The library is intended to implement an interface for the API documented here and here It is written in Swift 4.2 on Fedora and is useable in both Linux and macOS.
Swift >= 4.2
OpenSSL (libssl-dev package should be available on Linux)
cd path/to/project
swift build
swift test
swift run
The library introduces the following protocols for making API requests:
APIServiceGeneralRequest: If you have a request which doesn’t need any special headers, you can confrim to this protocol in your APIRequest struct
APIServiceOrganizationRequest: The protocol is designed for organizational request where authorization is applied as defined here
APIServicePartnerRequest: The protocol is designed for partner request where the Oath authorization is applied as defiend here
APIServiceOrganizationRequest example
You can easily create organizational request by conforming to the protocol. The headers will be applied automatically
struct OrganizationRequest: APIServiceOrganizationRequest {
typealias BodyType = RequestBody
typealias ReturnType = EmptyModel
var host: String! = "your_host_here" // can be set on *APIServiceRequest* extension for global usages
var path: String = "API_path_here"
var httpMethod: HTTPMethod = .post
var bodyData: BodyType?
var secret: String!
var clientID: String!
init(clientID: String, secret: String) {
self.clientID = clientID
self.secret = secret
bodyData = RequestBody(name: "name")
struct RequestBody: Encodable {
let name: String
APIServicePartnerRequest example
You can easily create partner request by conforming to the protocol. To initiate a new PartnerRequest you need to inject AccessTokenModel containing required information for Oath authentication.
struct PartnerRequest: APIServicePartnerRequest {
typealias BodyType = EmptyModel
typealias ReturnType = String
var host: String! = "your_host_here" // can be set on *APIServiceRequest* extension for global usages
var path: String = "API_path_here"
var httpMethod: HTTPMethod = .post
var bodyData: BodyType?
var accessTokenModel: AccessTokenModel!
init(accessTokenModel: AccessTokenModel) {
self.accessTokenModel = accessTokenModel
The library is intended to implement an interface for the API documented here and here It is written in Swift 4.2 on Fedora and is useable in both Linux and macOS.
Build && Test
The library introduces the following protocols for making API requests:
APIServiceOrganizationRequest example
You can easily create organizational request by conforming to the protocol. The headers will be applied automatically
APIServicePartnerRequest example
You can easily create partner request by conforming to the protocol. To initiate a new PartnerRequest you need to inject AccessTokenModel containing required information for Oath authentication.