The caching mechanism is based on remote artifacts that should be generated and uploaded to the cache server for each commit on a master branch, preferably as a part of CI/CD step. Xcode products are not portable between different Xcode versions, each XCRemoteCache artifact is linked with a specific Xcode build number that generated it. To support multiple Xcode versions, artifacts generation should happen for each Xcode version.
The artifact reuse flow is as follows: XCRemoteCache performs a target precheck (aka prebuild) and if a fingerprint for local sources matches the one computed on a generation side, several compilation steps wrappers (e.g. xcswiftc, xccc, xclibtool) mock corresponding compilation step(s) and linking (or archiving) moves the cached build artifact to the expected location.
Multiple commits that have the same target sources reuse artifact package on a remote server.
Accurate target input files
Finding a precise list of input and dependency files is a non-trivial task as Xcode heavily relies on implicit target dependencies. It means that Xcode is trying to use required dependencies from provided search paths and looks up DerivedData‘s product dir. To find a narrow list of files to compute fingerprint hash, XCRemoteCache fetches a meta.json file from a server which contains remotelly generated fingerprint hash and a list of input files that should constitute a fingerprint. That list of input files was produced during the artifact generation process, based on .d output from clang and swift compilers.
Before building a project in Xcode, XCRemoteCache needs to find the best git commit sha for which artifacts will be used. This happens as a part of the xcprepare execution, which should be called after each merge or switching a branch. xcprepare finds a list of 10 most recent common sha with the remote repo branch using git’s first-parent strategy and selects the newest one for which all artifacts have been uploaded.
The generation side is responsible to call xcprepare mark subcommand after each successful build. Marking process creates an empty marker file on a remote cache server with a given format: #{commmmitSha}-#{TargetName}-#{Configuration}-#{Platform}-#{XcodeBuildNumber}-#{ContextBuildSettings}-#{SchemaID}.json.
xcprepare makes HEAD requests for all identified shas, picks the newest one for which a marker file exists remotely, and saves it in the text form to the arc.rc file. That file informs the prebuild phase which meta file should be fetched to get a list of target dependency files.
New file added to the target
Considering in the hash fingerprint only a list of previously observed files can give invalid results if a build contains a new source file as it isn’t considered in the hash.
For a new .swift file in a swift-only target, xcswiftc automatically recognizes that case and forces local compilation of the entire target. For Objective-C or mixed targets, fallbacking to the local compilation is more difficult as some previous invocations (either xccc or xcswiftc) could already be finished with no-operation. To mitigate that, each wrapper appends invocation call to a side file (history.compile) just in case some other process would need to compile the entire target locally. If that happens, compilation of the newly added file acquires a target-wide lock that stops other wrapper invocations, executes already mocked steps one by one to backfill already skipped compilation steps.
Debug symbols
Binaries built with “debug symbols: enabled” embed source file absolute paths so compilation products cannot be directly ported between two machines with different source roots. Otherwise, LLDB debugger is not able to correlate a set of currently executing machine instructions with a local file that produced it. To mitigate that, XCRemoteCache recommends adding a custom C and Swift debug flags prefix-map for all XCRemoteCache builds. These flags ensure that all binaries, generated locally and downloaded from a remote server, have the same debug symbols absolute paths which are translated to an actual local path at the beginning of the LLDB session.
Performance optimizations
XCRemoteCache involves several optimization techniques:
Local HTTP cache stores all responses from the remote server at ~/Library/Caches/XCRemoteCache/
Prebuild and postbuild steps leverage Xcode’s discovered dependency file to avoid recomputing fingerprint hashes if none of the input files has changed
A wrapper for the clang compilation is a C program, generated and compiled during the xcprepare step. It is called many times to compile each *.(m|c) file and accessing a disk to read a configuration would introduce a significant slowdown, especially if a project contains a lot of Objective-C files. As a remedy, xcprepare reads the XCRemoteCache configuration only once and embeds all configurable fields directly into the xccc binary
arc.rc, generated by xcprepare, gets file modification equal to the commit date if refers. arc.rc is included in the discovered dependency file, touching it in the xcprepare would automatically invalidate previous XCRemoteCache prebuild step and force redundant fingerprint checks. By syncing the mdate with a git commit, Xcode avoids prebuild steps unless the remote cache commit has changed
If a target cache miss happens, XCRemoteCache disables cache for that target until a commit sha in arc.rc changes. That bypasses a fingerprint computation for incremental builds
Focused targets
If a list of targets that can have dirty sources is limited, XCRemoteCache can be configured with focused targets, specified in .rcinfo.
