SQLite wrapper for swift, nothing more, nothing less.
What is it?
A simple straight forward wrapper for the C API of SQLite. Connect to SQLite databases, run queries, prepare statements and bind parameters, just like you’d do with the regular SQLite API, but in swift. If you need a light local database API without all the bells and whistles - this library is for you.
What it is NOT
This is not another ORM database
It will not guess your scheme, create it, maintain it, and automagically sync to a remote server with zero code on your part - if you like the idea of zero coding - you’re in the wrong line of work
Cook book
Create a DB connection
// For example, place the database in the user's library folder
guard let path = FileManager.default.urls(for: .libraryDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first?.appendingPathComponent("db.sqlite").absoluteString else { fatalError("Could not create path") }
let db = try Database(path:path)
Open or close a DB connection explicitly
Sometimes you’d want to close or open a databasse explicitly, and not just using the CTOR and DTOR.
db.close() // will silently do nothing if already closed
try db.open(pathToFile) // Open a new connection, the old handle is closed first
Run a simple SQL statement
Prepare a statement and run with parameters
// Prepare once
let insert = try db.statement(sql: "INSERT INTO demo (b) VALUES (?)")
for i in 0..<10 {
// Parameters are 1 based, this is how SQLite works
try insert.bind(param: 1,i)
try insert.step() // Run the statement
let last_row_id = db.lastInsertRowId
print("Last row id is: \(last_row_id)")
try insert.reset() // must reset before we can run it again
try insert.clearBindings() // Bindings are not cleared automatically, since we bind the same param again, this is not strictly required in this example, but it's good practice to clear the bindings.
Run SELECT queries
let select = try db.statement(sql: "SELECT a,b FROM demo WHERE b > ?")
try select.bind(param: 1, 5)
while try select.step() {
guard let a = select.integer(column: 0), let b = select.string(column: 1) else {
fatalError("Expected b to be non nil")
print("a: \(a), b: \(b)")
Additional helpers and wrappers
Use codables
struct Student : Codable {
let name:String
let grade:Int
let city:String
db.useJSON1 = true
try db.exec("CREATE TABLE students (value json)") // JSON1 extension, JSON is actually TEXT
let ins = try db.statement(sql: "INSERT INTO students (value) VALUES (?)")
let student = Student(name:"Bart Simpson",grade:4,city:"Springfield")
try ins.bind(param: 1,student) // Bind a decodable object
try ins.step() // Execute the statement
let sel = try db.statement(sql: "SELECT json_extract(value,"$.name") FROM students")
guard try sel.step() else { fatalError("Expected step to succeed") }
guard let the_student:Student? = sel.object(column: 0) // deduce that the object is C by the return type, which must be an optional Decodable
else { fatalError("Expected object to be decoded to a C instance") }
try db.set(journalMode: .wal) // Set journaling mode to WAL, useful when several processes read the database file, such as with an app and an app extension
let current_mode = try db.journalMode()
db.foreignKeys = true
// foreign keys are now enforced
try db.withoutForeignKeys {
// This code will run without foreign keys enforcement
try db.withForeignKeys {
// This code will run with foreign keys enforcement
Recursive triggers are off by default, but according to the docs, may be turned on by default in future versions. An example of a self limiting recursive trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER rt_trigger AFTER INSERT ON rt WHEN new.a < 10
INSERT INTO rt VALUES (new.a + 1);
db.recursiveTriggers = true
try db.exec("INSERT INTO rt VALUES (1)")
// rt should now have the 10 values (1..10)
// if recursiveTriggers was off - rt would only have 2 rows (1,2) as the trigger would not trigger itself.
Set busy timeout
try db.set(busyTimoeut:30)
This will install a busy handler that will sleep until the database unlocks or until the timeout expires, useful for WAL mode. See busy handler and PRAGMA busy_timouet. Note that there can be only a single busy handler for a database connection.
let user_version = try db.get(version: .user) // 0 by default
let schema_version = try db.get(version: .schema)
let data_version = try db.get(version: .data)
try db.set(version:12)
Custom functions
SQLite lets you create user defined functions, and SwiftSQLite lets you do that in swift 🤓. We’ll be using the Value and Result classes here. A Value is an argument provided to your functions, and a Result, is a result from your functions.
