
Taskig: Evil Genius Task Management for Swift

CI Status Version License Platform Swift

An async/await inspired library which makes asynchronous programming in Swift a joy!

Taskig makes it easy to execute code on different threads, e.g. background or main, and then compose these tasks via async/await methodology. Taskig was heavily inspired by AsyncTask (https://github.com/zhxnlai/AsyncTask)


  • Taskig is composable, allowing you to build complex workflow.
  • Taskig supports native error handling with do-catch and try.
  • Taskig is protocol oriented; you can turn any object into a Task.

Without Taskig:

// submit a task to the global queue for background execution
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async {
    let enhancedImage = self.applyImageFilter(image) // expensive operation taking a few seconds

    // update UI on the main queue
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        self.imageView.image = enhancedImage

        UIView.animateWithDuration(0.3, animations: {
            self.imageView.alpha = 1
        }) { completed in
            // add code to happen next here

With Taskig:

Task.async {
    let enhancedImage = self.applyImageFilter(image)

    Task.async(executionQueue: .main) { self.imageView.image = enhancedImage }

    UIView.animateTask(withDuration: 0.3) { self.label.alpha = 1 }.await()

    // add code to happen next here

It even allows you to extend existing types:

let (data, response) = try! NSURL(string: "www.google.com")!.await()



Taskig is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Taskig"


In Taskig, a Task represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation, as do Future and Promise in other libraries. It can wrap both synchronous and asynchronous APIs. To create a Task, initialize it with a closure. To make it reusable, write functions that return a task.

// synchronous API wrapped in task
func encrypt(message: String) -> Task<String> {
    return Task {

// asynchronous API wrapped in task
func get(URL: NSURL) -> Task<(NSData?, NSURLResponse?, NSError?)> {
    return Task {completionHandler in
        NSURLSession().dataTaskWithURL(URL, completionHandler: completionHandler).resume()

To get the result of a Task, use async or await. async is just like dispatch_async, and you can supply a completion handler. await, on the contrary, blocks the current thread and waits for the task to finish. To avoid deadlocks on the main thread Taskig contains a precondition check, which will end in a crash if you try to call await on the main thread!

// async
encrypt(message).async { ciphertext in /* do somthing */ }
get(URL).async {(data, response, error) in /* do somthing */ }

// await
let ciphertext = encrypt(message).await()
let (data, response, error) = get(URL).await()

When you create a task, you can specify on which queue the task should be executed. Under the hood Taskig uses dispatch queues to execute tasks, therefore all standard dispatch queues are available for execution: background, utility, userInitiated, userInteractive and main, but you can also use your application specific ones.

Task<Void>(executionQueue: .main) {
    print("On Main Thread")
    //Update UI here

Task<Int>(executionQueue: .background) { () -> Int in
    // Calculate something in the background
    return 42

Composing Tasks

You can use multiple await expressions to ensure that each statement completes before executing the next statement:

Task {
    print(“downloading image”)
    var image = downloadImage.await()
    print(“processing image”)
    image = processImage(image).await()

Collections of Tasks

Taskig also supports collections, dictionaries and sequences, of tasks. On both of them you can either call awaitFirst or awaitAll to execute them in parallel:

// Get first result returned
let uLs = ["https://web1.swift.org", "https://web2.swift.org"]
let first = replicatedURLs.map(get).awaitFirst()

// Get all results
let messages = ["1", "2", "3"]
let all = messages.map(encrypt).awaitAll()

You can control the amount of concurrent parallel task by using the concurrency parameter:

let numbersStrings = (0...900).map{ String($0) }

// Maximum of 5 parallel tasks
let all = numbersStrings.map(encrypt).awaitAll(concurrency: 5)

Handling Errors

Swift provide first-class support for error handling. In Taskig, a ThrowableTask takes a throwing closure and propagates the error.

extension String: Error {}

func toStringExceptZero(number: Int) -> ThrowableTask<String> {
    return ThrowableTask<String> {
        guard number != 0 else {
            throw "FoundZero"
        return "\(number)"

do {
    try toStringExceptZero(number: 0).await()
} catch {
    // Prints "FoundZero" error

Alternatively you can use awaitResult() to get an result enum which is either .success(value) with the task result value or .failure(error) with the task error.

if case let .failure(error) = toStringExceptZero(number: 0).awaitResult() {

Extending Tasks

Taskig is protocol oriented; it defines TaskType and ThrowableTaskType and provides the default implementation of async, awaitResult and await using protocol extension. In other words, these protocols are easy to implement, and you can await on any object that confronts to them. Being able to extend tasks powerful because it allows tasks to encapsulate states and behaviors.

In the following example, by extending NSURL to be TaskType, we make data fetching a part of the NSURL class. To confront to the TaskType protocol, just specify an action and the return type.

extension URL: ThrowableTaskType {
    typealias ReturnType = (Data, HTTPURLResponse)
    public var executionQueue: DispatchQueue { return DispatchQueue.global() }

    public func action(completion: @escaping (TaskResult<(Data, HTTPURLResponse)>) -> Void) {
        URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: self) { (data, response, error) in
            guard error == nil else {
            completion(.success((data!, response as! HTTPURLResponse)))

This extension allows us to write the following code:

let (data, response) = try! NSURL(string: "www.google.com")!.await()

Cancellation Support

ThrowableTaskType tasks can support cancellation via the CancellableTaskType protocol. A cancelled task will throw an CancellableTaskError.taskWasCancelled error. The ThrowableTask implementation already supports this.

var task = ThrowableTask<String> { () -> String in
    return "Foobar"

task.isCancelled = true

do {
    try task.await()
} catch {
    // CancellableTaskError.taskWasCancelled thrown


Thomas Sempf


Taskig is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