By default, all targets are focused and these compare local fingerprint with one available remotely and fallbacks to the local compilation if it doesn’t match. Non-focused targets, called ‘thin’ targets, always use cached artifacts what eliminates a fingerprint computation. Thin targets should contain only a single compilation file with thin_target_mock_filename, e.g. standin.swift or standin.m.
How to integrate XCRemoteCache with your Xcode project?
To enable XCRemoteCache in the existing .xcodeproj you need to add extra build settings and build phases to targets that you want to cache.
You can do that in an automatic way, using the XCRemoteCache-provided integration command, or manually modify your Xcode project.
1. Download XCRemoteCache
From the Github Releases page, download the XCRemoteCache bundle zip. Unzip the bundle to a directory next to your .xcodeproj.
The following steps will assume the bundle has been unzipped to xcremotecache dir, placed next to the .xcodeproj.
A. Automatic integration
2. Create a minimal XCRemoteCache configuration
Create .rcinfo yaml file next to the .xcodeproj with a minimum set of configuration entries, like:
comma-separated list of targets to integrate XCRemoteCache.
comma-separated list of targets to not integrate XCRemoteCache. Takes priority over –targets-include.
comma-separated list of configurations to integrate XCRemoteCache.
comma-separated list of configurations to not integrate XCRemoteCache. Takes priority over –configurations-include.
[Producer only] The final target that generates cache artifacts. Once this targets is finished, no other targets are allowed to upload artifacts to the remote server for a given sha, configuration and platform context.
[Consumer only] comma-separated list of configurations that need to have all artifacts uploaded to the remote site before using given sha.
[Consumer only] comma-separated list of platforms that need to have all artifacts uploaded to the remote site before using given sha
LLDBInit mode. Appends to .lldbinit a command required for debugging. Supported values: ‘none’ (do not append to .lldbinit), ‘user’ (append to ~/.lldbinit)
An arbitrary source location shared between producers and consumers. Should be unique for a project.
Save the project with integrated XCRemoteCache to a separate location.
comma separated list of sdks to not integrate XCRemoteCache (e.g. “watchos*, watchsimulator*”). (Experimental)
B. Manual integration
2. Configure XCRemoteCache
Create yaml configuration file .rcinfo, next to the .xcodeproj, with your full XCRemoteCache configuration, according to the parameters list e.g.:
Execute xcprepare --configuration #Configuration# --platform #platform# command after each merge or rebase with the primary branch. Otherwise, the remote cache artifacts may be outdated and final hit rate may be poor.
The xcprepare application saves arc.rc file on a disk and prints a summary to the standard output. The printed recommended_remote_address is just a recommendation which cache remote server use. It is up to the integration tooling to decide if it makes sense. If so, the project’s .rcinfo should define that value as recommended_remote_address parameter.
Rewriting source-map is required to support debugging and hit breakpoints, see Debug symbols.
Ooverride the following Build Settings for all targets:
XCRC_SRCROOT - /xxxxxxxxxx (or any other arbitrary string for your project)
add -debug-prefix-map $(SRCROOT)=$(XCRC_SRCROOT) to OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS. If it doesn’t exist, define it as $(inherited) -debug-prefix-map $(SRCROOT)=$(XCRC_SRCROOT)
add -fdebug-prefix-map=$(SRCROOT)=$(XCRC_SRCROOT) to OTHER_CFLAGS. If it doesn’t exists, define it as $(inherited) -fdebug-prefix-map=$(SRCROOT)=$(XCRC_SRCROOT)
Add settings set target.source-map /xxxxxxxxxx /Users/account/src/PathToTheProject to ~/.lldbinit on end machine that builds a project with XCRemoteCache
XCRC_SRCROOT arbitrary path should be project-exclusive to avoid clashing.
