SwiftfulRouting 🤙
A native, declarative framework for programmatic navigation in SwiftUI applications, fully decoupled from the View.
Setup time: 1 minute
Sample project: https://github.com/SwiftfulThinking/SwiftfulRoutingExample
Overview 🚀
SwiftUI is a declarative framework, and therefore, a SwiftUI router should be declarative by nature. Routers based on programatic code do not declare the view heirarchy in advance, but rather at the time of execution. The solution is to declare all modifiers to support the routing in advance.
Under the hood ⚙️
As you segue to a new screen, the framework adds a set ViewModifers to the root of the destination View that will support all potential navigation routes. The framework can support 1 active Segue, 1 active Alert, and 1 active Modal on each View in the heirarchy. The ViewModifiers are based on generic and/or type-erased destinations, which maintains a declarative view heirarchy while allowing the developer to still determine the destination at the time of execution.
Architecture 🏗️
Version 3.0 returns the ViewModifiers back to the segue’s call-site as AnyRouter, which further enables the developer to inject the routing logic into the View. See sample project for examples of MVC, MVVM and VIPER design patterns.
Setup ☕️
Add the package to your xcode project
Import the package
import SwiftfulRouting
Add a RouterView
at the top of your view heirarchy. A RouterView
will embed your view into a Navigation heirarchy and add modifiers to support all potential segues. Use the returned router
to perform navigation.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
RouterView { router in
MyView(router: router)
Each Router
object can simultaneously support 1 active Segue, 1 active Alert, and 1 active Modal. A new Router is created and added to the view heirarchy after each Segue.
struct MyView: View {
let router: AnyRouter
var body: some View {
VStack {
.onTapGesture {
router.showScreen(.push) { router in
ThirdView(router: router)
.onTapGesture {
router.showAlert(.alert, title: "Title") {
Button("OK") {
Button("Cancel") {
.onTapGesture {
router.showModal {
Usage 🦾
The returned router is a type-erased Router
, named AnyRouter
. Refer to AnyRouter.swift
to see all accessible methods.
RouterView 🏠
Use RouterView to enter the framework’s view heirarchy and use the returned router: AnyRouter
to perform navigation.
RouterView { router in
MyView(router: router)
Be default, your view will be wrapped in with navigation heirarchy (iOS 16+ uses a NavigationStack, iOS15 and below uses NavigationView).
- If your view is already within a navigation heirarchy, set
- If your view is within a NavigationStack, use
to bind to the existing stack path.
- The framework uses the native SwiftUI navigation bar, so all related modifiers will still work.
RouterView(addNavigationView: false, screens: $existingStack) { router in
MyView(router: router)
.toolbar {
Segues ⏩
Router supports native SwiftUI segues, including .push (NavigationLink), .sheet, and .fullScreenCover.
- You may use
, @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
or @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
to dismiss the screen.
router.showScreen(.push, destination: (AnyRouter) -> View)
router.showScreen(.sheet, destination: (AnyRouter) -> View)
router.showScreen(.fullScreenCover, destination: (AnyRouter) -> View)
iOS 16 also supports NavigationStack and resizable Sheets. Note that popToRoot
purposely dismisses all views pushed onto the NavigationStack, but does not dismiss .sheet
or .fullScreenCover
router.pushScreens(destinations: [(AnyRouter) -> any View]
router.showResizableSheeet(sheetDetents: Detent, selection: Binding<Detent>, showDragIndicator: Bool, destination: (AnyRouter) -> View)
Alerts 🚨
Router supports native SwiftUI alerts, including .alert
and .confirmationDialog
router.showAlert(.alert, title: String, subtitle: String?, alert: () -> View)
router.showAlert(.confirmationDialog, title: String, subtitle: String?, alert: () -> View)
Additional convenience methods:
router.showBasicAlert(text: String, action: (() -> Void)?)
Modals 🪧
Router also supports any modal transition, which displays above the current content. Customize transition, animation, background color/blur, etc.
router.showModal(destination: () -> View)
transition: AnyTransition,
animation: Animation,
alignment: Alignment,
backgroundColor: Color?,
backgroundEffect: BackgroundEffect?,
useDeviceBounds: Bool,
destination: () -> View)
Additional convenience methods:
router.showBasicModal(destination: () -> View)
Contribute 🤓
Community contributions are encouraged! Please ensure that your code adheres to the project’s existing coding style and structure. Most new features are likely to be derivatives of existing features, so many of the existing ViewModifiers and Bindings should be reused.
SwiftfulRouting 🤙
A native, declarative framework for programmatic navigation in SwiftUI applications, fully decoupled from the View.
Setup time: 1 minute
Sample project: https://github.com/SwiftfulThinking/SwiftfulRoutingExample
Overview 🚀
SwiftUI is a declarative framework, and therefore, a SwiftUI router should be declarative by nature. Routers based on programatic code do not declare the view heirarchy in advance, but rather at the time of execution. The solution is to declare all modifiers to support the routing in advance.
Under the hood ⚙️
As you segue to a new screen, the framework adds a set ViewModifers to the root of the destination View that will support all potential navigation routes. The framework can support 1 active Segue, 1 active Alert, and 1 active Modal on each View in the heirarchy. The ViewModifiers are based on generic and/or type-erased destinations, which maintains a declarative view heirarchy while allowing the developer to still determine the destination at the time of execution.
Architecture 🏗️
Version 3.0 returns the ViewModifiers back to the segue’s call-site as AnyRouter, which further enables the developer to inject the routing logic into the View. See sample project for examples of MVC, MVVM and VIPER design patterns.
Setup ☕️
Add the package to your xcode project
Import the package
Add a
at the top of your view heirarchy. ARouterView
will embed your view into a Navigation heirarchy and add modifiers to support all potential segues. Use the returnedrouter
to perform navigation.Each
object can simultaneously support 1 active Segue, 1 active Alert, and 1 active Modal. A new Router is created and added to the view heirarchy after each Segue.Usage 🦾
The returned router is a type-erased
, namedAnyRouter
. Refer toAnyRouter.swift
to see all accessible methods.RouterView 🏠
Use RouterView to enter the framework’s view heirarchy and use the returned
router: AnyRouter
to perform navigation.Be default, your view will be wrapped in with navigation heirarchy (iOS 16+ uses a NavigationStack, iOS15 and below uses NavigationView).
to bind to the existing stack path.Segues ⏩
Router supports native SwiftUI segues, including .push (NavigationLink), .sheet, and .fullScreenCover.
,@Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
or@Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
to dismiss the screen.iOS 16 also supports NavigationStack and resizable Sheets. Note that
purposely dismisses all views pushed onto the NavigationStack, but does not dismiss.sheet
.Alerts 🚨
Router supports native SwiftUI alerts, including
.Additional convenience methods:
Modals 🪧
Router also supports any modal transition, which displays above the current content. Customize transition, animation, background color/blur, etc.
Additional convenience methods:
Contribute 🤓
Community contributions are encouraged! Please ensure that your code adheres to the project’s existing coding style and structure. Most new features are likely to be derivatives of existing features, so many of the existing ViewModifiers and Bindings should be reused.