Welcome to WPArticleLoader!
With the WPArticleLoader, you can easily load Articles from your WordPress Website.
How to use?
The usage is very easy! The only thing you have to do is setting your website address and build a receiver for the Publisher:
let handler = WPArticleLoader(websiteAdress: URL(staticString: "https://ml-projects.de"))
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { response in
switch response {
case let .failure(error):
case .finished:
print("Articles loaded")
} receiveValue: { response in
self.articles = response
.store(in: &cancellables)
The Article class holds the most important Data and interprets it. If you want to interpret the data on your own you can use the ArticleLoadingService and receive ContentfulArticle. In ContentfulArticle is the complete Data from the JSON of the REST API. You can use the ArticleLoadingService like this:
let articleURL = URL(staticString: "https://ml-projects.de/wp-json/wp/v2/posts")
var components = URLComponents(string: articleURL.absoluteString)!
// this is to get the embeded Data too (The Embeded Data is used by the normal Loader too)
components.queryItems = [
URLQueryItem(name: "_embed", value: nil)
// Create a URLRequest
let request = URLRequest(url: components.url!)
// Create the handler
let handler = ArticleLoadingService()
handler.fetchArticles(urlRequest: request)
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { response in
switch response {
case let .failure(error):
case .finished:
print("Contentful Articles loaded")
} receiveValue: { response in
self.contentfulArticles = response
.store(in: &cancellables)
The ImageLoader is another simplification, it loads the image for you so you don’t have to, use it combination with AsyncImage:
// Example for the featuredImage
AsyncImage(imageLoader: featuredImageLoader) {
// your Placeholder
but you can also receive the Image on your own or use the URL:
// Image
if let featuredImage = featuredImageLoader.image {
Image(uiImage: featuredImage)
// URL
The featuredImageLoader is an optinal because not every Article has an featuredImage.
Use the ImageLoader for your URLs
If you want to use the ImageLoader for your own URLs, probably for URLs in content you can easily initialize it and use it with AsyncImage:
// Example for the featuredImage
AsyncImage(imageLoader: ImageLoader(url: URL(staticString: "youradress.com"))) {
// your Placeholder
Developed by: Torben Köhler
Welcome to WPArticleLoader!
With the WPArticleLoader, you can easily load Articles from your WordPress Website.
How to use?
The usage is very easy! The only thing you have to do is setting your website address and build a receiver for the Publisher:
The Article class holds the most important Data and interprets it. If you want to interpret the data on your own you can use the ArticleLoadingService and receive ContentfulArticle. In ContentfulArticle is the complete Data from the JSON of the REST API. You can use the ArticleLoadingService like this:
The ImageLoader is another simplification, it loads the image for you so you don’t have to, use it combination with AsyncImage:
but you can also receive the Image on your own or use the URL:
The featuredImageLoader is an optinal because not every Article has an featuredImage.
Use the ImageLoader for your URLs
If you want to use the ImageLoader for your own URLs, probably for URLs in content you can easily initialize it and use it with AsyncImage:
Developed by: Torben Köhler