Tip: In some rare cases, Xcode caches ~/.lldbinit content so make sure to restart Xcode after the modification.
6. Producer mode - Artifacts generation
XCRemoteCache can operate in two main modes: consumer (default) tries to reuse artifacts available on the remote server and producer is used to generate all artifacts - it builds all targets locally and uploads meta and artifact files to the remote cache server.
6a. Configure producer mode
To enable the producer mode, configure it directly in the .rcinfo file.
Optionally, you can define extra_configuration_file in a .rcinfo with a path to the other yaml file that will override the default configuration in .rcinfo. That approach can be useful if you want to track main .rcinfo and keep your local configuration out of git.
6b. Fill the cache
Build the project from Xcode or using xcodebuild
6c. Mark commit sha
Once all artifacts have been uploaded, “mark a build” using xcprepare mark command:
$ xcremotecache/xcprepare mark --configuration Debug --platform iphonesimulator
That command creates an empty file on a remote server which informs that for given sha, configuration, platform, Xcode versions etc. all artifacts are available.
Note that for the producer mode, the prebuild build phase and xccc, xcld, xcldplusplus, xclibtool, xclipo wrappers become no-op, so it is recommended to not add them for the producer mode.
7. Generalize -Swift.h (Optional only if using static library with a bridging header with public NS_ENUM exposed from ObjC)
If a static library target contains a mixed target with a bridging header exposing an enum from ObjC in a public Swift API, your custom script that moves *-Swift.h to the shared location, it should also move *-Swift.h.md5 next to it.
Note: This step is not required if at least one of these is true:
you build a framework (not a static library)
you don’t expose NS_ENUM type from ObjC to Swift via a bridging header
A full list of configuration parameters:
build mode. Possible values: consumer, producer
Addresses of all remote cache replicas. Required to be a non-empty array of strings
Address of the best remote cache to use in the consumer mode. If not specified, the first item in cache_addresses will be used
Probe request path to the cache_addresses (relative to a path in cache_addresses) that determines the best cache to use
Number of cacheAddresses probe requests
Filepath to the file with the remote commit sha
Path to the xccc wrapper
Path, relative to $TARGET_TEMP_DIR, that specifies prebuild discovery .d file
Path, relative to $TARGET_TEMP_DIR, that specifies postbuild discovery .d file
Path, relative to $TARGET_TEMP_DIR, of a maker file to enable or disable the remote cache for a given target. Includes a list of all allowed input files to use remote cache
Command for a standard C compilation fallback
Command for a standard Swift compilation fallback
Address of the primary git repository that produces cache artifacts (case-sensitive)
The main (primary) branch on the primary_repo that produces cache artifacts
The path to the git repo root
Number of historical git commits to look for cache artifacts
Configuration file that overrides project configuration (this property can be overriden multiple times in different files to chain extra configuration files)
Custom commit sha to publish artifact (producer only)
Maximum age in days HTTP response should be locally cached before being evicted
Extra ENV keys that should be convoluted into the environment fingerprint
Directory where all XCRemoteCache statistics (e.g. counters) are stored
Number of retries for download requests
Number of retries for upload requests
Delay between retries in seconds
Maximum number of simultaneous requests. 0 means no limits
Dictionary of extra HTTP headers for all remote server requests
Filename (without an extension) of the compilation input file that is used as a fake compilation for the forced-cached target (aka thin target)
A list of all targets that are not thinned. If empty, all targets are meant to be non-thin
Disable cache for http requests to fetch metadata and download artifacts
Path, relative to $TARGET_TEMP_DIR which gathers all compilation commands that should be executed if a target switches to local compilation. Example: A new .swift file invalidates remote artifact and triggers local compilation. When that happens, all previously skipped clang build steps need to be eventually called locally - this file lists all these commands.
