SunKit is a Swift package which uses math and trigonometry to compute several information about the Sun. This package has been developed by a team of learners relatively new to the Swift programming language, which means that there could be a lot of space for improvements. Every contribution is welcome.
SunKit was first developed as part of a bigger project: Sunlitt. Even though Sunlitt is not meant to be released as Open Source we decided to wrap the fundamental logic of the app and make an open source library out of it.
To compute Sunrise, Sunset, Golden Hour and so on we only need a CLLocation and the time zone of that location. CoreLocation framework is required for SunKit to work.
SunKit only needs a location and the relative time zone to compute every information you need about the Sun. Everything is computed locally, no internet connection is needed.
Creating a Sun
// Creating a CLLocation object with the coordinates you are interested in
let naplesLocation: CLLocation = .init(latitude: 40.84014, longitude: 14.25226)
// Timezone for the location of interest. It's highly recommended to initialize it via identifier
let timeZoneNaples: Timezone = .init(identifier: "Europe/Rome") ?? .current
// Creating the Sun instance which will store all the information you need about sun events and his position
var mySun: Sun = .init(location: naplesLocation, timeZone: timeZoneNaples)
Retrieve information
// Creating a Date instance
let myDate: Date = Date() // Your current date
// Setting inside mySun object the date of interest
// All the following informations are related to the given location for the date that has just been set
// Azimuth of the Sun
// Altitude of the Sun
// Sunrise Date
// Sunset Date
// Evening Golden Hour Start Date
// Evening Golden Hour End Date
// To know all the information you can retrieve go to the **Features** section.
Working with Timezones and Dates
To properly show the Sun Date Events use the following DateFormatter.
//Creting a DateFormatter
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
//Properly setting his attributes
dateFormatter.locale = .current
dateFormatter.timeZone = timeZoneNaples // It shall be the same as the one used to initilize mySun
dateFormatter.timeStyle = .full
dateFormatter.dateStyle = .full
//Printing Sun Date Events with the correct Timezone
print("Sunrise: \(dateFormatter.string(from: mySun.sunrise))")
Sun Azimuth
Sun Altitude
Civil Dusk Time
Civil Dawn Time
Sunrise Time
Solar Noon Time
Morning Golden Hour Time
Evening Golden Hour Time
Sunset Time
Astronomical Dusk
Astronomical Dawn
Nautical Dusk
Nautical Dawn
Morning Blue Hour Time
Evening Blue Hour Time
Sun Azimuth at Sunrise
Sun Azimuth at Sunset
Sun Azimuth at Solar Noon
Total Daylight Duration
Total Night Duration
March Equinox
June Solstice
September Equinox
December Solstice
NOAA Global Monitoring Division. General Solar Position Calculations: Link.
SunKit is a Swift package which uses math and trigonometry to compute several information about the Sun. This package has been developed by a team of learners relatively new to the Swift programming language, which means that there could be a lot of space for improvements. Every contribution is welcome.
SunKit was first developed as part of a bigger project: Sunlitt. Even though Sunlitt is not meant to be released as Open Source we decided to wrap the fundamental logic of the app and make an open source library out of it.
To compute Sunrise, Sunset, Golden Hour and so on we only need a CLLocation and the time zone of that location. CoreLocation framework is required for SunKit to work.
SunKit only needs a location and the relative time zone to compute every information you need about the Sun.
Everything is computed locally, no internet connection is needed.
Creating a Sun
Retrieve information
Working with Timezones and Dates
To properly show the Sun Date Events use the following DateFormatter.
MoonKit 🌙
Take a look to the other Package, this time about the Moon.
Special thanks