Here’s an example of a scalar function:
try db.createScalarFunction(name: "custom_sum_all_args", nArgs: 1, function: { (values:[Value]?) in
var sum = 0
values?.forEach({ value in
sum += value.intValue
return Result(sum)
Now you can call:
SELECT custom_sum_all_args(1,2,3)
The returned value would be 6! (1+2+3).
Aggregate functions are a bit more complex, but not too much. Here’s a similar example, but as an aggregate function:
try db.createAggregateFunction(name: "custom_agg_test", step: { (values:[Value]?,result:Result) in
// Sum all arguments
var sum = 0
values?.forEach({ v in
sum += v.intValue
// Is it the first value we're setting?
if result.resultType == .Null {
// Set the initial value, result type will be automatically set to Int
result.intValue = sum
} else {
// Nope, not the first time, sum with previous value
result.intValue! += sum
You can now use it as an aggrageted function:
SELECT custom_agg_test(value,1) FROM json_each(json_array(1,2,3))
The resulting value should be 9. ( (1 + 1) + (2 + 1) + (3 + 1) )
It is possible to install a logger by implementing the protocol Log:
Set the static property logger for the Database class and you’re ready to go. A built in console logger is available, to use it, just add: Database.logger = ConsoleLog() Better set it up before using the library (but can be set in any point).
Swift Package Manager
Add the following to your Package.swift dependencies:
Select your project, in the general tab, under Frameworks and Libraries, hit the + button. Enter the URL: https://github.com/moshegottlieb/SwiftSQLite.git Choose your version, and you’re done.
Linux dependencies
The swift package manager does not automatically install the required dependencies. On ubuntu/debian flavors: sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev On RedHat/Centos flavors: sudo yum install sqlite-devel
SQLite wrapper for swift, nothing more, nothing less.
What is it?
A simple straight forward wrapper for the C API of SQLite.
Connect to SQLite databases, run queries, prepare statements and bind parameters, just like you’d do with the regular SQLite API, but in swift.
If you need a light local database API without all the bells and whistles - this library is for you.
What it is NOT
Cook book
Create a DB connection
Open or close a DB connection explicitly
Sometimes you’d want to close or open a databasse explicitly, and not just using the CTOR and DTOR.
Run a simple SQL statement
Prepare a statement and run with parameters
Run SELECT queries
Additional helpers and wrappers
Use codables
Set journal mode
Auto vacuum
Foreign keys on/off
Recursive triggers on/off
Recursive triggers are off by default, but according to the docs, may be turned on by default in future versions.
An example of a self limiting recursive trigger:
Set busy timeout
This will install a busy handler that will sleep until the database unlocks or until the timeout expires, useful for WAL mode.
See busy handler and PRAGMA busy_timouet.
Note that there can be only a single busy handler for a database connection.
Set the user version or get the user, data or schema versions.
See PRAGMA data_version
See PRAGMA schema_version
See PRAGMA user_version
Custom functions
SQLite lets you create user defined functions, and SwiftSQLite lets you do that in swift 🤓.
We’ll be using the
classes here.A
is an argument provided to your functions, and aResult
, is a result from your functions.Here’s an example of a scalar function:
Now you can call:
The returned value would be 6! (1+2+3).
Aggregate functions are a bit more complex, but not too much.
Here’s a similar example, but as an aggregate function:
You can now use it as an aggrageted function:
The resulting value should be 9. ( (1 + 1) + (2 + 1) + (3 + 1) )
It is possible to install a logger by implementing the protocol
:Set the static property
for theDatabase
class and you’re ready to go.A built in console logger is available, to use it, just add:
Database.logger = ConsoleLog()
Better set it up before using the library (but can be set in any point).
Swift Package Manager
Add the following to your Package.swift dependencies:
How to add to an existing Xcode project
Select your project, in the general tab, under Frameworks and Libraries, hit the + button.
Enter the URL:
Choose your version, and you’re done.
Linux dependencies
The swift package manager does not automatically install the required dependencies.
On ubuntu/debian flavors:
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
On RedHat/Centos flavors:
sudo yum install sqlite-devel