Creates a Barcode as a Image representing the given data (as a String) in the given BarcodeFormat. SwiftletBarcodes can generate barcodes in the following formats:
Code 128
PDF 417
QR Code
There are two forms of the generate function:
One generates the requested barcode at the system specified size.
The other generates the barcode at a given width and height.
NOTE: Barcode generation is NOT supported on watchOS and is only included as a stub to support cross platform development.
Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 and above)
Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency… from the File menu.
Paste in the dialog box.
Follow the Xcode’s instruction to complete the installation.
Why not CocoaPods, or Carthage, or blank?
Supporting multiple dependency managers makes maintaining a library exponentially more complicated and time consuming.
Since, the Swift Package Manager is integrated with Xcode 11 (and greater), it’s the easiest choice to support going further.
Using SwiftletBarcodes
SwiftletBarcodes in very easy to use in you SwiftUI app. The following example shows how to generate barcodes with either of the two generate functions.
// At system size
let barcodeA = SwiftletBarcodes.generate(from:"142208819120", format:.code128)
// At a given width and height
let barcodeB = SwiftletBarcodes.generate(from:"142208819120", format:.code128, width:250, height:100)
Additionally, SwiftletBarcodes include a pre-made SwiftUI View to display a barcode card, SwiftletBarcodeView.
The following is an example of displaying the SwiftletBarcodeView on an iOS device:
SwiftletBarcodes for Swift and SwiftUI
Creates a Barcode as a
representing the given data (as aString
) in the givenBarcodeFormat
. SwiftletBarcodes can generate barcodes in the following formats:There are two forms of the
Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 and above)
in the dialog box.Supporting multiple dependency managers makes maintaining a library exponentially more complicated and time consuming.
Since, the Swift Package Manager is integrated with Xcode 11 (and greater), it’s the easiest choice to support going further.
Using SwiftletBarcodes
SwiftletBarcodes in very easy to use in you SwiftUI app. The following example shows how to generate barcodes with either of the two
Additionally, SwiftletBarcodes include a pre-made SwiftUI View to display a barcode card,
The following is an example of displaying the
on an iOS device:Will result in a screen like the following being displayed: