A library for creating Stream Deck plugins in Swift.
Your plugin should conform to PluginDelegate, which handles event routing to you actions and lets you interact with the Stream Deck application.
import StreamDeck
class CounterPlugin: PluginDelegate {
// Skipping manifest for brevity
var counter: Int = 0
func keyDown(action: String, context: String, device: String, payload: KeyEvent) {
counter += 1
setTitle(in: context, to: "\(counter)")
By using the @main attribute your plugin will be automatically initialized.
Responding to Events
When the plugin receives a message from the application the event is parsed and routed. Events are first sent to the relevant Action and then to the PluginDelegate. Global events, like applicationDidLaunch and didReceiveGlobalSettings, are sent only to the delegate.
With Methods
When events are received by your plugin they are parsed and the corresponding method is called. See the Events Received page for more details. Each event has a default implementation that does nothing, so your plugin only needs to include any events you care about.
Each method is called with the top-level properties along with an event specific payload. For instance, to the keyDown event provides a payload that includes the actions settings, coordinates, etc.
With Actions
A more powerful way to respond to events is with Actions. By creating an object that conforms to Action you can move the logic out of the plugin. For a plugin with many actions this is the preferred way to handle events. The StreamDeckPlugin creates a new instance of your action when willAppear is called and releases it when willDisappear is called.
The Environment
In order to pass variables between instances you can use @Environment property wrapper. Firstly you need to declare your EnvironmentKey:
struct PluginCount: EnvironmentKey {
static let defaultValue: Int = 0
Then when you need to access that value in an action you decorate the variable:
class IncrementAction: Action {
@Environment(PluginCount.self) var count: Int
Sending Events
In addition to receiving events from the application your plugin can send events. Most of the commands require a context object to specify the instance on the Stream Deck.
Exporting Your Plugin
Your plugin executable ships with an automatic way to generate the plugin’s manifest.json file in a type-safe manor. Each Action also has its own manifest properties as well.
class CounterPlugin: PluginDelegate {
// MARK: Manifest
static var name: String = "Counter"
static var description: String = "Count things. On your Stream Deck!"
static var category: String? = "Counting Actions"
static var categoryIcon: String? = nil
static var author: String = "Emory Dunn"
static var icon: String = "counter"
static var url: URL? = nil
static var version: String = "0.2"
static var os: [PluginOS] = [.mac(minimumVersion: "10.15")]
static var applicationsToMonitor: ApplicationsToMonitor? = nil
static var software: PluginSoftware = .minimumVersion("4.1")
static var sdkVersion: Int = 2
static var codePath: String = CounterPlugin.executableName
static var codePathMac: String? = nil
static var codePathWin: String? = nil
static var actions: [Action.Type] = [
class IncrementAction: Action {
static var name: String = "Increment"
static var uuid: String = "counter.increment"
static var icon: String = "Icons/plus"
static var states: [PluginActionState] = []
static var propertyInspectorPath: String?
static var supportedInMultiActions: Bool?
static var tooltip: String?
static var visibleInActionsList: Bool?
Using the export command you can generate the manifest file and copy the actual executable to the Plugins directory:
A library for creating Stream Deck plugins in Swift.
Your plugin should conform to
, which handles event routing to you actions and lets you interact with the Stream Deck application.By using the
attribute your plugin will be automatically initialized.Responding to Events
When the plugin receives a message from the application the event is parsed and routed. Events are first sent to the relevant
and then to thePluginDelegate
. Global events, likeapplicationDidLaunch
, are sent only to the delegate.With Methods
When events are received by your plugin they are parsed and the corresponding method is called. See the Events Received page for more details. Each event has a default implementation that does nothing, so your plugin only needs to include any events you care about.
Each method is called with the top-level properties along with an event specific payload. For instance, to the
event provides a payload that includes the actions settings, coordinates, etc.With Actions
A more powerful way to respond to events is with
. By creating an object that conforms toAction
you can move the logic out of the plugin. For a plugin with many actions this is the preferred way to handle events. TheStreamDeckPlugin
creates a new instance of your action whenwillAppear
is called and releases it whenwillDisappear
is called.The Environment
In order to pass variables between instances you can use
property wrapper. Firstly you need to declare yourEnvironmentKey
:Then when you need to access that value in an action you decorate the variable:
Sending Events
In addition to receiving events from the application your plugin can send events. Most of the commands require a context object to specify the instance on the Stream Deck.
Exporting Your Plugin
Your plugin executable ships with an automatic way to generate the plugin’s
file in a type-safe manor. EachAction
also has its own manifest properties as well.Using the
command you can generate the manifest file and copy the actual executable to the Plugins directory:You can also specify the output directory, manifest name, executable name, or preview the manifest. Check
export -h
for all of the options.Adding
as a DependencyTo use the
library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in yourPackage.swift
file:Finally, include
as a dependency for your executable target: