

CI Status Version License Platform Carthage SPM Swift Version

What is it?

SwiftGradients gives you useful extensions for UIViews and CALayer classes to add beautiful color gradients.


1. Cocoapods

pod 'SwiftGradients', '~> 1.0.0'

2. Carthage

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. Add the following line to your Cartfile and follow the installation instructions.

github "rootstrap/SwiftGradients" ~> 1.0.0

3. Swift Package Manager

  • In XCode 11, go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency.
  • Enter the repo URL (https://github.com/rootstrap/SwiftGradients) and click Next.
  • Select the version rule desired (you can specify a version number, branch or commit) and click Next.
  • Finally, select the target where you want to use the framework.

That should be it. SwiftGradients should appear in the navigation panel as a dependency and the framework will be linked automatically to your target.

Note: It is always recommended to lock your external libraries to a specific version.


1. Adding gradients to your subviews

let gradientLayer = view.addGradient(
  colors: [.blue, .green],
  direction: .topToBottom

2. Customize options for your gradient

You can set a custom angle(measured in degrees and anti-clockwise), rather that one of the four predefined directions. Also, you can provide the color stop locations for better accuracy.

let gradientLayer = view.addGradient(
  colors: [.blue, .green, .black],
  angle: 45
  locations: [0, 50, 75]



To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


SwiftGradients is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
