Swift Package for using StoreKit 2 with delegates and notifications instead of async/await.
Apple’s new StoreKit 2 SDK greatly simplifies the programming model for In-App Purchases compared to the original StoreKit, but it requires that you adopt Swift Concurrency and use async
/ await
to call its APIs.
Many Swift apps have years of tested, mature code that uses more traditional asynchronous paradigms, such as delegate protocols and Notification Center observers.
Even though async
/ await
is awesome, it can be hard to introduce a new paradigm into your code and get it to play nicely with what you’ve already got.
The 📦 StoreKit 2 Wrapper package takes care of calling StoreKit 2’s async
APIs for you, then informs you of the result using a delegate or notifications.
Add the 📦 StoreKit 2 Wrapper package as a Package Dependency in your Xcode project settings.
Add the 🏛️ StoreKit2-Wrapper library under Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content in your Xcode target’s General settings.
Then import StoreKit2Wrapper
in your Swift source files, wherever you need to interact with In-App Purchases.
The package has two classes: Store
and StoreManager
The Store
class wraps the StoreKit 2 API directly.
Code that uses Store
needs to provide an array of product identifiers and an implementation of StoreDelegate
Product Identifiers
Your host code must provide a catalog of known product identifiers. This is an array of Strings, just as if you were using StoreKit 2 directly.
At runtime, the final set of products made available for purchase is the intersection of this array and the list of active products on App Store Connect. See Product.products(for:)
for details.
Callback Model
defines a delegate protocol, StoreDelegate
, whose methods are:
func storeDidUpdatePurchasedProducts(_: Store)
func storeDidReportPurchaseFailure(_: Store, productID: String, error: Error)
func storeDidReportPurchasePending(_: Store, productID: String)
calls these methods whenever a StoreKit await
call returns.
As with all delegate-based callback models, there must be a single object that receives the delegate calls. You can either provide that receiver object yourself, or you can use the StoreManager
class, which hosts Store
with its own delegate implementation.
Purchased products
Your implementation of storeDidUpdatePurchasedProducts()
should read one of the following properties to get the updated list of products that the user has purchased:
— provides more detailed information about the purchased products, but may or may not work if the device is offline.
— works offline using StoreKit’s cached list of identifiers, so your users have access to their purchased products in Airplane Mode.
The StoreManager
class places another layer of abstraction between your code and the underlying IAP store.
Code that uses StoreManager
needs to provide an enum
of product identifiers and needs to observe Notification Center notifications.
Product Identifiers
Instead of raw strings, StoreManager
uses an enum that you provide to hold the catalog of known product identifiers.
This allows for better compile-time checking and for the use of switch
enum MyAppProduct: String, CaseIterable {
case foo = "MyApp.Foo"
case bar = "MyApp.Bar"
typealias MyAppStoreManager = StoreManager<MyAppProduct>
let storeManager = MyAppStoreManager()
Remember that the underlying StoreKit code is asynchronous. It has to connect to the App Store and download the list of products and transactions before it can be considered fully initialized.
exposes a property, openForBusiness
, that indicates whether initialization has completed.
Do not try to make any purchases or query any product’s purchase status until openForBusiness
becomes true
. Otherwise, StoreKit won’t have the information needed to complete the request. Debug builds assert this requirement.
This property is not observable using KVO or Combine. Instead, wait for the first broadcast of StoreManager.updatedPurchasesNotification
, which indicates that the store is open for business.
The shelvesStocked
property indicates whether the Store has any products available. This may be false
if the device is offline or if your App Store Connect account has no In-App Purchase products defined.
Use this property as a hint for hiding your shopping cart icon or other store UI if there isn’t anything for the user to purchase.
Note: even if shelvesStocked
is false, the user may have purchased products in the past. You should still check whether purchaseStatus(for:)
returns .hasPurchased
when deciding whether to unlock the relevant functionality at runtime.
The canMakePurchases
property indicates whether the user is restricted from making purchases on the App Store. This may be the result of parental controls or a managed-device policy. See the StoreKit documentation for more information.
