aims accelerate SwiftUI development by providing commonly desired views and view modifiers. Highlights include an AdaptiveStack
to better support dynamic type and WeightedVStack
for relational layouts.
Built for performance and backwards compatibility using Engine
- Deployment target: iOS 13.0, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13.0, or watchOS 6.0
- Xcode 14.1+
Xcode Projects
Select File
-> Swift Packages
-> Add Package Dependency
and enter https://github.com/nathantannar4/Turbocharger
Swift Package Manager Projects
You can add Turbocharger
as a package dependency in your Package.swift
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/nathantannar4/Turbocharger"),
targets: [
name: "YourPackageTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "Turbocharger", package: "Turbocharger"),
Introduction to Turbocharger
was started with the two goals. 1) To expand the standard API that SwiftUI provides to what many would commonly desired or need; and 2) To demonstrate how to use Engine to make reusable components that are backwards compatible.
/// The ``ViewStyle`` for ``LabeledView``
public protocol LabeledViewStyle: ViewStyle where Configuration == LabeledViewStyleConfiguration {
/// The ``ViewStyledView.Configuration`` for ``LabeledView``
public struct LabeledViewStyleConfiguration {
/// A type-erased label of a ``LabeledView``
public struct Label: ViewAlias { }
public var label: Label
/// A type-erased content of a ``LabeledView``
public struct Content: ViewAlias { }
public var content: Content
/// A backwards compatible port of `LabeledContent`
public struct LabeledView<Label: View, Content: View>: View {
public init(
@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content,
@ViewBuilder label: () -> Label
/// A view that arranges its subviews in a vertical or horizontal line.
public struct HVStack<Content: View>: View {
public init(
axis: Axis,
alignment: Alignment = .center,
spacing: CGFloat? = nil,
@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content
/// A view that arranges its subviews in a horizontal line when such a layout
/// would fit the available space. If there is not enough space, it arranges it's subviews
/// in a vertical line.
public struct AdaptiveStack<Content: View>: View {
public init(
alignment: Alignment = .center,
spacing: CGFloat? = nil,
@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content
/// A view that arranges its subviews in a horizontal line a width
/// that is relative to its `LayoutWeightPriority`.
/// By default, all subviews will be arranged with equal width.
public struct WeightedHStack<Content: View>: View {
public init(
alignment: VerticalAlignment = .center,
spacing: CGFloat? = nil,
@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content
/// A view that arranges its subviews in a vertical line a height
/// that is relative to its `LayoutWeightPriority`.
/// By default, all subviews will be arranged with equal height.
public struct WeightedVStack<Content: View>: View {
public init(
alignment: HorizontalAlignment = .center,
spacing: CGFloat? = nil,
@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content
extension View {
public func layoutWeight(_ value: Double) -> some View
/// A view that arranges its subviews along multiple horizontal lines.
public struct FlowStack<Content: View>: View {
public init(
alignment: Alignment = .center,
spacing: CGFloat? = nil,
@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content
/// A view that arranges its subviews along a radial circumference.
public struct RadialStack<Content: View>: View {
public init(radius: CGFloat? = nil, @ViewBuilder content: () -> Content)
/// A view maps an `Optional` value to it's `Content` or `Placeholder`.
public struct OptionalAdapter<
Content: View,
Placeholder: View
>: View {
public init(
_ value: T?,
@ViewBuilder content: (T) -> Content,
@ViewBuilder placeholder: () -> Placeholder
public init(
_ value: Binding<T?>,
@ViewBuilder content: (Binding<T>) -> Content,
@ViewBuilder placeholder: () -> Placeholder
extension OptionalAdapter where Placeholder == EmptyView {
public init(
_ value: T?,
@ViewBuilder content: (T) -> Content
public init(
_ value: Binding<T?>,
@ViewBuilder content: (Binding<T>) -> Content
/// A view maps a `Result` value to it's `SuccessContent` or `FailureContent`.