Timeout for remote response data interval (in seconds). If an interval between data chunks is longer than a timeout, a request fails.
If true, any observed request timeout switches off remote cache for all targets
List of all extensions that should carry over source fingerprints. Extensions of all product files that contain non-deterministic content (absolute paths, timestamp, etc) should be included.
If true, support for thin projects is enabled
Module name of a target that works as a helper for thinned targets
A Boolean value that opts-in pretty JSON formatting for meta files
Secret key for AWS V4 Signature Authorization. If this is set to a non-empty String - an Authentication Header will be added based on this and the other aws_* parameters.
Access key for AWS V4 Signature Authorization.
Temporary security token provided by the AWS Security Token Service.
Region for AWS V4 Signature Authorization. E.g. eu.
Service for AWS V4 Signature Authorization. E.g. storage.
A dictionary of files path remapping that should be applied to make it absolute path agnostic on a list of dependencies. Useful if a project refers files out of repo root, either compilation files or precompiled dependencies. Keys represent generic replacement and values are substrings that should be replaced. Example: for mapping ["COOL_LIBRARY": "/CoolLibrary"]/CoolLibrary/main.swiftwill be represented as $(COOL_LIBRARY)/main.swift). Warning: remapping order is not-deterministic so avoid remappings with multiple matchings.
A Boolean value that opts-in SSL certificate validation is disabled
A feature flag to disable virtual file system overlay support (temporary)
A list of extra ENVs that should be used as placeholders in the dependency list. ENV rewrite process is optimistic - does nothing if an ENV is not defined in the pre/postbuild process.
Regexes of files that should not be included in a list of dependencies. Warning! Add entries here with caution - excluding dependencies that are relevant might lead to a target overcaching. The regex can match either partially or fully the filepath, e.g. \\.modulemap$ will exclude all .modulemap files.
If true, do not fail prepare if cannot find the most recent common commits with the primary branch. That might be useful on CI, where a shallow clone is used and cloning depth is not big enough to fetch a commit from a primary branch
Enable experimental integration with swift driver, added in Xcode 14
Backend cache server
As a cache server, XCRemoteCache may use any REST server that supports PUT, GET and HEAD methods.
For the development phase, you can try the simplest cache server available as a docker image in backend-example. For the production environment, it is recommended to configure a reliable, fast server, preferrably located in a close proximity to developer’s machines.
Out-of-the-box, XCRemoteCache supports V4 Signature Authorization used by Amazon’s S3 and Google’s GCS. Altenatively, if your server has a customized authentication procedure, you can add extra HTTP request headers with request_custom_headers configuration property.
Sample REST cache server from a docker image
To run a local instance of a server, use a snippet which exposes a cache endpoint under http://localhost:8080/cache:
As the docker image saves all files in a container non-persistent storage, to reset cache’s content, just restart it:
# stop the container
docker kill xcremotecache
# run a new instance of the image
docker run -it --rm -d -p 8080:8080 --name xcremotecache xcremotecache-demo-server
To review all files stored in the cache server, navigate to the container’s cache root directory:
XCRemoteCache supports Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage buckets to be used as cache servers using the Amazon v4 Signature Authorization.
To set it up use the configuration parameters aws_secret_key, aws_access_key, aws_region, and aws_service in the .rcinfo file. Specify the URL to the bucket in cache-addresses field in the same file.
XCRemoteCache also supports AWS Temporary Access Keys. Use additional aws_security_token parameter combined with aws_secret_key, aws_access_key to set it up. This page describes how to receive a security token.
Retention Policy: Buckets usually have a retention policy option which ensures objects are retained for a certain amount of time and won’t be modified or deleted. Keep this option short or disable it to avoid errors in case multiple builds are done consecutively on the producer side for the same configuration.
