Update README.md
Simple, Fast and Easy.
VFNetwork is a protocol-oriented network layer that will help you assemble your requests in just a few steps.
Basically, you need two files to assemble your requests and put Base_URL, Protocol and Environment in your info.plist.
You have 3 types of Environments for you choose.
enum EnvironmentCase: String { case production = "production" case sandbox = "sandbox" case mock = "mock" }
Here you will configure your requests.
import VFNetwork enum HomeAPI { case joke case categories } extension HomeAPI: APIBuilder { var path: URLPath { switch self { case .joke: return .plain("jokes/random") case .categories: return .plain("jokes/categories") } } var httpMethod: HTTPMethods { switch self { case .joke, .categories: return .get } } var headers: HTTPHeader { .custom([ .bearer("yourToken"), .basic("yourBase64"), .header("custom", "header") ]) } var task: HTTPTask { switch self { case .joke, .categories: return .request } }
And here you will execute your requests.
import VFNetwork class HomeService: RequestService<HomeAPI> { func getJoke(completion: @escaping (Result<JokeModel, Error>) -> Void) { execute(.joke, responseType: JokeModel.self, completion: completion) } func getCategories(completion: @escaping (Result<CategoryModel, Error>) -> Void) { execute(.categories, responseType: CategoryModel.self, completion: completion) } }
All documentation can be found in our Site including detailed api instructions and more.
VFNetwork is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add to your Podfile:
target 'YourApp' do use_frameworks! # Pods for YourApp pod 'VFNetwork' end
Victor Freitas | iOS Developer
VFNetwork is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
©Copyright 2023 CCF 开源发展委员会 Powered by Trustie& IntelliDE 京ICP备13000930号
Simple, Fast and Easy.
VFNetwork is a protocol-oriented network layer that will help you assemble your requests in just a few steps.
How to use
Basically, you need two files to assemble your requests and put Base_URL, Protocol and Environment in your info.plist.
You have 3 types of Environments for you choose.
Here you will configure your requests.
And here you will execute your requests.
That’s it. enjoy…
All documentation can be found in our Site including detailed api instructions and more.
VFNetwork is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add to your Podfile:
Victor Freitas | iOS Developer
VFNetwork is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.