Three button styles are implemented in SwiftUI; BitcoinFilled, BitcoinOutlined and BitcoinPlain.
They have a number of optional parameters, including: width, height, cornerRadius, tintColor, textColor, disabledFillColor and disabledTextColor depending on the type.
If you have a single application target that needs access to the library, then add WalletUI directly to your application.
If you want to use this library from multiple targets you must create a shared framework that depends on WalletUI and then depend on that framework in all of your targets.
WalletUI is an iOS implementation of Bitcoin Wallet UI Kit.
Both WalletUI and its reference Bitcoin Wallet UI Kit are Work In Progress.
What’s Included
Basic Usage
What’s Included
The design system in the kit includes the basics:
Example code implementations via Swift Previews:
Colors (Light+Dark Mode)
Hardware Illustrations
Icons Filled
Icons Outline
Additionally, there are example code implementations via Swift Previews specific to Bitcoin wallets, such as:
It also includes some example code implementations via Swift Previews of detailed user flows, such as:
Basic Usage
Colors (Light+Dark Mode)
Button Styles
Three button styles are implemented in SwiftUI; BitcoinFilled, BitcoinOutlined and BitcoinPlain. They have a number of optional parameters, including: width, height, cornerRadius, tintColor, textColor, disabledFillColor and disabledTextColor depending on the type.
Text Styles
Ten text styles are implemented in SwiftUI; BitcoinTitle1 - BitcoinTitle5 and BitcoinBody1 - BitcoinBody5
WalletUI currently requires minimum deployment targets of iOS 15.
You can add WalletUI to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.