An implementation of JSON Web Token using Swift. JWTs offer a lightweight and compact format for transmitting information between parties, and the information can be verified and trusted due to JWTs being digitally signed.
For more information on JSON Web Tokens, their use cases and how they work, we recommend visiting
Reminder: JWTs sent as JWS do not encrypt data, so never send anything sensitive or confidential in a JWT. This library does not currently support JWE.
Swift version
The latest version of Swift-JWT requires Swift 5.2 or later. You can download this version of the Swift binaries by following this link. Compatibility with other Swift versions is not guaranteed.
Swift Package Manager
Add dependencies
Add the Swift-JWT package to the dependencies within your application’s Package.swift file. Substitute "x.x.x" with the latest Swift-JWTrelease.
To include Swift-JWT in a project using CocoaPods, add SwiftJWT to your Podfile:
pod 'SwiftJWT'
Getting Started
The JWT model
In its compact form, a JSON Web Tokens consist of three sections of Base64Url encoded JSON, separated by dots (.). These section are: Headers, Claims and the Signature.
Therefore, a JWT typically looks like the following: xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz
The Header struct contains the fields of the JSON Web Token header as defined by RFC7515. The “typ” header will default to “JWT”. The “alg” header will be set to the algorithm name when you sign the JWT. The other Header fields can be set when initializing the Header or by changing them directly on the Header object.
let myHeader = Header(kid: "KeyID1")
Claims are statements about an entity (typically, the user) and additional data.
The Claims are defined by creating a Swift type that conforms to the Claims protocol. The fields of this type represent the information that will be shared using the JWT.
A list of recommended claims is defined in RFC7519.
struct MyClaims: Claims {
let iss: String
let sub: String
let exp: Date
let admin: Bool
let myClaims = MyClaims(iss: "Kitura", sub: "John", exp: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 3600), admin: true)
This library includes some example Claims structs as defined by their online specifications:
The JWT struct represents the Header and Claims of a JSON Web Token. You can initialize a JWT by decoding a JWT String, or by providing the JWT Header and Claims.
let myJWT = JWT(header: myHeader, claims: myClaims)
Signing and Verifying JSON web tokens
Creating public and private keys
To sign and verify a JWT using an RSA algorithm, you must provide a public and private key. This could be the contents of a .key file generated via the following Terminal commands:
This will create a public and private key pair on your system, and the contents of the private key can be passed into a Swift variable using the following code:
let privateKeyPath = URL(fileURLWithPath: getAbsolutePath(relativePath: "/path/to/privateKey.key"))
let privateKey: Data = try Data(contentsOf: privateKeyPath, options: .alwaysMapped)
let publicKeyPath = URL(fileURLWithPath: getAbsolutePath(relativePath: "/path/to/publicKey.key"))
let publicKey: Data = try Data(contentsOf: publicKeyPath, options: .alwaysMapped)
For details on creating elliptic curve public and private keys, view the BlueECC README.txt.
Sign a JWT using a JWTSigner
The struct JWTSigner contains the algorithms that can be used to sign a JWT.
Initialize a JWTSigner using the static function corresponding to the desired RSA algorithm:
let jwtSigner = JWTSigner.rs256(privateKey: privateKey)
To generate a signed JWT string, call the sign function on your JWT instance, passing in a JWTSigner:
let signedJWT = try myJWT.sign(using: jwtSigner)
The resulting signedJWT will be a String of the form:
<encoded header>.<encoded claims>.<signature>
Note: The sign function sets the alg (algorithm) field of the header.
Verify a JWT using JWTVerifier
The struct JWTVerifier contains the algorithms that can be used to verify a JWT.
Initialize a JWTVerifier using the static function corresponding to the desired RSA algorithm:
let jwtVerifier = JWTVerifier.rs256(publicKey: publicKey)
To verify a signed JWT string, call the static verify function, passing in your JWT string and the JWTVerifier:
let verified = JWT<MyClaims>.verify(signedJWT, using: jwtVerifier)
The verified field will be a bool that is true if the signature is verified.
Supported Algorithms
The supported algorithms for signing and verifying JWTs are:
RS256 - RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256
RS384 - RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384
RS512 - RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512
HS256 - HMAC using using SHA-256
HS384 - HMAC using using SHA-384
HS512 - HMAC using using SHA-512
ES256 - ECDSA using using SHA-256 and a P-256 curve
ES384 - ECDSA using using SHA-384 and a P-384 curve
ES512 - ECDSA using using SHA-512 and a P-521 curve
PS256 - RSA-PSS using SHA-256
PS384 - RSA-PSS using SHA-384
PS512 - RSA-PSS using SHA-512
none - Don’t sign or verify the JWT
Note: ECDSA and RSA-PSS algorithms require a minimum Swift version of 4.1.
Validate claims
The validateClaims function validates the standard Date claims of a JWT instance.
The following claims are validated if they are present in the Claims object:
exp (expiration date)
nbf (not before date)
iat (issued at date)
The method returns ValidateClaimsResult - an struct that list the various reasons for validation failure.
If the validation succeeds ValidateClaimsResult.success is returned.
