

An example CLT using Typer



brew install Samasaur1/core/typer


mint install Samasaur1/TyperTool


marathon install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Samasaur1/TyperTool/master/Sources/TyperTool/main.swift /usr/local/bin/typer

Install Script

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Samasaur1/TyperTool/master/install.sh | bash

Build From Source and Install

git clone https://github.com/Samasaur1/TyperTool.git
cd TyperTool
swift build -c release -Xswiftc -static-stdlib
cp .build/release/typer /usr/local/bin/typer

Optional (if you want to remove the source code):

cd ..
rm -rf TyperTool

Download and Install

  1. Go to the latest release.
  2. Click on the .zip file. (for example, typer-1.0.0.zip)
  3. Open your Downloads folder in the Finder
  4. Open another Finder window.
  5. In that new window, use the Go menu and click Go to folder... (or press ⇧⌘G).
  6. Type in usr/local/bin and click Go.
  7. Drag the typer file in your Downloads folder into the new window.


All of these methods work. However, only Homebrew, Mint, and Marathon can update TyperTool for you. Furthermore, they all install to the same location, so only use one.

Mint, Marathon, and Homebrew require tools to be installed, while the other options do not.

Mint, Marathon, and building from source require that Swift 4.0 or newer be installed, while the other options do not.

While unlikely, it is possible that Homebrew will take longer to make updates available than Mint or Marathon.

Here is the recommended order. Use the first option that you meet all the requirements for.

  1. Homebrew
  2. Mint / Marathon
  3. Building from source
  4. Install script / Download and install



Note: Due to this being online, this GIF has probably been slowed down. To view it at full speed, you can download the .mov version here.

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