An experimental generic controller layer in Swift, based on the old NSController family, SwiftUI practices and many,
many years of experience building apps.
The API is not stable yet and is being co-developed with a number of personal apps to ensure it fulfills its mission in
a useful way. As such, I cannot recommend for anyone else to use it as it currently stands. I will happily take
feedback anyway.
An experimental generic controller layer in Swift, based on the old
family, SwiftUI practices and many, many years of experience building apps.The API is not stable yet and is being co-developed with a number of personal apps to ensure it fulfills its mission in a useful way. As such, I cannot recommend for anyone else to use it as it currently stands. I will happily take feedback anyway.
Simple adapters for use with UIKit/AppKit can be found at
Currently in use in as a first test case.