The leeway parameter is the TimeInterval in seconds that a standard Date claim will be valid outside of the specified time. This can be used to account for clock skew between issuers and verifiers.
let validationResult = verified.validateClaims(leeway: 10)
if validationResult != .success {
print("Claims validation failed: ", validationResult)
Decode a JWT from a JWT string
A JWT struct can be initialized from a JWT string. If a JWTVerifier is provided it will be used to verify the signature before initialization
let newJWT = try JWT<MyClaims>(jwtString: signedJWT, verifier: jwtVerifier)
JWTEncoder and JWTDecoder
The JWTEncoder and JWTDecoder classes encode and decode JWT Strings using the same API as JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder:
let jwtEncoder = JWTEncoder(jwtSigner: jwtSigner)
let jwtString = try jwtEncoder.encodeToString(myJWT)
let jwtDecoder = JWTDecoder(jwtVerifier: jwtVerifier)
let jwt = try jwtDecoder.decode(JWT<MyClaims>.self, fromString: jwtString)
Because JWTEncoder and JWTDecoder conform to KituraContract’s BodyEncoder and BodyDecoder protocols, they can be used as a custom coder in Codable routes for sending and receiving JWTs:
This allows for the use of JWT’s in information exchange. By sending and receiving JWT’s you can ensure the sending is who they say they are and verify the content hasn’t been tampered with.
An implementation of JSON Web Token using Swift. JWTs offer a lightweight and compact format for transmitting information between parties, and the information can be verified and trusted due to JWTs being digitally signed.
For more information on JSON Web Tokens, their use cases and how they work, we recommend visiting
Reminder: JWTs sent as JWS do not encrypt data, so never send anything sensitive or confidential in a JWT. This library does not currently support JWE.
Swift version
The latest version of Swift-JWT requires Swift 5.2 or later. You can download this version of the Swift binaries by following this link. Compatibility with other Swift versions is not guaranteed.
Swift Package Manager
Add dependencies
Add the
package to the dependencies within your application’sPackage.swift
file. Substitute"x.x.x"
with the latestSwift-JWT
to your target’s dependencies:Import package
To include
in a project using CocoaPods, addSwiftJWT
to your Podfile:Getting Started
The JWT model
In its compact form, a JSON Web Tokens consist of three sections of Base64Url encoded JSON, separated by dots (.).
These section are: Headers, Claims and the Signature. Therefore, a JWT typically looks like the following: xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz
The Header struct contains the fields of the JSON Web Token header as defined by RFC7515.
The “typ” header will default to “JWT”. The “alg” header will be set to the algorithm name when you sign the JWT.
The other Header fields can be set when initializing the Header or by changing them directly on the Header object.
Claims are statements about an entity (typically, the user) and additional data. The Claims are defined by creating a Swift type that conforms to the
protocol. The fields of this type represent the information that will be shared using the JWT.A list of recommended claims is defined in RFC7519.
This library includes some example
structs as defined by their online specifications:ClaimsStandardJWT
as defined in RFC7519.ClaimsMicroProfile
as defined here.ClaimsOpenID.swift
as defined here.JWT
The JWT struct represents the
of a JSON Web Token.You can initialize a JWT by decoding a JWT String, or by providing the JWT Header and Claims.
Signing and Verifying JSON web tokens
Creating public and private keys
To sign and verify a JWT using an RSA algorithm, you must provide a public and private key. This could be the contents of a .key file generated via the following Terminal commands:
This will create a public and private key pair on your system, and the contents of the private key can be passed into a Swift variable using the following code:
For details on creating elliptic curve public and private keys, view the BlueECC README.txt.
Sign a JWT using a JWTSigner
The struct JWTSigner contains the algorithms that can be used to sign a JWT.
Initialize a JWTSigner using the static function corresponding to the desired RSA algorithm:
To generate a signed JWT string, call the
function on your JWT instance, passing in a JWTSigner:The resulting
will be aString
of the form:Note: The sign function sets the alg (algorithm) field of the header.
Verify a JWT using JWTVerifier
The struct JWTVerifier contains the algorithms that can be used to verify a JWT.
Initialize a JWTVerifier using the static function corresponding to the desired RSA algorithm:
To verify a signed JWT string, call the static
function, passing in your JWT string and the JWTVerifier:The
field will be abool
that is true if the signature is verified.Supported Algorithms
The supported algorithms for signing and verifying JWTs are:
Note: ECDSA and RSA-PSS algorithms require a minimum Swift version of 4.1.
Validate claims
function validates the standardDate
claims of a JWT instance. The following claims are validated if they are present in theClaims
object:The method returns
- an struct that list the various reasons for validation failure. If the validation succeedsValidateClaimsResult.success
is returned. Theleeway
parameter is theTimeInterval
in seconds that a standardDate
claim will be valid outside of the specified time. This can be used to account for clock skew between issuers and verifiers.Decode a JWT from a JWT string
A JWT struct can be initialized from a JWT string. If a JWTVerifier is provided it will be used to verify the signature before initialization
JWTEncoder and JWTDecoder
The JWTEncoder and JWTDecoder classes encode and decode JWT Strings using the same API as JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder:
Because JWTEncoder and JWTDecoder conform to KituraContract’s BodyEncoder and BodyDecoder protocols, they can be used as a custom coder in Codable routes for sending and receiving JWTs:
This allows for the use of JWT’s in information exchange. By sending and receiving JWT’s you can ensure the sending is who they say they are and verify the content hasn’t been tampered with.
API Documentation
For more information visit our API reference.
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This library is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in LICENSE.