struct AStudent: Codable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
self.aID = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .aID)
self.aName = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .aName)
let gradeDecoded = try container.decode(Double.self, forKey: .aGrade)
self.AGrede = Int(gradeDecoded)
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case aName = "name"
case aGrade = "grade"
case aID = "id"
var aID: String
var aName: String
var AGrede: Int
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(aID, forKey: .aID)
try container.encode(Double(AGrede), forKey: .aGrade)
try container.encode(aName, forKey: .aName)
To SuperCodable
struct Student: SuperCodable {
var id: String
var aName: String
@KeyedTransform("grade", doubleTransform)
var AGrade: Int
let doubleTransform = SCTransformOf<Int, Double> {
(double) -> Int in
} toEncoder: { (int) -> Double in
Even random backend type
struct AnyValueJSON: SuperCodable {
var id:Int
let data =
"id": "0",
"id": 1,
"id": "abc",
"id": true,
""" .utf8)!
let sut = try! JSONDecoder().decode([AnyValueJSON].self, from: data)
XCTAssertEqual(sut.count, 4)
XCTAssertEqual(\.id), [0, 1, 0, 1])
@Keyed var id:Int will do O(n) calculation on underlaying wrapper _VARIABLE_NAME into key VARIABLE_NAME. Be ware of variable name takes too long
Known Disability
Every property in a SuperCodable should a DecodableKey / EncodableKey, otherwise the property(which should be Codable) will simply ignored during the Codable process.
Basically Mirror can’t mutating the object value during the init(from decoder:) throws, since we create the object from self.init()
Try to merge @KeyedTransform into @Keyed, but it required @Keyed var id: String to be @Keyed() var id: String, with extra () 🧐
Swift should auto generate STRUCT.init(....) for you, but if you using @Keyed var id: String without default value, it will generate init(id: Keyed<String>), by giving default value @Keyed var id: String = "" should solve this problem.
Know Issues
@Keyed var id:String? will cause fatalError on force unwrapping Keyed.value?, you can using @OptionalKeyed to make it works.
OptionalKeyed may / may not a good name, I am thinking of make the easy to change, maybe KeyedOptional is EASY change? 🤔
From Foundation
To SuperCodable
Even random backend type
Can be found in Tests/SuperCodableTests/AnyValueDecode.swift
propertyKnown side effect
@Keyed var id:Int
will do O(n) calculation on underlaying wrapper_VARIABLE_NAME
. Be ware of variable name takes too longKnown Disability
, otherwise the property(which should beCodable
) will simply ignored during the Codable process.Other notes
Inspired by:
Try to merge
, but it required@Keyed var id: String
to be@Keyed() var id: String
, with extra()
🧐Swift should auto generate
for you, but if you using@Keyed var id: String
without default value, it will generateinit(id: Keyed<String>)
, by giving default value@Keyed var id: String = ""
should solve this problem.Know Issues
@Keyed var id:String?
will cause fatalError on force unwrappingKeyed.value?
, you can using@OptionalKeyed
to make it works.OptionalKeyed
may / may not a good name, I am thinking of make the easy to change, maybeKeyedOptional
is EASY change? 🤔