Callback Model
broadcasts any changes to In-App Purchases using Notification Center. The notification names are:
Any part of your app that needs to know about IAP updates can add an observer. For example, a class that unlocks new features when the user completes a purchase might have code like this:
init() {
iapObserver = storeManager.observeChanges() { [weak self] notification in
guard let self = self else { return }
deinit {
if let iapObserver = iapObserver {
storeManager.stopObservingChanges(observer: iapObserver)
func handleIAPChangeNotification(_ notification: Notification) {
switch {
case storeManager.updatedPurchasesNotification:
case storeManager.purchaseFailedNotification:
case storeManager.purchasePendingNotification:
private var iapObserver: NSObjectProtocol? = nil
This code was developed to support non-consumable In-App Purchases.
It may or may not work with other product types, and has not been tested in those use cases.
If changes are required to support other types of IAPs, please submit a pull request.
StoreKit 2:
Swift Concurrency and async
/ await
Swift Package for using StoreKit 2 with delegates and notifications instead of async/await.
Apple’s new StoreKit 2 SDK greatly simplifies the programming model for In-App Purchases compared to the original StoreKit, but it requires that you adopt Swift Concurrency and use
to call its APIs.Many Swift apps have years of tested, mature code that uses more traditional asynchronous paradigms, such as delegate protocols and Notification Center observers.
Even though
is awesome, it can be hard to introduce a new paradigm into your code and get it to play nicely with what you’ve already got.The 📦 StoreKit 2 Wrapper package takes care of calling StoreKit 2’s
APIs for you, then informs you of the result using a delegate or notifications.Usage
Add the 📦 StoreKit 2 Wrapper package as a Package Dependency in your Xcode project settings.
Add the 🏛️ StoreKit2-Wrapper library under Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content in your Xcode target’s General settings.
import StoreKit2Wrapper
in your Swift source files, wherever you need to interact with In-App Purchases.The package has two classes:
class wraps the StoreKit 2 API directly.Code that uses
needs to provide an array of product identifiers and an implementation ofStoreDelegate
.Product Identifiers
Your host code must provide a catalog of known product identifiers. This is an array of Strings, just as if you were using StoreKit 2 directly.
At runtime, the final set of products made available for purchase is the intersection of this array and the list of active products on App Store Connect. See
for details.Callback Model
defines a delegate protocol,StoreDelegate
, whose methods are:Store
calls these methods whenever a StoreKitawait
call returns.As with all delegate-based callback models, there must be a single object that receives the delegate calls. You can either provide that receiver object yourself, or you can use the
class, which hostsStore
with its own delegate implementation.Purchased products
Your implementation of
should read one of the following properties to get the updated list of products that the user has purchased:store.purchasedProducts
— provides more detailed information about the purchased products, but may or may not work if the device is
— works offline using StoreKit’s cached list of identifiers, so your users have access to their purchased products in Airplane Mode.StoreManager
class places another layer of abstraction between your code and the underlying IAP store.Code that uses
needs to provide anenum
of product identifiers and needs to observe Notification Center notifications.Product Identifiers
Instead of raw strings,
uses an enum that you provide to hold the catalog of known product identifiers.This allows for better compile-time checking and for the use of
Remember that the underlying StoreKit code is asynchronous. It has to connect to the App Store and download the list of products and transactions before it can be considered fully initialized.
exposes a property,openForBusiness
, that indicates whether initialization has completed.Do not try to make any purchases or query any product’s purchase status until
. Otherwise, StoreKit won’t have the information needed to complete the request. Debug builds assert this requirement.This property is not observable using KVO or Combine. Instead, wait for the first broadcast of
, which indicates that the store is open for business.shelvesStocked
property indicates whether the Store has any products available. This may befalse
if the device is offline or if your App Store Connect account has no In-App Purchase products defined.Use this property as a hint for hiding your shopping cart icon or other store UI if there isn’t anything for the user to purchase.
Note: even if
is false, the user may have purchased products in the past. You should still check whetherpurchaseStatus(for:)
when deciding whether to unlock the relevant functionality at runtime.canMakePurchases
property indicates whether the user is restricted from making purchases on the App Store. This may be the result of parental controls or a managed-device policy. See the StoreKit documentation for more information.Callback Model
broadcasts any changes to In-App Purchases using Notification Center. The notification names are:Any part of your app that needs to know about IAP updates can add an observer. For example, a class that unlocks new features when the user completes a purchase might have code like this:
This code was developed to support non-consumable In-App Purchases.
It may or may not work with other product types, and has not been tested in those use cases.
If changes are required to support other types of IAPs, please submit a pull request.
StoreKit 2:
Swift Concurrency and