TaskKit AKA “Task It”
This framework is my attempt at replacing the Standard Library’s OperationQueue & Operation classes.
I’ve ran into a number of issues when using an OperationQueue
in the past, like when it can’t handle more than 100 Operation
s and freezes indefinitely (at least on Linux), as well as a number of other intricacies that I found frustrating or just down right annoying.
So I built this! I tried to make it equally thread-safe with similar APIs, but more protocol oriented than the Standard Library counterpart.
Installation (SPM)
Add this to your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/Ponyboy47/TaskKit.git", from: "0.6.0")
Supports Swift 4.x (Including 4.2)
The Task Protocols
The basis of TaskKit is (you guessed it) Tasks.
There are a number of Task protocols you can conform to:
This is the base protocol that all the subsequent *Task
protocols also conform to.
In order to conform to any Task
protocol, you must implement the following protocol requirements:
var state: TaskState { get set }
This contains information about the current execution progress of the task and may also contain an array of log messages (you would have to add log messages in your object that conforms to Task
It is recomended that you begin by assigning this to .ready
, otherwise, be sure that the status.state
value is .ready
before your task is added to the TaskQueue or else it will fail to execute.
var priority: TaskPriority { get set }
A task’s priority determines when it will be executed relative to other tasks in the queue.
High priority tasks are executed before lower priority tasks.
var qos: DispatchQoS { get }
This will be the Quality of Service that is used to execute your task.
func finish()
A function that will be executed when your task completes, regardless of whether or not it completed successfully.
Check your task’s state so that you can have different logic depending on whether it failed or succeeded.
func execute() -> Bool
This is the function that will be called to run your task.
This function should return whether or not your task completed its execution successfully.
A Task
that depends on some external source to configure itself properly (ie: a script to validate a configuration file before execution).
func configure() -> Bool
The function that must run successfully before your task can be executed.
This function should return whether or not it configured your task properly.
A Task
that can be stopped mid-execution and resumed at a later time.
func pause() -> Bool
The function used to stop execution.
Return whether or not your task’s execution was successfully paused.
func resume() -> Bool
The function used to resume previously stopped execution.
Return whether or not your task’s execution was successfully resumed.
A Task
that can be cancelled mid-execution, but cannot (or will not) be resumed at a later time.
func cancel()
The function used to cancel execution.
A Task
that cannot be executed until one or more other Task
s have successfully been executed.
var dependencies: [Task] { get set }
An array of the tasks that must execute successfully before this task can begin its execution.
func finish(dependency: Task)
A function that is ran whenever a dependency finishes executing.
The dependency that just completed is passed as the dependency
Basic Usage
After you have at least one type conforming to any of the Task
protocols, you can create a TaskQueue
and add tasks to it:
// Create a queue (maxSimultaneous defaults to 1)
let queue = TaskQueue(name: "com.example.taskqueue", maxSimultaneous: 2)
// Add a task to the queue
queue.add(task: myTask)
// Start the queue's execution
If you have a task with dependencies, then you don’t need to add the dependencies to the task.
They’ll automatically be ran before the task that they depend on is run.
// Add a dependency to your task
myTask.add(dependency: dependencyTask)
// Add the base task to the queue
queue.add(task: myTask)
// Start the queue
Linked Queues
Sometimes, you might want to separate tasks into different queues even when the tasks in the separate queues may depend on each other.
This is where you may use a LinkedTaskQueue instead.
// Let's start with two queues:
// 1. For moving media files
// 2. For converting the media
let moveQueue = LinkedTaskQueue(name: "com.example.linked.move", maxSimultaneous: 5)
let conversionQueue = LinkedTaskQueue(name: "com.example.linked.conversion", linkedTo: moveQueue)
// Add our move tasks
moveQueue.add(tasks: moveTasks)
// One of the move tasks shouldn't happen until after it has been converted
moveTasks[0].add(dependency: conversionTask)
// Add that conversion task to its queue
conversionQueue.add(task: conversionTask)
// Start both the queues
NOTE: Any dependency tasks must exist in one of the linked queues or there will be a fatal error
TaskKit AKA “Task It”
This framework is my attempt at replacing the Standard Library’s OperationQueue & Operation classes.
I’ve ran into a number of issues when using an
in the past, like when it can’t handle more than 100Operation
s and freezes indefinitely (at least on Linux), as well as a number of other intricacies that I found frustrating or just down right annoying.So I built this! I tried to make it equally thread-safe with similar APIs, but more protocol oriented than the Standard Library counterpart.
Installation (SPM)
Add this to your Package.swift
Supports Swift 4.x (Including 4.2)
The Task Protocols
The basis of TaskKit is (you guessed it) Tasks.
There are a number of Task protocols you can conform to:
This is the base protocol that all the subsequent
protocols also conform to.In order to conform to any
protocol, you must implement the following protocol requirements:This contains information about the current execution progress of the task and may also contain an array of log messages (you would have to add log messages in your object that conforms to
).It is recomended that you begin by assigning this to
, otherwise, be sure that thestatus.state
value is.ready
before your task is added to the TaskQueue or else it will fail to execute.A task’s priority determines when it will be executed relative to other tasks in the queue.
High priority tasks are executed before lower priority tasks.
This will be the Quality of Service that is used to execute your task.
A function that will be executed when your task completes, regardless of whether or not it completed successfully.
Check your task’s state so that you can have different logic depending on whether it failed or succeeded.
This is the function that will be called to run your task.
This function should return whether or not your task completed its execution successfully.
that depends on some external source to configure itself properly (ie: a script to validate a configuration file before execution).The function that must run successfully before your task can be executed.
This function should return whether or not it configured your task properly.
that can be stopped mid-execution and resumed at a later time.The function used to stop execution.
Return whether or not your task’s execution was successfully paused.
The function used to resume previously stopped execution.
Return whether or not your task’s execution was successfully resumed.
that can be cancelled mid-execution, but cannot (or will not) be resumed at a later time.The function used to cancel execution.
that cannot be executed until one or more otherTask
s have successfully been executed.An array of the tasks that must execute successfully before this task can begin its execution.
A function that is ran whenever a dependency finishes executing.
The dependency that just completed is passed as the
parameter.Basic Usage
After you have at least one type conforming to any of the
protocols, you can create aTaskQueue
and add tasks to it:If you have a task with dependencies, then you don’t need to add the dependencies to the task. They’ll automatically be ran before the task that they depend on is run.
Linked Queues
Sometimes, you might want to separate tasks into different queues even when the tasks in the separate queues may depend on each other. This is where you may use a LinkedTaskQueue instead.
NOTE: Any dependency tasks must exist in one of the linked queues or there will be a fatal error