CocoaPods plugin
Head over to our cocoapods-plugin docs to see how to integrate XCRemoteCache in your CocoaPods project.
Apple silicon support
Artifacts per architecture (Recommended)
If all of your machines (both producer and all consumers have the same architecture, either Intel or Apple Silicon), you don’t have to do anything.
XCRemoteCache supports building artifacts for Apple silicon consumers. Is it recommended to build separately for x86_64 and arm64 architectures to have single-architecture artifacts that do not require downloading irrelevant binaries. Here are required steps if you want to support both Intel and Apple silicon consumers.
Building for a simulator on a producer: run a first build for x86_64, clean a build and build again for arm64, e.g.:
If you prefer to generate far artifacts (with both Intel and Apple silicon binaries), you can disable “Build Archive Architecture Only” on a producer side, e.g.
xcodebuild ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO build ...
Note: This setup is not recommended and may not be supported in future XCRemoteCache releases.
The repo under git version control
Xcode 11.4+
Xcode New Build System
Current Xcode location set by xcode-select
Using the default Xcode Toolchain
Recommended: multi-targets Xcode project
Recommended: do not use fast-forward PR strategy (use merge or squash instead)
Recommended: avoid DWARF with dSYM File “Debug Information Format” build setting. Use DWARF instead
Recommended: avoid having a symbolic link in the source root (e.g. placing a project in /tmp)
Swift Package Manager (SPM) dependencies are not supported. Because SPM does not allow customizing Build Settings, XCRemoteCache cannot specify clang and swiftc wrappers that control if the local compilation should be skipped (cache hit) or not (cache miss)
Filenames with _vers.c suffix are reserved and cannot be used as a source file
All compilation files should be referenced via the git repo root. Referencing /AbsolutePath/someOther.swift or ../../someOther.swift that resolve to the location outside of the git repo root is prohibited.
The new Swift driver (introduced by default in Xcode 14.0) is not supported and has to be disabled when using XCRemoteCache
Follow the Development guide. It has all the information on how to get started.
Architectural designs
Follow the Architectural designs document that describes and documents XCRemoteCache designs and implementation details.
To release a version, in Releases draft a new release with v0.3.0{-rc0} tag format.
Packages with binaries will be automatically uploaded to the GitHub Releases page.
Releasing CocoaPods plugin
Bump a gem version defined in gem_version.rb and create a new release described above.
A plugin is automatically uploaded to RubyGems if a given version doesn’t exist yet.
Building release package
To build a release zip package for a single platform (e.g. x86_64-apple-macosx, arm64-apple-macosx), call:
rake 'build[release, x86_64-apple-macosx]'
The zip package will be generated at releases/
Create a new issue with as many details as possible.
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Open Source Code of Conduct
in all interactions with the community.
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This project adheres to the Open Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to honor this code.
Copyright 2021 Spotify AB
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Security Issues?
Please report sensitive security issues via Spotify’s bug-bounty program ( rather than GitHub.
XCRemoteCache is a remote cache tool for Xcode projects. It reuses target artifacts generated on a remote machine, served from a simple REST server.
xcprepare integrate
supported optionsHow and Why?
The caching mechanism is based on remote artifacts that should be generated and uploaded to the cache server for each commit on a
branch, preferably as a part of CI/CD step. Xcode products are not portable between different Xcode versions, each XCRemoteCache artifact is linked with a specific Xcode build number that generated it. To support multiple Xcode versions, artifacts generation should happen for each Xcode version.The artifact reuse flow is as follows: XCRemoteCache performs a target precheck (aka prebuild) and if a fingerprint for local sources matches the one computed on a generation side, several compilation steps wrappers (e.g.
