
Swift Tables

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Working on CLI tools in Swift? Need to display tables? Continue reading.

Add the dependency to your Package.swift file:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "My awesome CLI tool"
    dependencies: [
            url: "https://github.com/JanGorman/Table",
            from: "1.0.0"

Basic Usage

import Table

func doSomething() throws {
    let data = [
      ["0A", "0B", "0C"],
      ["1A", "1B", "1C"],
      ["2A", "2B", "2C"],

    let table = try Table(data: data).table()


Results in a pretty table:

║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║
║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║
║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║


You can align your table rows by passing in a Configuration:

import Table

func doSomething() throws {
    let data = [
      ["0A", "0B", "0C"],
    // Give alignment and a minimum width
    let columns = [
      Column(alignment: .left, width: 10),
      Column(alignment: .center, width: 10),
      Column(alignment: .right, width: 10)
    let configuration = Configuration(columns: columns)
    let table = try Table(data: data).table()


Results in:

║0A        │    0B    │        0C║


The Configuration also allows for padding:

import Table

func doSomething() throws {
    let data = [
      ["0A", "0B", "0C"],
    let columns = [
      Column(paddingLeft: 3, paddingRight: 4),
      Column(paddingLeft: 8, paddingRight: 8),
      Column(paddingLeft: 3, paddingRight: 4)
    let configuration = Configuration(columns: columns)
    let table = try Table(data: data).table()


Would give you:

║   0A    │        0B        │   0C    ║

Custom Border Style

To use a custom border for your tables simply create a struct conforming to the Border protocol and pass it as part of a custom Configuration. For example:

import Table

struct CustomBorder: Border {
  public let topBody = "─"
  public let topJoin = "┬"
  public let topLeft = "┌"
  public let topRight = "┐"

  public let bottomBody = "─"
  public let bottomJoin = "┴"
  public let bottomLeft = "└"
  public let bottomRight = "┘"

  public let bodyLeft = "│"
  public let bodyRight = "│"
  public let bodyJoin = "│"

  public let joinBody = "─"
  public let joinLeft = "├"
  public let joinRight = "┤"
  public let joinJoin = "┼"

func doSomething() throws -> String {
  let configuration = Configuration(border: CustomBorder(), columns: columns)
  return try Table(data: data).table()


Table is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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