
SwiftUIGrid Library


An open source library that provides extensions to SwiftUI libraries to enable spacing/font grids and other advanced utilities.

Developed as re-usable components for various projects at XII’s iOS, macOS, and watchOS applications.


Swift Package Manager

  1. In Xcode, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
  2. Follow the prompts using the URL for this repository
  3. Select the SwiftUIGrid library to add to your project



See the LICENSE file.

Padding extensions (Source)

extension View {
  func padding(
    top: CGFloat = 0.0,
    trailing: CGFloat = 0.0,
    bottom: CGFloat = 0.0,
    leading: CGFloat = 0.0
  ) -> some View

Sets the padding in each directions to the provided values. If a specific direction value is not provided, it is assumed to be 0.0.

extension View {
  func padding(
    vertical: CGFloat = 0.0,
    horizontal: CGFloat = 0.0
  ) -> some View

A variant of padding(top:trailing:bottom:leading) that sets vertical/horizontal padding.

extension View {
  func systemPadding() -> some View

Resets a View‘s padding to the system calculated default values.

Structure font definitions (Source)

struct FontFace : Hashable {
  let name: String?
  let weight: Font.Weight
  let design: Font.Design
    name: String? = nil,
    weight: Font.Weight = .regular,
    design: Font.Design = .default
  func toFont(size: CGFloat) -> Font
  func toFont<Size : RawRepresentable>(size: Size) -> Font
    where Size.RawValue == CGFloat

Defines an optionally named font face with a specific weight, allowing it to be converted to a Font or an NSAttributedString.

An application can define its custom fonts as extensions to this struct, for example:

extension FontFace {
  static let MyCustomFont = FontFace(name: "MyCustomFont", weight: .light)
  static let MySystemFont = FontFace(weight: .light)

FontFace attributes support on iOS

extension FontFace {
  func toAttributes(size: CGFloat) -> [NSAttributedString.Key : UIFont]
  func toAttributes<Size : RawRepresentable>(
    size: Size
  ) -> [NSAttributedString.Key : UIFont] where Size.RawValue == CGFloat

FontFace attributes support on macOS

extension FontFace {
  func toAttributes(size: CGFloat) -> [NSAttributedString.Key : NSFont]
  func toAttributes<Size : RawRepresentable>(
    size: Size
  ) -> [NSAttributedString.Key : NSFont] where Size.RawValue == CGFloat

Animating FontFace size (Source)

extension View {
  func withAnimatedFont(
    face: FontFace,
    size: CGFloat
  ) -> some View

Applies the given font face/size styling to the View but allows for the font size to be animatable.

extension View {
  func withAnimatedFont<Size : RawRepresentable>(
    face: FontFace,
    size: Size
  ) -> some View where Size.RawValue == CGFloat

Applies the given font face/size styling to the View but allows for the font size (taken from an enum raw value) to be animatable.

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