) mock corresponding compilation step(s) and linking (or archiving) moves the cached build artifact to the expected location.Accurate target input files
Finding a precise list of input and dependency files is a non-trivial task as Xcode heavily relies on implicit target dependencies. It means that Xcode is trying to use required dependencies from provided search paths and looks up
‘s product dir. To find a narrow list of files to compute fingerprint hash, XCRemoteCache fetches ameta.json
file from a server which contains remotelly generated fingerprint hash and a list of input files that should constitute a fingerprint. That list of input files was produced during the artifact generation process, based on.d
output fromclang
compilers.Before building a project in Xcode, XCRemoteCache needs to find the best git commit sha for which artifacts will be used. This happens as a part of the
execution, which should be called after each merge or switching a branch.xcprepare
finds a list of 10 most recent common sha with the remote repo branch using git’s first-parent strategy and selects the newest one for which all artifacts have been uploaded.The generation side is responsible to call
xcprepare mark
subcommand after each successful build. Marking process creates an empty marker file on a remote cache server with a given format:#{commmmitSha}-#{TargetName}-#{Configuration}-#{Platform}-#{XcodeBuildNumber}-#{ContextBuildSettings}-#{SchemaID}.json
requests for all identified shas, picks the newest one for which a marker file exists remotely, and saves it in the text form to thearc.rc
file. That file informs the prebuild phase which meta file should be fetched to get a list of target dependency files.New file added to the target
Considering in the hash fingerprint only a list of previously observed files can give invalid results if a build contains a new source file as it isn’t considered in the hash.
For a new
file in a swift-only target,xcswiftc
automatically recognizes that case and forces local compilation of the entire target. For Objective-C or mixed targets, fallbacking to the local compilation is more difficult as some previous invocations (eitherxccc
) could already be finished with no-operation. To mitigate that, each wrapper appends invocation call to a side file (history.compile
) just in case some other process would need to compile the entire target locally. If that happens, compilation of the newly added file acquires a target-wide lock that stops other wrapper invocations, executes already mocked steps one by one to backfill already skipped compilation steps.Debug symbols
Binaries built with “debug symbols: enabled” embed source file absolute paths so compilation products cannot be directly ported between two machines with different source roots. Otherwise, LLDB debugger is not able to correlate a set of currently executing machine instructions with a local file that produced it. To mitigate that, XCRemoteCache recommends adding a custom C and Swift debug flags
for all XCRemoteCache builds. These flags ensure that all binaries, generated locally and downloaded from a remote server, have the same debug symbols absolute paths which are translated to an actual local path at the beginning of the LLDB session.Performance optimizations
XCRemoteCache involves several optimization techniques:
compilation is a C program, generated and compiled during thexcprepare
step. It is called many times to compile each*.(m|c)
file and accessing a disk to read a configuration would introduce a significant slowdown, especially if a project contains a lot of Objective-C files. As a remedy,xcprepare
reads the XCRemoteCache configuration only once and embeds all configurable fields directly into thexccc
, generated byxcprepare
, gets file modification equal to the commit date if refers.arc.rc
is included in the discovered dependency file, touching it in thexcprepare
would automatically invalidate previous XCRemoteCache prebuild step and force redundant fingerprint checks. By syncing themdate
with a git commit, Xcode avoids prebuild steps unless the remote cache commit has changedarc.rc
changes. That bypasses a fingerprint computation for incremental buildsFocused targets
If a list of targets that can have dirty sources is limited, XCRemoteCache can be configured with focused targets, specified in
.By default, all targets are focused and these compare local fingerprint with one available remotely and fallbacks to the local compilation if it doesn’t match. Non-focused targets, called ‘thin’ targets, always use cached artifacts what eliminates a fingerprint computation. Thin targets should contain only a single compilation file with
, e.g.standin.swift
.How to integrate XCRemoteCache with your Xcode project?
To enable XCRemoteCache in the existing
you need to add extra build settings and build phases to targets that you want to cache.You can do that in an automatic way, using the XCRemoteCache-provided integration command, or manually modify your Xcode project.
