Use swift package manager to use in your project. Check basic usage below as well as the api-gateway example that uses
the LambdaRuntime package.
dependencies: [
// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
// .package(url: /* package url */, from: "1.0.0"),
.package(url: "", from: "0.1.1"),
import SwiftDynamo
final class TodoModel: DynamoModel {
static var schema: DynamoSchema = "Todos"
@ID(key: "TodoID")
var id: UUID?
@Field(key: "Title")
var title: String
@Field(key: "Completed")
var completed: Bool
@Field(key: "Order")
var order: Int?
init() { }
init(id: UUID? = nil, title: String, completed: Bool = false, order: Int? = nil) { = id
self.title = title
self.completed = completed
self.order = order
struct PatchTodo: Codable {
let title: String?
let order: Int?
let completed: Bool?
func patchQuery(query: inout DynamoQueryBuilder<TodoModel>) {
if let title = self.title {
query.set(\.$title, to: title)
if let order = self.order {
query.set(\.$order, to: order)
if let completed = self.completed {
query.set(\.$completed, to: completed)
Partition keys and sort keys can be set several ways depending the use case.
Set globally on the schema.
final class TodoModel: DynamoModel {
static var schema: DynamoSchema {
partitionKey: .init(key: "ListID", default: "list"),
sortKey: nil // or .init(key: "MySortKey", default: "foo")
Set as a field on the model.
Any field also has flags in the initializer to declare it as a sort or partition key as well as some specialized fields.
The ID field for example defaults to being a partition a key. There is also a SortKey field.
To change the behavior of an ID field it needs to be set at declaration.
You can also specify a sort key or a partition key on a query. This could potentially override any values that are currently
set on a query.
TodoModel.query(on: dynamoDB)
.setSortKey(sortKey: "Foo", to: "Bar")
.setPartitionKey(partitionKey: "Bar", to: "Foo")
// or if you have a sort key field declared on the model.
TodoModel.query(on: dynamoDB)
.setSortKey(\.$sortKey, to: "Foo")
// if you declared a field then you would use the `set` method on the query.
TodoModel.query(on: dynamoDB)
.set(\.$partitionKey, to: "Partition")
A convenience package for testing your models.
import XCTest
import XCTDynamo
import TodoStore
final class TodoStoreTests: XCTestCase, XCTDynamo {
var database: DynamoDB! = DynamoDB(endpoint: "http://localhost:8000")
func testCRUD() throws {
runTest {
let todo = TodoModel(
id: .init(),
title: "Test",
completed: false,
order: 1
var beforeCount: Int!
try fetchAll() { todos in
beforeCount = todos.count
.save(todo) { saved in
XCTAssertEqual(saved, todo)
.find(id:!) { fetched in
XCTAssertEqual(fetched!, todo)
.fetchAll() { XCTAssertEqual($0.count, beforeCount + 1 }
.delete(id:!) { }
.fetchAll() { XCTAssertEqual($0.count, beforeCount) }
Supports Static or Dynamic Partition Keys and Sort Keys on Models
Basic equality filters on properties (note that you can not use != on a partition key or sort key)
Property wrappers for fields, dynamic sort-keys, and id (id can be a partition key or a sort key).
Supports random id generation for UUID (can be overriden to user generated)
Test framework under the XCTDynamo folder (use in your tests by importing the package as a dependency)
Custom encoder and decoder to convert Codable types to types that aws-sdk-swift expects.
Sorting capabilities.
More filtering options.
Batch queries and writes.
Paginated queries.
This package is currently under development, if you would like to contribute to SwiftDynamo your help would be appreciated.
A vapor like interface to
.The Basics
Use swift package manager to use in your project. Check basic usage below as well as the api-gateway example that uses the LambdaRuntime package.
Sort And Partition Keys
Partition keys and sort keys can be set several ways depending the use case.
Set globally on the schema.
Set as a field on the model.
Any field also has flags in the initializer to declare it as a sort or partition key as well as some specialized fields. The
field for example defaults to being a partition a key. There is also aSortKey
field.To change the behavior of an
field it needs to be set at declaration.To declare a sort key just use the
field.Or declare a standard field as a sort or partition key at declaration.
Set on a query
You can also specify a sort key or a partition key on a query. This could potentially override any values that are currently set on a query.
A convenience package for testing your models.
on a partition key or sort key)UUID
(can be overriden to user generated)XCTDynamo
folder (use in your tests by importing the package as a dependency)Codable
types to types thataws-sdk-swift
This package is currently under development, if you would like to contribute to
your help would be appreciated.Credits