Sharing Swift code between iPhone apps, This is pretty easy way to share code between multiple projects instead of copy pasting hell lot of classes and code, Even helps you to Keep the code clean/separate.
How to create?
- Start the project by creating a top level directory and adding to it an Xcode workspace.
mkdir VNHSharedCode
cd VNHSharedCode
- Initialize a new workspace in the root directory
- Next, we create a new App Project and add it to the Workspace(disable Git)
- Adding the VNHSharedCode project
It requires using the command line to initialize Swift package.
mkdir SharedCode
cd SharedCode
swift package init
swift package generate-xcodeproj
- Now that all the projects are set up, there is only one remaining step: creating a dependency between the App and SharedCode
projects. There is one caveat here: by default, the SharedCode project has one target and that target is for the Mac SDK.
To attach this project to the App target we need to create a new target in the SharedCode project that targets the iOS
- To use the new SharedCode framework using the same import SharedCode statement.
import SharedCode
Access to class or Methods, Access specifier of classess, Properties, Methods should be public
let text = SharedCode.text
message?.text = text
Important note
- Deployment target of both App and SharedCode framework should be same
- Add SharedCode framework under App -> App target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries -> Select/Add SharedCode framework
Sharing Swift code between iPhone apps, This is pretty easy way to share code between multiple projects instead of copy pasting hell lot of classes and code, Even helps you to Keep the code clean/separate.
How to create?
Important note