public struct ResultAdapter<
SuccessContent: View,
FailureContent: View
>: View {
public init<Success, Failure: Error>(
_ value: Result<Success, Failure>,
@ViewBuilder content: (Success) -> SuccessContent,
@ViewBuilder placeholder: (Failure) -> FailureContent
public init<Success, Failure: Error>(
_ value: Binding<Result<Success, Failure>>,
@ViewBuilder content: (Binding<Success>) -> SuccessContent,
@ViewBuilder placeholder: (Binding<Failure>) -> FailureContent
extension ResultAdapter where FailureContent == EmptyView {
public init<Success, Failure: Error>(
_ value: Result<Success, Failure>,
@ViewBuilder content: (Success) -> SuccessContent
public init<Success, Failure: Error>(
_ value: Binding<Result<Success, Failure>>,
@ViewBuilder content: (Binding<Success>) -> SuccessContent
public protocol BindingTransform {
associatedtype Input
associatedtype Output
func get(_ value: Input) -> Output
func set(_ newValue: Output, oldValue: @autoclosure () -> Input) throws -> Input
extension Binding {
public func projecting<Transform: BindingTransform>(
_ transform: Transform
) -> Binding<Transform.Output> where Transform.Input == Value
public func isNil<Wrapped>() -> Binding<Bool> where Optional<Wrapped> == Value
public func isNotNil<Wrapped>() -> Binding<Bool> where Optional<Wrapped> == Value
public func map<T>(_ keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Value, T>) -> Binding<T>
@available(iOS 14.0, macOS 11.0, tvOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, *)
extension View {
public func safeAreaPadding(_ edgeInsets: EdgeInsets) -> some View
public func safeAreaPadding(_ length: CGFloat = 16) -> some View
public func safeAreaPadding(_ edges: Edge.Set, _ length: CGFloat = 16) -> some View
@available(iOS 14.0, macOS 11.0, tvOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, *)
extension View {
public func badge<Label: View>(
alignment: Alignment = .topTrailing,
anchor: UnitPoint = UnitPoint(x: 0.25, y: 0.25),
scale: CGFloat = 1.2,
@ViewBuilder label: () -> Label
) -> some View
extension View {
/// Disables accessibility elements from being generated, even when an assistive technology is running
public func accessibilityDisabled() -> some View
/// Optionally uses the specified string to identify the view.
public func accessibilityIdentifier(_ identifier: String?) -> ModifiedContent<Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier>
/// Optionally adds a label to the view that describes its contents.
public func accessibilityLabel<S: StringProtocol>(_ label: S?) -> ModifiedContent<Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier>
/// Optionally adds a textual description of the value that the view contains.
public func accessibilityValue<S: StringProtocol>(_ value: S?) -> ModifiedContent<Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier>
/// Optionally adds an accessibility action to the view.
public func accessibilityAction(named name: LocalizedStringKey?, _ handler: @escaping () -> Void) -> ModifiedContent<Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier>
/// Optionally adds an accessibility action to the view.
public func accessibilityAction<S: StringProtocol>(named name: S?, _ handler: @escaping () -> Void) -> ModifiedContent<Self, AccessibilityAttachmentModifier>
And Many More
See the source files for more.
Distributed under the BSD 2-Clause License. See LICENSE.md
for more information.
aims accelerate SwiftUI development by providing commonly desired views and view modifiers. Highlights include anAdaptiveStack
to better support dynamic type andWeightedVStack
for relational layouts.Requirements
Xcode Projects
->Swift Packages
->Add Package Dependency
and enterhttps://github.com/nathantannar4/Turbocharger
.Swift Package Manager Projects
You can add
as a package dependency in yourPackage.swift
file:Introduction to Turbocharger
was started with the two goals. 1) To expand the standard API that SwiftUI provides to what many would commonly desired or need; and 2) To demonstrate how to use Engine to make reusable components that are backwards compatible.LabeledView
And Many More
See the source files for more.
Distributed under the BSD 2-Clause License. See
for more information.