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TypeDecoder is a Swift library to allow the inspection of Swift language native and complex types. It was initially written for use within the Kitura project but can easily be used for a wide range of projects where the dynamic inspection of types is required.

Swift version

The latest version of the TypeDecoder requires Swift 4.0 or newer. You can download this version of the Swift binaries by following this link. Compatibility with other Swift versions is not guaranteed.


Add dependencies

Add TypeDecoder to the dependencies within your application’s Package.swift file. Substitute "x.x.x" with the latest TypeDecoder release.

.package(url: "https://github.com/Kitura/TypeDecoder.git", from: "x.x.x")

Add TypeDecoder to your target’s dependencies:

.target(name: "example", dependencies: ["TypeDecoder"]),

Using the TypeDecoder

TypeDecoder.decode() returns a TypeInfo enum which describes the type passed to decode(). The TypeInfo enum values are:

  • .single(Any.Type, Any.Type) - A basic type, for example String.
  • .keyed(Any.Type, [String: TypeInfo]) - A keyed container type, for example a struct or class.
  • .dynamicKeyed(Any.Type, key: TypeInfo, value: TypeInfo) - A dynamically keyed container type; a Dictionary.
  • .unkeyed(Any.Type, TypeInfo) - An unkeyed container type, for example an Array or Set.
  • .optional(TypeInfo) - An optional container type.
  • .cyclic(Any.Type) - A type that refers back to its own declaration, for example an Array field in a struct containing the same type as the struct.
  • .opaque(Any.Type) - A type that cannot be decoded.

For each of these enum values, the first parameter is always the original type passed to the TypeDecoder for decoding.


To use the TypeDecoder you need to declare a type which conforms to the Decodable protocol, such as the struct StructureType below.

import TypeDecoder

struct StructureType: Decodable {
    let aString: String

You then call TypeDecoder.decode() passing the type to be decoded. If you print the contents of the returned TypeInfo enum you can see it describes the type passed to decode().

let structureTypeInfo = try TypeDecoder.decode(StructureType.self)

Printing the structureTypeInfo will output:

  aString: String

You can then use .keyed(Any.Type, [String: TypeInfo]) to obtain a Dictionary of all the fields contained in the keyed structure, this allows you to retrieve each field’s TypeInfo by name.

In the case below, the type of field “aString” is a basic type, so you can use .single(Any.Type, Any.Type). The appropriate enum value to call will vary depending on the field type, see the full implementation below for how to decode more complex types.

if case .keyed(_, let dict) = structureTypeInfo {

  print("\nThe Dictionary returned from decoding StructureType contains:\n\(dict)")

  /// Fields that are not containers will be .single
  if let theTypeInfo = dict["aString"] {
    if case .single(_) = theTypeInfo {
      print("aString is type \(theTypeInfo)")

You will see the following output:

The Dictionary returned from decoding StructureType contains:
OrderedDictionary<String, TypeInfo>(keys: ["aString"], values: ["aString": String], iteratorCount: 1)
aString is type String

Full implementation

/// Building and running this example shows how to decode a Swift data structure.
/// You should expect to see the following output:
/// Print the returned TypeInfo and you get this:
/// StructType{
///   myString: String,
///   myOptional: Float?,
///   myCyclic: [StructType{<cyclic>}],
///   myDict: [String:Bool],
///   myArray: [Int8]
/// }
/// The Dictionary returned from decoding StructType contains:
/// ["myString": String, "myOptional": Float?, "myCyclic": [StructType{<cyclic>}], "myDict": [String:Bool], "myArray": [Int8]]
/// Each field can be individually inspected:
/// myString is type String
/// myDict is type Dictionary<String, Bool>
/// myArray contains type Int8
/// myOptional is type Float
/// Cyclics are harder to deal with as they're buried inside an Array type:
/// myCyclic is type StructType

import TypeDecoder

struct StructType: Decodable {
    let myString: String
    let myDict: Dictionary<String, Bool>
    let myArray: [Int8]
    let myOptional: Float?
    let myCyclic: [StructType]

func main() {
    do {
        let structTypeInfo = try TypeDecoder.decode(StructType.self)
        /// Print the returned TypeInfo and you get this:
        /// StructType{
        ///   myString: String,
        ///   myDict: [String:Bool],
        ///   myArray: [Int8],
        ///   myOptional: Float?,
        ///   myCyclic: [StructType{<cyclic>}]
        /// }
        print("Print the returned TypeInfo and you get this:\n\(structTypeInfo)")

        if case .keyed(_, let dict) = structTypeInfo {
            /// .keyed TypeInfo contains a Dictionary<String, TypeInfo> of all fields contained in
            /// the keyed structure, so each field's TypeInfo can be retrieved by name.
            print("\nThe Dictionary returned from decoding StructType contains:\n\(dict)")
            print("\nEach field can be individually inspected:")

