.g. when converting from closures or Combine). In that case, they will hang out for infinity. The XCTTimeout catches that issue and throws an error, unblocking the hanging async task.
func test_whenGetDetails_thenReceivedExpectedDetails() {
// when
let details = try await XCTTimeout(
await sut.getDetails(),
timeout: 0.01
// then
XCTAssertEqual(details, expectedDetails)
Work with Combine‘s Publisher and expectation
Use PublisherExpectation to simplify work with Publisher‘s streams and avoid boilerplate code.
As an example, for a stream value observation, use receivedValue(predicate:). To expect a specific value received from the stream, set the predicate parameter to:
predicate: { $0 == expectedValue }
A complete code example is below:
func test_givenValue_whenPublisherSend_thenReceivedExpectedValueInStream() {
// given
let value = "charizard"
let expectedValue = value
let sut = PassthroughSubject<String, Error>()
let expectation = PublisherExpectation(
observation: .receivedValue(
predicate: { $0 == expectedValue }
description : "Publisher did not receive expected value \(expectedValue)"
// when
// then
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 0.01)
Use .anyReceived() convenience method where the value received from the stream does not matter.
For stream termination expectation, use .completion(predicate:) or .anyCompletion().
Additional assertions
XCTAssertEqual does not provide a readable output for not equal values. Use XCTAssertNoDiff to receive a readable diff.
The framework provides additional assertion methods like:
type checkError
check when it conforms toEquatable
operationsand helpers for
s testing.Example usage
Work with structured concurrency
It may happen that
operations don’t return a value or don’t throw any error (e.g. when converting from closures orCombine
). In that case, they will hang out for infinity. The XCTTimeout catches that issue and throws an error, unblocking the hanging async task.Work with
and expectationUse
to simplify work withPublisher
‘s streams and avoid boilerplate code.As an example, for a stream value observation, use
. To expect a specific value received from the stream, set thepredicate
parameter to:A complete code example is below:
convenience method where the value received from the stream does not matter.For stream termination expectation, use
.Additional assertions
does not provide a readable output for not equal values. UseXCTAssertNoDiff
to receive a readable diff.XCTAssertNoDiff
relies on Difference created by Krzysztof Zabłocki.Documentation
Documentation is generated by DocC.
Getting started can be found here.
Full documentation can be found here.
Swift Package Manager
The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.
Once you have your Swift package set up, add XCTestExtension as a dependency to your
:and add it to you
‘s dependencies:Xcode project (Swift Package Manager)
in “Search or Enter Package URL”