
Super easy way to apply shimmering effect to any view and its subviews for iOS applications.

Platform: iOS License CocaPods Compatible Carthage Compatible CaSwift Package Manager Compatible


  • iOS 10+



UIView-Shimmer is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'UIView-Shimmer', '~> 1.0'

Then import

import UIView_Shimmer

Swift Package Manager

UIView-Shimmer is available through Swift Package Manager.

To add package go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependancy

name: "UIView-Shimmer"
url: https://github.com/omerfarukozturk/UIView-Shimmer.git
version: 1.0.2


If you do not want to add extra dependency, just copy Sources folder into your project.


Shimmering Animation

Conform any view to ShimmeringViewProtocol which identifies that shimmering animation will be applied to it or specified subviews. Define which subviews are animated in shimmeringAnimatedItems.

final class SampleTableViewCell: UITableViewCell, ShimmeringViewProtocol {
    @IBOutlet weak var profileImageBackgroundView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var actionButton: UIButton!
    @IBOutlet weak var secondLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var secondActionButton: UIButton!
    var shimmeringAnimatedItems: [UIView] {

Or alternatively you can define that a type of view will be animated just extending ShimmeringViewProtocol

extension UILabel: ShimmeringViewProtocol { }
extension UIButton: ShimmeringViewProtocol { }
extension UITextView: ShimmeringViewProtocol { }

Then call setShimmeringAnimationWithSubviews(template:superviewBackgroundColor:) extension of UIView for any view (basically a superview). This function finds all descendand subviews to be set as template and applies animation. Before the call, make sure the view is loaded.

For UITableViewCell, to mark as template, view you call on willDisplay delegate.

cell.setTemplateWithSubviews(isLoading, viewBackgroundColor: .systemBackground)

You can hide, for example after a completion of a task, with template = false parameter. It is not needed to give superviewBackgroundColor value when hiding template (with shimmering) animation.

cell.setTemplateWithSubviews(template: false)
Light Theme Dark Theme

Excluded Views

You can set excludedItems with ShimmeringViewProtocol to set views will be excluded while setting animation.

var excludedItems: Set<UIView> {


You can only set template view without shimmering animation via setting animation: false. (like .redacted(reason: .placeholder) in SwiftUI)

view.setTemplateWithSubviews(true, animate: false)
Default Template


Template view (and also Shimmering effect) frames are calculated based on their intrinsicContentSize or their layout constraints. So you should set dummy values for UILabels, UITextView etc. or set their constraints to visually draw their templates.


The exmple project demonstrates how to use it. Pull the repo and check ShimmerExamples.


Contributions are welcome 🙌


UIView-Shimmer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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