[fix] Fix Error “ Value of type ‘Quote’ has no member ‘regularMarketPreviousClose’ “
This is a library that leverages Yahoo Finance REST API and provides very simple and Swiftly way to interact with it.
First of all, you need to import and initalize the StocksAPI.
import StocksAPI let api = StocksAPI()
let tesla1wkChart = try await api.fetchChartData(tickerSymbol: "TSLA", range: .oneWeek)
let tickers = try await api.searchTickers(query: "TESLA")
let quotes = try await api.fetchQuotes(symbols: "TSLA,GOOG,AAPL,MSFT")
Here is how you proceed to add it to your project:
This is entirely Powered by Yahoo Finance API https://www.yahoo.com/?ilc=401
Yahoo Finance REST API Postman Collection Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GzLBLGSE4nRjjj-bI0nSV0Un5VGiKO5j/view
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This is a library that leverages Yahoo Finance REST API and provides very simple and Swiftly way to interact with it.
Initialize repository
First of all, you need to import and initalize the
.Fetch TSLA stocks last 1 week
Search Tickers using “TESLA” as Query
Fetch Quote Detail for multiple symbols TSLA, GOOG, AAPL, MSFT
Installation Guide
Swift Package Manager
Here is how you proceed to add it to your project:
This is entirely Powered by Yahoo Finance API https://www.yahoo.com/?ilc=401
Yahoo Finance REST API Postman Collection Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GzLBLGSE4nRjjj-bI0nSV0Un5VGiKO5j/view