Swiftlet Data is a suite of backend tools designed to quickly and easily add support for several common databases and data formats (such as SQLite, SPON and CloudKit) to your app.
NOTE: Swiftlet Data is a replacement for our Action Data library specifically designed to work with SwiftUI. Several other features have been modernized and improved as well.
Swiftlet Data provides both light weight, low-level access to the data sources along with high level Object Relationship Management (ORM) support (using Swift’s Codable, Encodable and Decodable protocols.
Simply create a Class to hold your data and conform it to ADDataTable. After you open a datasource from the required type of provider (SQLite, iCloud or SPON), use ORM functionality to quickly Save, Update or Query data. All without the overhead or hassle of having to learn Core Data.
For example, if you had an instance of class Category that conforms to ADDataTable the following single line of code would create (or update the schema) of the required tables and write the values from the class into the table as a new record:
let category = Category(...)
// Save data to currently open SQLite database.
And the following would do the same thing in iCloud using CloudKit:
let category = Category(...)
// Save data to the user's private iCloud data store.
You also have the option of saving to the Public iCloud Container visible by all user’s of your app:
let category = Category(...)
// Save data to the public iCloud data store.
Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 and above)
Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency… from the File menu.
Paste https://github.com/Appracatappra/SwiftletData.git in the dialog box.
Follow the Xcode’s instruction to complete the installation.
Why not CocoaPods, or Carthage, or blank?
Supporting multiple dependency managers makes maintaining a library exponentially more complicated and time consuming.
Since, the Swift Package Manager is integrated with Xcode 11 (and greater), it’s the easiest choice to support going further.
What’s Included
Swiftlet Data adds the following functionality:
Action Codable - Uses Swift’s Codable, Encodable and Decodable protocols to move information between your data models and our portable ADRecord and ADRecordSet formats.
Swift Portable Object Notation - The new Swift Portable Object Notation (SPON) data format that allows complex data models to be encoded in a portable text string that encodes not only property keys and data, but also includes type information about the encoded data.
Swiftlet Data Providers - Provides light weight, low-level access and high-level Object Relationship Management (ORM) support to several common databases and data formats such as SQLite, SPON and CloudKit.
Action SQL Parser - Provides the ability to parse text containing one or more SQL commands into an Swiftlet Data SQL Document Object Model (DOM) and is used to provide SQL support for data sources that don’t support SQL natively (such as CloudKit and JSON).
Action Codable
Action Codable controls provide support for several common databases and data formats such as SQLite, SPON and CloudKit using Swift’s Codable, Encodable and Decodable protocols to move information between your data models and our portable ADRecord and ADRecordSet formats.
With Action Codable and Swiftlet Data Providers, build your data model objects as simple struct or class objects and inherit from ADDataTable, then use Action Controls to quickly create, insert, update, delete and maintain the tables and records in the underlying data source. For example:
import Foundation
import SwiftletUtilities
import SwiftletData
class Category: ADDataTable {
enum CategoryType: String, Codable {
case local
case web
static var tableName = "Categories"
static var primaryKey = "id"
static var primaryKeyType: ADDataTableKeyType = .computedInt
var id = 0
var added = Date()
var name = ""
var description = ""
var enabled = true
var highlightColor = UIColor.white.toHex()
var type: CategoryType = .local
var icon: Data = UIImage().toData()
required init() {
This includes support for complex tables with nested objects, arrays and dictionaries and complex relationships such as one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many. For example:
import Foundation
import SwiftletUtilities
import SwiftletData
struct Address: Codable {
var addr1 = ""
var addr2 = ""
var city = ""
var state = ""
var zip = ""
class Person: ADDataTable {
static var tableName = "People"
static var primaryKey = "id"
static var primaryKeyType = ADDataTableKeyType.autoUUIDString
var id = UUID().uuidString
var firstName = ""
var lastName = ""
var addresses: [String:Address] = [:]
required init() {
init(firstName: String, lastName:String, addresses: [String:Address] = [:]) {
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
self.addresses = addresses
class Group: ADDataTable {
static var tableName = "Groups"
static var primaryKey = "id"
static var primaryKeyType = ADDataTableKeyType.autoUUIDString
var id = UUID().uuidString
var name = ""
var people = ADCrossReference<Person>(name: "PeopleInGroup", leftKeyName: "groupID", rightKeyName: "personID")
required init() {
init(name: String, people: [Person] = []) {
self.name = name
self.people.storage = people
Swift Portable Object Notation
Action Codable also introduces support for the new Swift Portable Object Notation (SPON) data format that allows complex data models to be encoded in a portable text string that encodes not only property keys and data, but also includes type information about the encoded data. For example, using the Address struct above:
@obj:Address<state$=`TX` city$=`Seabrook` addr1$=`25 Nasa Rd 1` zip$=`77586` addr2$=`Apt #123`>
The portable, human-readable string format encodes values with a single character type designator as follows:
% - Bool
! - Int
$ - String
^ - Float
& - Double
* - Embedded NSData or Data value
Additionally, embedded arrays will be in the @array[...] format and embedded dictionaries in the @obj:type<...> format.