1. Download XCRemoteCache
From the Github Releases page, download the XCRemoteCache bundle zip. Unzip the bundle to a directory next to your
.The following steps will assume the bundle has been unzipped to
dir, placed next to the.xcodeproj
.A. Automatic integration
2. Create a minimal XCRemoteCache configuration
yaml file next to the.xcodeproj
with a minimum set of configuration entries, like:3. Run automatic integration script
3a. Producer side
Execute a command that modifies
:3b. Consumer side
Execute a command that modifies
:A full list of
xcprepare integrate
supported options--input
B. Manual integration
2. Configure XCRemoteCache
Create yaml configuration file
, next to the.xcodeproj
, with your full XCRemoteCache configuration, according to the parameters list e.g.:3. Call xcprepare
xcprepare --configuration #Configuration# --platform #platform#
command after each merge or rebase with the primary branch. Otherwise, the remote cache artifacts may be outdated and final hit rate may be poor.The
application savesarc.rc
file on a disk and prints a summary to the standard output. The printedrecommended_remote_address
is just a recommendation which cache remote server use. It is up to the integration tooling to decide if it makes sense. If so, the project’s.rcinfo
should define that value asrecommended_remote_address
4. Integrate with the Xcode project
Configure Xcode targets that should use XCRemoteCache:
from your.rcinfo
configuration (e.g.xcremotecache/xccc
- location ofxcprepare
- location ofxclibtool
- location ofxclipo
- location ofxcld
- location ofxcldplusplus
(required in Xcode 14.0+)Screenshot
build phase (before compilation):"$SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_0"
build phase (after compilation):"$SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_0"
command (e.g.xcremotecache/xcpostbuild
5. Configure LLDB source-map (Optional)
Rewriting source-map is required to support debugging and hit breakpoints, see Debug symbols.
(or any other arbitrary string for your project)-debug-prefix-map $(SRCROOT)=$(XCRC_SRCROOT)
. If it doesn’t exist, define it as$(inherited) -debug-prefix-map $(SRCROOT)=$(XCRC_SRCROOT)
. If it doesn’t exists, define it as$(inherited) -fdebug-prefix-map=$(SRCROOT)=$(XCRC_SRCROOT)
settings set target.source-map /xxxxxxxxxx /Users/account/src/PathToTheProject
on end machine that builds a project with XCRemoteCacheTip: In some rare cases, Xcode caches
content so make sure to restart Xcode after the modification.6. Producer mode - Artifacts generation
XCRemoteCache can operate in two main modes:
(default) tries to reuse artifacts available on the remote server andproducer
is used to generate all artifacts - it builds all targets locally and uploads meta and artifact files to the remote cache server.6a. Configure producer mode
To enable the
mode, configure it directly in the.rcinfo
file.6b. Fill the cache
Build the project from Xcode or using
6c. Mark commit sha
Once all artifacts have been uploaded, “mark a build” using
xcprepare mark
command:That command creates an empty file on a remote server which informs that for given sha, configuration, platform, Xcode versions etc. all artifacts are available.
Note that for the
mode, the prebuild build phase andxccc
wrappers become no-op, so it is recommended to not add them for theproducer
mode.7. Generalize
(Optional only if using static library with a bridging header with publicNS_ENUM
exposed from ObjC)If a static library target contains a mixed target with a bridging header exposing an enum from ObjC in a public Swift API, your custom script that moves
to the shared location, it should also move*-Swift.h.md5
next to it.Example:
Existing script (Before):
Correct script (After):
Note: This step is not required if at least one of these is true:
type from ObjC to Swift via a bridging headerA full list of configuration parameters:
will be usedcache_health_path
(relative to a path incache_addresses
) that determines the best cache to usenginx-health
probe requests3
, that specifies prebuild discovery .d fileprebuild.d
, that specifies postbuild discovery .d filepostbuild.d
, of a maker file to enable or disable the remote cache for a given target. Includes a list of all allowed input files to use remote cacherc.enabled
that produces cache artifactsmaster
file invalidates remote artifact and triggers local compilation. When that happens, all previously skipped clang build steps need to be eventually called locally - this file lists all these commands.history.compile
["COOL_LIBRARY": "/CoolLibrary"]
will be represented as$(COOL_LIBRARY)/main.swift
). Warning: remapping order is not-deterministic so avoid remappings with multiple matchings.[:]
will exclude all.modulemap
if cannot find the most recent common commits with the primary branch. That might be useful on CI, where a shallow clone is used and cloning depth is not big enough to fetch a commit from a primary branchfalse
Backend cache server
As a cache server, XCRemoteCache may use any REST server that supports PUT, GET and HEAD methods.