            /// Fields that are not containers will be .single
            if let theTypeInfo = dict["myString"] {
                if case .single(_) = theTypeInfo {
                    print("myString is type \(theTypeInfo)")

            /// .dynamicKeyed fields are Dictionary types
            if let theTypeInfo = dict["myDict"] {
                if case .dynamicKeyed(_, let keyTypeInfo, let valueTypeInfo) = theTypeInfo {
                    print("myDict is type Dictionary<\(keyTypeInfo), \(valueTypeInfo)>")

            /// .unkeyed fields are Array or Set types
            if let theTypeInfo = dict["myArray"] {
                if case .unkeyed(_, let theTypeInfo) = theTypeInfo {
                    print("myArray contains type \(theTypeInfo)")

            /// .optional field types
            if let theTypeInfo = dict["myOptional"] {
                if case .optional(let theTypeInfo) = theTypeInfo {
                    print("myOptional is type \(theTypeInfo)")

            /// .cyclic fields are embedded inside .unkeyed (Array or Set) types  
            if let theTypeInfo = dict["myCyclic"] {
                print("\nCyclics are harder to deal with as they're buried inside an Array type:")
                if case .unkeyed(_, let theTypeInfo) = theTypeInfo {
                    if case .cyclic(let theTypeInfo) = theTypeInfo {
                        print("myCyclic is type \(theTypeInfo)")
    } catch let error {


Compatibility with types that perform validation

The TypeDecoder works by using the Codable framework to simulate the decoding of a type. The init(from: Decoder) initializer is invoked for the type (and any nested types), in order to discover its structure. To create an instance without a serialized representation, the decoder provides dummy values for each field.

However, there are cases a type may need to perform validation of these values during initialization. TypeDecoder provides a mechanism for providing acceptable values during decoding through the ValidSingleCodingValueProvider and ValidKeyedCodingValueProvider protocols.


Below is an example of an enum with a raw value of String. Swift can synthesize Codable conformance for such a type, producing an init(from: Decoder) that requires a valid String matching one of the enum cases. Here is how you can extend such a type to be compatible with TypeDecoder:

public enum Fruit: String, Codable {
    case apple, banana, orange, pear

// Provide an acceptable value during decoding
extension Fruit: ValidSingleCodingValueProvider {
    public static func validCodingValue() -> Any? {
        // Returns the string "apple"
        return self.apple.rawValue


An example of a structured type, where one of the fields is validated, and an extension that enables it to be handled by the TypeDecoder:

public class YoungAdult: Codable {
    let name: String
    let age: Int

    required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        self.name = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: CodingKeys.name)
        self.age = try container.decode(Int.self, forKey: CodingKeys.age)
        // Validate the age field
        guard self.age >= 18, self.age <= 30 else {
            throw DecodingError.dataCorrupted(DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "Age is outside the permitted range"))

// Provide a value for 'age' which is within the acceptable range
extension YoungAdult: ValidKeyedCodingValueProvider {
    public static func validCodingValue(forKey key: CodingKey) -> Any? {
        switch key.stringValue {
        case self.CodingKeys.age.stringValue:
            return 20
            // For any fields that are not validated, you may return nil.
            // The TypeDecoder will use a standard dummy value.
            return nil

An example, implemented in TypeDecoder, of extending a Foundation type that requires validation, and that uses numeric CodingKeys:

extension URL: ValidKeyedCodingValueProvider {
    public static func validCodingValue(forKey key: CodingKey) -> Any? {
        switch key.intValue {
        case 1?: return "http://example.com/"
        default: return nil

API documentation

For more information visit our API reference.


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This library is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in LICENSE.

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