From there, refer to the SwiftUIReduxUtils “product” delivered by the CypherPoetSwiftUIReduxUtils “package” inside of any of your project’s target dependencies:
Then simply import SwiftUIReduxUtils wherever you’d like to use it.
The goal of these utilities is to serve as primitives for architecting SwiftUI apps in the Redux/Elm style of Reducers, Actions, Side Effects and Middlewares.
Version 0.2.2 had an example application that demonstrated this, but it’s no longer functional after 0.3.0‘s concurrency refactor. That said, until I get a new example in place, it could still be useful to look through to some extent.
There aren’t many to-dos here at the moment, but feedback and suggestions are certainly not discouraged. Check out some of the issue templates for more info.
For now, the best way to view the docs is to open the project in Xcode and run the Build Documentation command. At some point in the future, I’m hoping to leverage the tooling the develops for generating/hosting DocC documentation. (Please feel free to let me know if you have any ideas or tooling recommendations around this 🙂).
This project wouldn’t be possible without several enlightening projects, articles, and tutorials by others in the Swift community who latched onto using these patterns in SwiftUI. Here are just a few of its main inspirations:
SwiftUI Redux Utils
A collection utilities for architecting SwiftUI apps in the Redux/Elm style of Reducers, Actions, Side Effects and Middlewares.
Xcode Projects
->Swift Packages
->Add Package Dependency
and enter
.Swift Package Manager Projects
You can add
as a package dependency in yourPackage.swift
file:From there, refer to the
“product” delivered by theCypherPoetSwiftUIReduxUtils
“package” inside of any of your project’s target dependencies:Then simply
import SwiftUIReduxUtils
wherever you’d like to use it.Usage
The goal of these utilities is to serve as primitives for architecting SwiftUI apps in the Redux/Elm style of Reducers, Actions, Side Effects and Middlewares.
Version 0.2.2 had an example application that demonstrated this, but it’s no longer functional after
‘s concurrency refactor. That said, until I get a new example in place, it could still be useful to look through to some extent.Contributing
There aren’t many to-dos here at the moment, but feedback and suggestions are certainly not discouraged. Check out some of the issue templates for more info.
📜 Creating & Building Documentation
Documentation is built with Xcode’s DocC. See Apple’s guidance on how to build, run, and create DocC content.
For now, the best way to view the docs is to open the project in Xcode and run the
Build Documentation
command. At some point in the future, I’m hoping to leverage the tooling the develops for generating/hosting DocC documentation. (Please feel free to let me know if you have any ideas or tooling recommendations around this 🙂).Acknowledgments
This project wouldn’t be possible without several enlightening projects, articles, and tutorials by others in the Swift community who latched onto using these patterns in SwiftUI. Here are just a few of its main inspirations:
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.