For the development phase, you can try the simplest cache server available as a docker image in backend-example. For the production environment, it is recommended to configure a reliable, fast server, preferrably located in a close proximity to developer’s machines.
Out-of-the-box, XCRemoteCache supports V4 Signature Authorization used by Amazon’s S3 and Google’s GCS. Altenatively, if your server has a customized authentication procedure, you can add extra HTTP request headers with
configuration property.Sample REST cache server from a docker image
To run a local instance of a server, use a snippet which exposes a cache endpoint under
:As the docker image saves all files in a container non-persistent storage, to reset cache’s content, just restart it:
To review all files stored in the cache server, navigate to the container’s cache root directory:
Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage
XCRemoteCache supports Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage buckets to be used as cache servers using the Amazon v4 Signature Authorization.
To set it up use the configuration parameters
, andaws_service
in the.rcinfo
file. Specify the URL to the bucket in cache-addresses field in the same file.XCRemoteCache also supports AWS Temporary Access Keys. Use additional
parameter combined withaws_secret_key
to set it up. This page describes how to receive a security token.Example
Retention Policy: Buckets usually have a retention policy option which ensures objects are retained for a certain amount of time and won’t be modified or deleted. Keep this option short or disable it to avoid errors in case multiple builds are done consecutively on the producer side for the same configuration.
CocoaPods plugin
Head over to our cocoapods-plugin docs to see how to integrate XCRemoteCache in your CocoaPods project.
Apple silicon support
Artifacts per architecture (Recommended)
If all of your machines (both producer and all consumers have the same architecture, either Intel or Apple Silicon), you don’t have to do anything.
XCRemoteCache supports building artifacts for Apple silicon consumers. Is it recommended to build separately for
architectures to have single-architecture artifacts that do not require downloading irrelevant binaries. Here are required steps if you want to support both Intel and Apple silicon consumers.x86_64
, clean a build and build again forarm64
, e.g.:Fat artifacts
If you prefer to generate far artifacts (with both Intel and Apple silicon binaries), you can disable “Build Archive Architecture Only” on a producer side, e.g.
Note: This setup is not recommended and may not be supported in future XCRemoteCache releases.
version controlxcode-select
DWARF with dSYM File
“Debug Information Format” build setting. UseDWARF
wrappers that control if the local compilation should be skipped (cache hit) or not (cache miss)_vers.c
suffix are reserved and cannot be used as a source file/AbsolutePath/someOther.swift
that resolve to the location outside of the git repo root is prohibited.FAQ
Follow the FAQ page.
Follow the Development guide. It has all the information on how to get started.
Architectural designs
Follow the Architectural designs document that describes and documents XCRemoteCache designs and implementation details.
To release a version, in Releases draft a new release with
tag format. Packages with binaries will be automatically uploaded to the GitHub Releases page.Releasing CocoaPods plugin
Bump a gem version defined in gem_version.rb and create a new release described above.
A plugin is automatically uploaded to RubyGems if a given version doesn’t exist yet.
Building release package
To build a release zip package for a single platform (e.g.
), call:The zip package will be generated at
Create a new issue with as many details as possible.
Reach us at the
channel in Slack.Contributing
We feel that a welcoming community is important and we ask that you follow Spotify’s Open Source Code of Conduct in all interactions with the community.
Code of conduct
This project adheres to the Open Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to honor this code.
Security Issues?
Please report sensitive security issues via Spotify’s bug-bounty program ( rather than GitHub.