Library for common helpers and improvements to UIKit. It also includes Swiftlier for enhancements to Swift itself.
Create a common library of generic extensions and types that are useful across many projects. This allows developers to use more advanced features while maintaining readability. You are encouraged to submit pull requests or issues with additional features that we can discuss to see if they should be added.
As git submodule
Run git submodle add external/SwiftlierUIKit
Drag ‘SwiftlierUIKit.xcodeproj’ into your project
Add import SwiftlierUIKit and or import Swiftlier to the top of any file you would like to use this library in
Library for common helpers and improvements to UIKit. It also includes Swiftlier for enhancements to Swift itself.
Create a common library of generic extensions and types that are useful across many projects. This allows developers to use more advanced features while maintaining readability. You are encouraged to submit pull requests or issues with additional features that we can discuss to see if they should be added.
As git submodule
git submodle add external/SwiftlierUIKit
import SwiftlierUIKit
and orimport Swiftlier
to the top of any file you would like to use this library inUsing Swift Package Manager