Swiftlet Data Providers
Swiftlet Data Providers provide light weight, low-level access to several common databases and data formats such as SQLite, SPON and CloudKit. Results are returned as a key/value dictionary (ADRecord) or as an array of key/value dictionaries (ADRecordSet). For example:
let provider = ADSQLiteProvider.shared
let record = try provider.query("SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE id = ?", withParameters: [1])
Additionally, Swiftlet Data Providers provide high-level Object Relationship Management (ORM) functionality using Action Codable controls and data models conforming to the ADDataTable protocol. For example, using the Address, Person and Group data models presented above:
let addr1 = Address(addr1: "PO Box 1234", addr2: "", city: "Houston", state: "TX", zip: "77012")
let addr2 = Address(addr1: "25 Nasa Rd 1", addr2: "Apt #123", city: "Seabrook", state: "TX", zip: "77586")
let p1 = Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", addresses: ["home":addr1, "work":addr2])
let p2 = Person(firstName: "Sue", lastName: "Smith", addresses: ["home":addr1, "work":addr2])
let group = Group(name: "Employees", people: [p1, p2])
try provider.save(group)
Creates the People, Group and PeopleInGroups SQLite database tables (if required) and inserts the new record instances, with relationships, into the database. For example:
To retrieve the Group from the database, use the following:
let group = try provider.getRow(ofType: Group.self, forPrimaryKeyValue: "F6DEC3CD-DA62-4A08-A2B6-272E62A7F6E3")
The Swiftlet Data Providers are designed to be interchangeable, so you can start developing locally using a SQLite database and a ADSQLiteProvider, then later switch to CloudKit and a ADiCloudProvider without have to change any of your other code.
Additionally, Swiftlet Data Providers can be used to move data from one source to another. For example, download data from the web in JSON and save it to a local SQLite database using a ADSQLiteProvider, all with a minimal of code.
Action SQL Parser
The ADSQLParser provides the ability to parse text containing one or more SQL commands into an Swiftlet Data SQL Document Object Model (DOM) and is used to provide SQL support for data sources that don’t support SQL natively (such as CloudKit).
The ADSQLParser uses SQLite’s SQL syntax and currently support a subset of the full SQL language. For example:
let sql = """
description TEXT CHECK( description != '' ) -- empty strings not allowed
let instructions = try ADSQLParser.parse(sql)
Swiftlet Data for Swift and SwiftUI
Swiftlet Data is a suite of backend tools designed to quickly and easily add support for several common databases and data formats (such as SQLite, SPON and CloudKit) to your app.
Swiftlet Data provides both light weight, low-level access to the data sources along with high level Object Relationship Management (ORM) support (using Swift’s
protocols.Simply create a
to hold your data and conform it toADDataTable
. After you open a datasource from the required type of provider (SQLite, iCloud or SPON), use ORM functionality to quickly Save, Update or Query data. All without the overhead or hassle of having to learn Core Data.For example, if you had an instance of class
that conforms toADDataTable
the following single line of code would create (or update the schema) of the required tables and write the values from the class into the table as a new record:And the following would do the same thing in iCloud using
:You also have the option of saving to the Public iCloud Container visible by all user’s of your app:
Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 and above)
in the dialog box.Supporting multiple dependency managers makes maintaining a library exponentially more complicated and time consuming.
Since, the Swift Package Manager is integrated with Xcode 11 (and greater), it’s the easiest choice to support going further.
What’s Included
Swiftlet Data adds the following functionality:
protocols to move information between your data models and our portableADRecord
formats.Action Codable
Action Codable controls provide support for several common databases and data formats such as SQLite, SPON and CloudKit using Swift’s
protocols to move information between your data models and our portableADRecord
formats.With Action Codable and Swiftlet Data Providers, build your data model objects as simple
objects and inherit fromADDataTable
, then use Action Controls to quickly create, insert, update, delete and maintain the tables and records in the underlying data source. For example:This includes support for complex tables with nested objects, arrays and dictionaries and complex relationships such as one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many. For example:
Swift Portable Object Notation
Action Codable also introduces support for the new Swift Portable Object Notation (SPON) data format that allows complex data models to be encoded in a portable text string that encodes not only property keys and data, but also includes type information about the encoded data. For example, using the
struct above:The portable, human-readable string format encodes values with a single character type designator as follows:
- Bool!
- Int$
- String^
- Float&
- Double*
- EmbeddedNSData
valueAdditionally, embedded arrays will be in the
format and embedded dictionaries in the@obj:type<...>
format.Swiftlet Data Providers
Swiftlet Data Providers provide light weight, low-level access to several common databases and data formats such as SQLite, SPON and CloudKit. Results are returned as a key/value dictionary (
) or as an array of key/value dictionaries (ADRecordSet
). For example:Additionally, Swiftlet Data Providers provide high-level Object Relationship Management (ORM) functionality using Action Codable controls and data models conforming to the
protocol. For example, using theAddress
data models presented above:Creates the
SQLite database tables (if required) and inserts the new record instances, with relationships, into the database. For example:To retrieve the
from the database, use the following:The Swiftlet Data Providers are designed to be interchangeable, so you can start developing locally using a SQLite database and a
, then later switch to CloudKit and aADiCloudProvider
without have to change any of your other code.Additionally, Swiftlet Data Providers can be used to move data from one source to another. For example, download data from the web in JSON and save it to a local SQLite database using a
, all with a minimal of code.Action SQL Parser
provides the ability to parse text containing one or more SQL commands into an Swiftlet Data SQL Document Object Model (DOM) and is used to provide SQL support for data sources that don’t support SQL natively (such as CloudKit).The
uses SQLite’s SQL syntax and currently support a subset of the full SQL language. For example: