

A declarative alternative to SwiftUI which uses UIKit


Swift Package Manager (SPM)

To install Styleable using Swift Package Manager you can follow the tutorial published by Apple using the URL for the Styleable repo with the current version:

  1. In Xcode, select “File” → “Swift Packages” → “Add Package Dependency”

  2. Enter https://github.com/radu-costea/Styleable.git


Styleable adds some sugar to the good old UIKit that makes it look and feel almost as SwiftUI. This does not intend to be a replacement for SwiftUI, instead it inteds to help making the transition smoother and with less risks along the way.

Getting started

Styleable uses the power of UIStackViews and the convenience of @resultBuilders to allow building the UI structure in a human readable fashion.

Core components of Styleable


A subclass of UIStackView that has the axis locked to .vertical and allows the use of result builders for arrangedSubviews


A subclass of UIStackView that has the axis locked to .horizontall and allows the use of result builders for arrangedSubviews


A subclass of UIView that lays out views one on top of the other. Useful when a container view is needed or when we need to pin subviews with some padding.


A Style encapsulates some customization that can be reused / applied to any object of the target type. This way you can define some styles and apply them whenever needed. Observation: You can apply as many styles as you want to a view. The styles are applied in the same order they are passed. So if you want to make sure the customization of a style are visible, move it to the end of the list.

Observation: You can also apply styles of an ancestor class to any custom view.


A login form

let view = ZStackView {
    VStackView(spacing: 10) {
            .with(\.placeholder, "Email")
            .with(\.keyboardType, .emailAddress)
            .with(\.borderStyle, .roundedRect)
            .with(\.isSecureTextEntry, true)
            .with(\.borderStyle, .roundedRect)
            .with(\.placeholder, "Passsword")

With styles:

extension Style where Target: UITextField {
    static var email: Self {
        Style {
            $0.keyboardType = .emailAddress
    static var rounded: Self {
        Style {
            $0.borderStyle = .roundedRect
    static var secure: Self {
        Style {
            $0.isSecureTextEntry = true

The new login form:

let view = ZStackView {
    VStackView(spacing: 10) {
            .style(.rounded, .email)
            .with(\.placeholder, "Email")

            .style(.rounded, .secure)
            .with(\.placeholder, "Password")

More examples coming soon..

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