A Swift wrapper around gdk-3.x and gdk-4.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection.
For up to date (auto-generated) reference documentation, see https://rhx.github.io/SwiftGdk/
What is new?
Support for gtk 4 was added via the gtk4 branch.
Version 15 of gir2swift provides a Package Manager Plugin. This requires Swift 5.6 or higher.
(older versions can be used via the swift52 branch).
Swift 5.6 or higher
To build, download Swift from https://swift.org/download/ – if you are using macOS, make sure you have the command line tools installed as well). Test that your compiler works using swift --version, which should give you something like
$ swift --version
swift-driver version: 1.45.2 Apple Swift version 5.6 (swiftlang- clang-1316.0.20.8)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin20.3.0
on macOS, or on Linux you should get something like:
$ swift --version
Swift version 5.6.1 (swift-5.6.1-RELEASE)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Gtk 3.22 or higher
The Swift wrappers have been tested with glib-2.56, 2.58, 2.60, 2.62, 2.64, 2.66, 2.68, 2.70 and 2.72, and gdk/gtk 3.22 and 3.24 as well as 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, and 4.6 on the gtk4 branch. They should work with higher versions, but YMMV. Also make sure you have gobject-introspection and its .gir files installed.
On Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 you can use the glib that comes with the distribution. Just install with the apt package manager:
On macOS, you can install gdk and gtk using HomeBrew (for setup instructions, see http://brew.sh). Once you have a running HomeBrew installation, you can use it to install a native version of gtk:
Normally, you don’t build this package directly (but for testing you can - see ‘Building’ below). Instead you need to embed SwiftGdk into your own project using the Swift Package Manager. After installing the prerequisites (see ‘Prerequisites’ below), add SwiftGdk as a dependency to your Package.swift file, e.g.:
For gtk4 replace .branch("gtk3") with .branch("gtk4").
Normally, you don’t build this package directly, but you embed it into your own project (see ‘Usage’ above). However, you can build and test this module separately to ensure that everything works. Make sure you have all the prerequisites installed (see above). After that, you can simply clone this repository and build the command line executable (be patient, this will download all the required dependencies and take a while to compile) using
git clone https://github.com/rhx/SwiftGdk.git
cd SwiftGdk
swift build
swift test
On macOS, you can build the project using Xcode instead. To do this, you need to create an Xcode project first, then open the project in the Xcode IDE:
open Gdk.xcodeproj
After that, use the (usual) Build and Test buttons to build/test this package.
You can generate documentation using the DocC plugin. To preview documentation matching your local installation, simply run
swift package --disable-sandbox preview-documentation
then navigate to the URL shown for the local preview server. Make sure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Alternatively, you can create static documentation using jazzy.
Make sure you have sourcekitten and jazzy installed, e.g. on macOS (x86_64):
this probably means that your Swift toolchain is too old, particularly on Linux.
Make sure the latest toolchain is the one that is found when you run the Swift compiler (see above).
If you get an older version, make sure that the right version of the swift compiler is found first in your PATH. On macOS, use xcode-select to select and install the latest version, e.g.:
A Swift wrapper around gdk-3.x and gdk-4.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection. For up to date (auto-generated) reference documentation, see https://rhx.github.io/SwiftGdk/
What is new?
Support for gtk 4 was added via the
branch.Version 15 of gir2swift provides a Package Manager Plugin. This requires Swift 5.6 or higher. (older versions can be used via the swift52 branch).
Swift 5.6 or higher
To build, download Swift from https://swift.org/download/ – if you are using macOS, make sure you have the command line tools installed as well). Test that your compiler works using
swift --version
, which should give you something likeon macOS, or on Linux you should get something like:
Gtk 3.22 or higher
The Swift wrappers have been tested with glib-2.56, 2.58, 2.60, 2.62, 2.64, 2.66, 2.68, 2.70 and 2.72, and gdk/gtk 3.22 and 3.24 as well as 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, and 4.6 on the gtk4 branch. They should work with higher versions, but YMMV. Also make sure you have
and its.gir
files installed.Linux
On Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 you can use the glib that comes with the distribution. Just install with the
package manager:Fedora
On Fedora, you can use the gtk that comes with the distribution. Just install with the
package manager:macOS
On macOS, you can install gdk and gtk using HomeBrew (for setup instructions, see http://brew.sh). Once you have a running HomeBrew installation, you can use it to install a native version of gtk:
Normally, you don’t build this package directly (but for testing you can - see ‘Building’ below). Instead you need to embed SwiftGdk into your own project using the Swift Package Manager. After installing the prerequisites (see ‘Prerequisites’ below), add
as a dependency to yourPackage.swift
file, e.g.:For gtk4 replace
Normally, you don’t build this package directly, but you embed it into your own project (see ‘Usage’ above). However, you can build and test this module separately to ensure that everything works. Make sure you have all the prerequisites installed (see above). After that, you can simply clone this repository and build the command line executable (be patient, this will download all the required dependencies and take a while to compile) using
On macOS, you can build the project using Xcode instead. To do this, you need to create an Xcode project first, then open the project in the Xcode IDE:
After that, use the (usual) Build and Test buttons to build/test this package.
You can generate documentation using the DocC plugin. To preview documentation matching your local installation, simply run
then navigate to the URL shown for the local preview server. Make sure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Alternatively, you can create static documentation using jazzy. Make sure you have sourcekitten and jazzy installed, e.g. on macOS (x86_64):
Here are some common errors you might encounter and how to fix them.
FilesIf you get an error such as
Make sure that you have the relevant
packages installed (as per the Pre-requisites section), including their.gir
files.Old Swift toolchain or Xcode
If, when you run
swift build
, you get aSegmentation fault (core dumped)
or circular dependency error such asthis probably means that your Swift toolchain is too old, particularly on Linux. Make sure the latest toolchain is the one that is found when you run the Swift compiler (see above).
If you get an older version, make sure that the right version of the swift compiler is found first in your
. On macOS, use xcode-select to select and install the latest version, e.g.: