SmoothGradient helps you generate beautiful and buttery-smooth gradients. It helps you avoid gray dead zones in the middle of your gradients by interpolating colors in color spaces other than RGB.
This is a package strongly inspired by this gradient generator. You can click into the link to learn how this works.
let colors: [UIColor] = SmoothGradientGenerator()
from: fromColor,
to: toColor,
interpolation: .hcl, // choose from hcl, hsl, hsb
precision: .high
Please check example playgrounds for more detail.
Swift Package Manager
Simply add as a dependency in either Xcode or Package.swift.
SmoothGradient helps you generate beautiful and buttery-smooth gradients. It helps you avoid gray dead zones in the middle of your gradients by interpolating colors in color spaces other than RGB.
This is a package strongly inspired by this gradient generator. You can click into the link to learn how this works.
Please check example playgrounds for more detail.
Swift Package Manager
Simply add
as a dependency in either Xcode or Package.swift.License