import Termios
let password: String
print("Please enter the account password: ", terminator: "")
do {
// Save the current terminal state
var old = try Termios.fetch(fd: STDIN_FILENO)
// Update the current terminal state to turn off echo
var new = old
new.localFlags.formSymmetricDifference([.echo, .canonical])
try new.update(fd: STDIN_FILENO)
// Ensure that the original terminal state is restored upon scope completion
defer {
do {
try old.update(fd: STDIN_FILENO)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to reenable stdin echo with error: \(error)")
// Read input securely (without echoing characters to stdout)
guard let _pass = readLine() else {
fatalError("Swift process does not have a controlling terminal and cannot prompt for input")
password = _pass
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to disable stdin echo with error: \(error)")
// Print a newline because the return key pressed by the user is not echoed
print("The user entered \(password) as their secure input")
Improving the auto-generated bindings for
with additional type-safety and Swift-isms.Inspiration
Lots of ideas were borrowed from japaric/
Termios is released under the MIT license.