You can create a grid that displays the elements of collection by passing your collection of data and a closure that provides a view for each element in the collection. The grid transforms each element in the collection into a child view by using the supplied closure.
WaterfallGrid works with identifiable data (like SwiftUI.List). You can make your data identifiable in one of two ways: by passing along with your data a key path to a property that uniquely identifies each element, or by making your data type conform to the Identifiable protocol.
Example 1
A grid of views of type Image from a collection of data identified by a key path.
WaterfallGrid((0..<10), id: \.self) { index in
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
Example 2
A grid of views of type RectangleView from a collection of Identifiable data.
WaterfallGrid(rectangles) { rectangle in
RectangleView(rectangle: rectangle)
A waterfall grid layout view for SwiftUI.
You can create a grid that displays the elements of collection by passing your collection of data and a closure that provides a view for each element in the collection. The grid transforms each element in the collection into a child view by using the supplied closure.
WaterfallGrid works with identifiable data (like SwiftUI.List). You can make your data identifiable in one of two ways: by passing along with your data a key path to a property that uniquely identifies each element, or by making your data type conform to the Identifiable protocol.
Example 1
A grid of views of type
from a collection of data identified by a key path.Example 2
A grid of views of type
from a collection ofIdentifiable
data.or, for simple cases like this, just:
Grid Style
To customise the appearance of the grid call the
function and pass the parameters you want to customise.Columns
Spacing and Padding
Scroll Behaviour
Embed in ScrollView & Indicators option
Horizontal Scroll Direction
A Complete Example
Sample App
Explore the
app for some more detailed and interactive examples.Installation
Swift Package Manager
App dependency
select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter the repository URL (Adding Package Dependencies to Your App)
Package dependency
Add it as a dependency within your
You can install
via CocoaPods by adding the following line to yourPodfile
:Run the
pod install
command to download the library and integrate it into your Xcode project.Migration Guides
For the versions available, see the releases on this repository.
Contributions are more than welcome. Please create a GitHub issue before submitting a pull request to plan and discuss implementation.
WaterfallGrid was inspired by the following projects:
WaterfallGrid is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.